TEC I - by Size classes
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The Trade by Enterprise Characteristics (TEC) database contains international annual trade data broken down in different categories of enterprises. Its aim is to provide a solid basis for analysts who explore, in the context of globalisation, the characteristics of trade actors.

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The TEC data are collected in co-operation with Eurostat, directly from the NSOs, through a linkage exercise of trade and business registers made. Data in export/import values and in number of exporting/importing enterprises are available for 19 EU member states (Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, France, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland and Sweden), plus Canada, Norway, Israel and the Unites States.
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EU countries report trade data against Intra- and extra- EU, whereas non EU countries report their Total trade.


Data availability

  • Germany: no data for extra-EU trade.
  • Romania: no breakdown into intra- and extra-EU trade before 2007 because data refers to periods before Romania's accession to the European Union.
  • Norway: all data refer to extra-EU trade.
  • United States: data for exports only.


The tables have been subject to confidentialisation procedures. any figures had to be suppressed due to confidentialisation issues, especially on 2-digit-levels, for countries with few traders firms.

TEC I - by Size classesContact person/organisation

For further information, please write to: Stat.contact@oecd.org

Name of collection/source

The Trade by Enterprise Characteristics (TEC) database contains international annual trade data broken down in different categories of enterprises. Its aim is to provide a solid basis for analysts who explore, in the context of globalisation, the characteristics of trade actors.

Direct source
The TEC data are collected in co-operation with Eurostat, directly from the NSOs, through a linkage exercise of trade and business registers made. Data in export/import values and in number of exporting/importing enterprises are available for 19 EU member states (Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, France, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland and Sweden), plus Canada, Norway, Israel and the Unites States.
Key statistical concept
The central issue of trade by enterprise characteristics is to try to classify trade operators according to enterprise characteristics and the feasibility of doing so largely depends on the possibility of using or developing common identifiers between the trade register and the business register. Countries are different in their ability to perform such a linking, and matching ratios (between business and trade registers) vary between countries, thus the degree of representativeness of the results varies between countries.
Matching rateshttp://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/59/27/46212699.xls
Recommended uses and limitations


EU countries report trade data against Intra- and extra- EU, whereas non EU countries report their Total trade.


Data availability

  • Germany: no data for extra-EU trade.
  • Romania: no breakdown into intra- and extra-EU trade before 2007 because data refers to periods before Romania's accession to the European Union.
  • Norway: all data refer to extra-EU trade.
  • United States: data for exports only.


The tables have been subject to confidentialisation procedures. any figures had to be suppressed due to confidentialisation issues, especially on 2-digit-levels, for countries with few traders firms.