Dataset: LFS - Decile ratios of gross earnings
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This dataset contains three earnings-dispersion measures - ratio of 9th-to-1st, 9th-to-5th and 5th-to-1st - where ninth, fifth (or  median) and first deciles are upper-earnings decile limits, unless otherwise indicated, of gross earnings of full-time dependent employees. The dataset also includes series on:

  • the incidence of low-paid workers defined as the share of full-time workers earning less than two-thirds of gross median earnings of all full-time workers;
  • the incidence of high-paid workers defined as the share of full-time workers earning more than one-and-half time gross median earnings of all full-time workers;
  • gender wage gap unadjusted and defined as the difference between median wages of men and women relative to the median wages of men.

The indicators of:

  • Decile ratios of gross earnings
  • Gender wage gap (unadjusted)
  • Age wage gaps
  • Incidence of low- and high-pay

are based on gross earnings of full-time employees by earnings deciles (upper limits) reported in the OECD Distribution of earnings database. The most common earnings pay reporting periods are weekly and monthly earnings of full-time employees for 30 out of 37 countries. It refers to hourly earnings for five other countries and annual earnings for the remaining two countries. The distinction between full-time and part-time is according to national definitions as reported in the data sources are documented in the metadata appearing next to each country.

Dataset: LFS - Decile ratios of gross earningsContact person/organisation
Key statistical concept

This dataset contains three earnings-dispersion measures - ratio of 9th-to-1st, 9th-to-5th and 5th-to-1st - where ninth, fifth (or  median) and first deciles are upper-earnings decile limits, unless otherwise indicated, of gross earnings of full-time dependent employees. The dataset also includes series on:

  • the incidence of low-paid workers defined as the share of full-time workers earning less than two-thirds of gross median earnings of all full-time workers;
  • the incidence of high-paid workers defined as the share of full-time workers earning more than one-and-half time gross median earnings of all full-time workers;
  • gender wage gap unadjusted and defined as the difference between median wages of men and women relative to the median wages of men.

The indicators of:

  • Decile ratios of gross earnings
  • Gender wage gap (unadjusted)
  • Age wage gaps
  • Incidence of low- and high-pay

are based on gross earnings of full-time employees by earnings deciles (upper limits) reported in the OECD Distribution of earnings database. The most common earnings pay reporting periods are weekly and monthly earnings of full-time employees for 30 out of 37 countries. It refers to hourly earnings for five other countries and annual earnings for the remaining two countries. The distinction between full-time and part-time is according to national definitions as reported in the data sources are documented in the metadata appearing next to each country.