Air Emissions Account
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Data for European Countries come from Eurostat:
Metadata available at:

For Australia come from the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(Table 30 DIRECT GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS, SEEA basis-2007-08 to 2012-13). Please Note: data for Australia includes Land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) in relevant categories. Series refers to Australian Fiscal calendar. 

Data for Canada come from Statistics Canada, Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division. Table: 38-10-0097-01 (formerly CANSIM 153-0114),

Data for Colombia come from DANE (National Administrative Department of Statistics), Cuenta ambiental y económica de flujos de materiales - Cuenta de emisiones al aire, en unidades físicas,

Data for Indonesia come from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) - Statistics Indonesia,

Data for Korea come from STATISTICS KOREA, Accounting for air emissions ( and

Data for New Zealand come from Statistics New Zealand, environmental-economic accounts 2018 ( The methodology is available at

Data for Ukraine comes from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (SSSU), Air Emission Accounts,

Data for United Kingdom from Office of National Statistics, Atmospheric emissions: greenhouse gases by industry and gas; Release Date: 21 September 2021 Link

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The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) Central Framework is an accounting system developed around two objectives: "understanding the interactions between the economy and the environment" and describing "stocks and changes in stocks of environmental assets". The SEEA combines national accounts and environmental statistics in a statistical framework with consistent definitions, classifications and concepts allowing policy makers to evaluate environmental pressures from economic activities at macro- and meso-levels.

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The air pollutants expressed in equivalents of other air pollutants allow for computation of the following environmental pressures:


Environmental pressures



Global warming potential
Applied factors: N2O: 298 ; CH4: 25


CO2 + N2O in COeq.+ CH4 in CO2 eq

Acidifying gases
Applied factors: NH3: 1.9 ; NOx: 0.7


SOx in SO2 eq. + NOx in SO2 eq. + NH3 in SO2 eq.

Tropospheric ozone precursors
Applied factors: NOx: 1.22 ; CO: 0.11 ; CH4: 0.014


NMVOC + NOx in NMVOC eq. + CO in NMVOC eq. + CH4 in NMVOC eq

Due to data availability fluorinated gases are currently excluded from the global warming potential aggregate.

Air Emissions AccountData source(s) used

Data for European Countries come from Eurostat:
Metadata available at:

For Australia come from the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
(Table 30 DIRECT GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS, SEEA basis-2007-08 to 2012-13). Please Note: data for Australia includes Land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) in relevant categories. Series refers to Australian Fiscal calendar. 

Data for Canada come from Statistics Canada, Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division. Table: 38-10-0097-01 (formerly CANSIM 153-0114),

Data for Colombia come from DANE (National Administrative Department of Statistics), Cuenta ambiental y económica de flujos de materiales - Cuenta de emisiones al aire, en unidades físicas,

Data for Indonesia come from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) - Statistics Indonesia,

Data for Korea come from STATISTICS KOREA, Accounting for air emissions ( and

Data for New Zealand come from Statistics New Zealand, environmental-economic accounts 2018 ( The methodology is available at

Data for Ukraine comes from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (SSSU), Air Emission Accounts,

Data for United Kingdom from Office of National Statistics, Atmospheric emissions: greenhouse gases by industry and gas; Release Date: 21 September 2021 Link

Unit of measure usedTonnesDate last updated
11 May 2023
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Geographic coverage
Air Emission Accounts are available for European countries and a few non-European countries.
Other coverage

Data refer to total emissions of CO2 (CO2 emissions from energy use and industrial processes, e.g. cement production), CH4 (methane emissions from solid waste, livestock, mining of hard coal and lignite, rice paddies, agriculture and leaks from natural gas pipelines),&nbsp;N2O (nitrous oxide), HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons),&nbsp;PFCs&nbsp;(perfluorocarbons),&nbsp;(SF6 +NF3) (sulphur hexafluoride&nbsp;and nitrogen trifluoride), SOx&nbsp;(sulphur oxides, NOx (nitrogen oxides),&nbsp;CO (carbon monoxide), NMVOC (non-methane volatile organic compounds),&nbsp;PM2.5 (particulates less that 2.5 &micro;m), PM10 (particulates less that&nbsp;10 &micro;m) and NH3 (ammonia).

Table in the following link shows the coverage of gases and measures:

Key statistical concept

The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) Central Framework is an accounting system developed around two objectives: "understanding the interactions between the economy and the environment" and describing "stocks and changes in stocks of environmental assets". The SEEA combines national accounts and environmental statistics in a statistical framework with consistent definitions, classifications and concepts allowing policy makers to evaluate environmental pressures from economic activities at macro- and meso-levels.

Classification(s) used
The OECD Air Emission Accounts present data&nbsp;based on&nbsp;ISIC rev. 4.
ISIC rev. 4
Aggregation and consolidation
The air pollutants expressed in equivalents of other air pollutants allow for computation of the following environmental pressures:


Environmental pressures



Global warming potential
Applied factors: N2O: 298 ; CH4: 25


CO2 + N2O in COeq.+ CH4 in CO2 eq

Acidifying gases
Applied factors: NH3: 1.9 ; NOx: 0.7


SOx in SO2 eq. + NOx in SO2 eq. + NH3 in SO2 eq.

Tropospheric ozone precursors
Applied factors: NOx: 1.22 ; CO: 0.11 ; CH4: 0.014


NMVOC + NOx in NMVOC eq. + CO in NMVOC eq. + CH4 in NMVOC eq

Due to data availability fluorinated gases are currently excluded from the global warming potential aggregate.