Country: Italy Variable: Other investments
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"Other investments" refer chiefly to investments in affiliated companies (generally with a 100% holding) that hold land and buildings.
Country: Italy Variable: Other investmentsOther data characteristics
"Other investments" refer chiefly to investments in affiliated companies (generally with a 100% holding) that hold land and buildings.
Other investments
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Financial assets not included in the above categories e.g. derivatives, commodities, trade credits and advances and other accounts receivables and payables.
Other investmentsKey statistical concept
Financial assets not included in the above categories e.g. derivatives, commodities, trade credits and advances and other accounts receivables and payables.
Pension funds (autonomous)
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The pool of assets forming an independent legal entity that are bought with the contributions to a pension plan for the exclusive purpose of financing pension plan benefits. The plan/fund members have a legal or beneficial right or some other contractual claim against the assets of the pension fund. Pension funds take the form of either a special purpose entity with legal personality (such as a trust, foundation, or corporate entity) or a legally separated fund without legal personality managed by a dedicated provider (pension fund management company) or other financial institution on behalf of the plan/fund members.
Pension funds (autonomous)Key statistical concept
The pool of assets forming an independent legal entity that are bought with the contributions to a pension plan for the exclusive purpose of financing pension plan benefits. The plan/fund members have a legal or beneficial right or some other contractual claim against the assets of the pension fund. Pension funds take the form of either a special purpose entity with legal personality (such as a trust, foundation, or corporate entity) or a legally separated fund without legal personality managed by a dedicated provider (pension fund management company) or other financial institution on behalf of the plan/fund members.
Structure of assets
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This is the indicator for asset allocation and is expressed as a percentage of total assets. Asset allocation data can be used to assess the extent of diversification of investments.
Structure of assetsUnit of measure usedPercentagePower codeUnitsKey statistical concept
This is the indicator for asset allocation and is expressed as a percentage of total assets. Asset allocation data can be used to assess the extent of diversification of investments.
Country: Italy
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Pre-existing autonomous pension funds generally apply market value accounting; in some cases they can apply also historical cost accounting, in particular for land and buildings. For new autonomous pension funds only market value accounting applies (direct real estate investments are not allowed).
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Country: ItalyOther data characteristics
Pre-existing autonomous pension funds generally apply market value accounting; in some cases they can apply also historical cost accounting, in particular for land and buildings. For new autonomous pension funds only market value accounting applies (direct real estate investments are not allowed).
Sector coverage
Overview of private pension system by type of financing vehicle and type of plan in Italy, and Coverage of the OECD Global Pension Statistics data