Download Files: Health Status
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Name File type File name File size (KB) Date updated (dd-mm-yyyy)
Health Status XML Mappings Health Status XML Mappings.xml 413 12/03/2024
A_Health Status_Mortality HEALTH_STAT_A_Health Status_Mortality.pdf 16 30/06/2023
1_Life expectancy HEALTH_STAT_1_Life expectancy.pdf 173 10/11/2023
2_Causes of mortality HEALTH_STAT_2_Causes of mortality.pdf 151 16/01/2024
3_Maternal and infant mortality HEALTH_STAT_3_Maternal and infant mortality.pdf 15 30/06/2023
3_1_Infant mortality HEALTH_STAT_3_1_Infant mortality.pdf 235 30/06/2023
3_2_Neonatal mortality HEALTH_STAT_3_2_Neonatal mortality.pdf 226 30/06/2023
3_3_Perinatal mortality HEALTH_STAT_3_3_Perinatal mortality.pdf 266 30/06/2023
3_4_Maternal mortality HEALTH_STAT_3_4_Maternal mortality.pdf 202 23/08/2023
4_Potential years of life lost HEALTH_STAT_4_Potential years of life lost.pdf 72 30/06/2023
5_Avoidable mortality HEALTH_STAT_5_Avoidable mortality.pdf 31 23/08/2023
CorrespondenceTable_Mortality_PYLL_ICDCodes_OECDHealthStatistics2023 MS Excel CorrespondenceTable_Mortality_PYLL_ICDCodes_OECDHealthStatistics2023.xls 40 30/06/2023
B_Health Status_Morbidity HEALTH_STAT_B_Health Status_Morbidity.pdf 18 30/06/2023
6_Perceived health status HEALTH_STAT_6_Perceived health status.pdf 235 30/06/2023
7_Perceived health status by age and gender HEALTH_STAT_7_Perceived health status by age and gender.pdf 273 30/06/2023
8_Perceived health status by socio-economic status HEALTH_STAT_8_Perceived health status by socio-economic status.pdf 347 30/06/2023
9_Low birthweight HEALTH_STAT_9_Low birthweight.pdf 203 23/08/2023
10_Communicable diseases HEALTH_STAT_10_Communicable diseases.pdf 14 30/06/2023
10_1_AIDS HEALTH_STAT_10_1_AIDS.pdf 189 27/09/2023
10_2_Incidence of pertussis, measles and hepatitis B HEALTH_STAT_10_2_Incidence of pertussis, measles and hepatitis B.pdf 127 27/09/2023
11_Cancer HEALTH_STAT_11_Cancer.pdf 77 30/06/2023
12_Injuries in road traffic accidents HEALTH_STAT_12_Injuries in road traffic accidents.pdf 188 30/06/2023
13_Absence from work due to illness_Self-reported and Compensated HEALTH_STAT_13_Absence from work due to illness_Self-reported and Compensated.pdf 15 29/02/2024
13_1_Self-reported absence from work due to illness HEALTH_STAT_13_1_Self-reported absence from work due to illness.pdf 204 29/02/2024
13_2_Compensated absence from work due to illness HEALTH_STAT_13_2_Compensated absence from work due to illness.pdf 182 29/02/2024