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Place of birth
Country of residenceOCDE - Total
Country of birthInformation concernant l'élément
Labour force statusInformation concernant l'élémentEmployedUnemployedInactiveUnknown labour force statusAll labour force status
Education levelInformation concernant l'élémentField of studyInformation concernant l'élément
Cacher sous-arbre ISCED 5/6General Programme1 096 10422 902901 3032 7552 023 064
Education3 115 034102 7091 152 2161 5144 371 473
Art And Humanities1 919 859137 610736 4181 2212 795 108
Social Sciences, Business And Law6 984 726367 7042 260 7323 1959 616 357
Science1 713 11889 537422 7546412 226 050
Engineering, Manufacturing And Construction4 569 505240 1581 410 9661 8446 222 473
Agriculture808 21827 441188 2773501 024 286
Health And Welfare3 134 493113 6281 060 3781 5704 310 069
Services902 84762 709294 1523481 260 056
Unknown660 64329 895322 1182 3931 015 049
All fields of study24 904 5471 194 2938 749 31415 83134 863 985
 ISCED 5General Programme1 093 54522 803899 9512 7552 019 054
Education2 766 11996 7301 055 1501 5043 919 503
Art And Humanities1 773 540132 184685 7401 1792 592 643
Social Sciences, Business And Law6 610 280356 7012 155 5863 1629 125 729
Science1 537 54684 853385 8055882 008 792
Engineering, Manufacturing And Construction4 178 462228 8941 288 9611 7995 698 116
Agriculture730 58625 008162 959340918 893
Health And Welfare2 852 105109 811999 2051 4643 962 585
Services836 43660 690267 3113391 164 776
Unknown612 72128 589305 8312 296949 437
All fields of study22 991 3401 146 2638 206 49915 42632 359 528
 ISCED 6General Programme34624174..544
Education38 6045668 3871047 567
Art And Humanities77 2782 65222 65142102 623
Social Sciences, Business And Law127 4563 56027 57733158 626
Science113 5082 96522 93053139 456
Engineering, Manufacturing And Construction102 8873 37023 54345129 845
Agriculture17 6465374 0391022 232
Health And Welfare158 3172 07231 750106192 245
Services5 0811321 95297 174
Unknown30 3635827 6539738 695
All fields of study671 48616 460150 656405839 007
 ISCED 5/6 - UnallocatedGeneral Programme2 213751 178..3 466
Education310 3115 41388 679..404 403
Art And Humanities69 0412 77428 027..99 842
Social Sciences, Business And Law246 9907 44377 569..332 002
Science62 0641 71914 019..77 802
Engineering, Manufacturing And Construction288 1567 89498 462..394 512
Agriculture59 9861 89621 279..83 161
Health And Welfare124 0711 74529 423..155 239
Services61 3301 88724 889..88 106
Unknown17 5597248 634..26 917
All fields of study1 241 72131 570392 159..1 665 450
Données extraites le 29 Apr 2024, 21h57 UTC (GMT), de OECD.Stat