Country: Slovak Republic
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The break in series in 2006 is due to the inclusion of voluntary pension plans, not included in previous years. Both the 2nd pillar (conservative, balanced and growth pension funds) and the 3rd pillar (contributory and pay-out pension funds) are described as privately managed pension plans, do not have to be linked to an employment relationship (although it is preferable) and pension funds themselves are both administered by well-known financial institution as pension provider, without any interference of an employer. In the 2nd pillar however the employer or state or Social Insurance Agency or the saver himself (according to the social status) pays the contributions. In the 3rd pillar employer has the right to decide whether to contribute or not. Membership is not restricted.
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Country: Slovak RepublicOther data characteristics
The break in series in 2006 is due to the inclusion of voluntary pension plans, not included in previous years. Both the 2nd pillar (conservative, balanced and growth pension funds) and the 3rd pillar (contributory and pay-out pension funds) are described as privately managed pension plans, do not have to be linked to an employment relationship (although it is preferable) and pension funds themselves are both administered by well-known financial institution as pension provider, without any interference of an employer. In the 2nd pillar however the employer or state or Social Insurance Agency or the saver himself (according to the social status) pays the contributions. In the 3rd pillar employer has the right to decide whether to contribute or not. Membership is not restricted.
Sector coverage
Overview of private pension system by type of financing vehicle and type of plan in the Slovak Republic, and Coverage of the OECD Global Pension Statistics data