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The OECD database of Agri-environmental Indicators provides the latest and most comprehensive set of agri-environmental indicators (AEIs) across 35 OECD countries and UE countries (plus Norway and Switzerland) from 1990 to 2019. This database builds from OECD questionnaire and the close collaboration with Eurostat. Eurostat is in charge of the data collection statistics for EU countries plus Norway and Switzerland. The OECD Secretariat collects data for non-EU OECD countries on the basis of the OECD Agri-environmental Indicators questionnaire.

The Agri-environmental Indicators (AEIs) database can be used as a tool to assist policy makers by: describing the current state and trends of environmental conditions in agriculture that may require policy responses; highlighting where “hot spots” or new challenges are emerging; comparing trends in performance across time and between countries, especially to assist policy makers in meeting environmental targets, threshold levels and standards where these have been established by governments or international agreements; developing indicators and a primary dataset that can be drawn upon for related activities, for example, the development of green growth indicators; providing a set of indicators and database which can be drawn on for policy monitoring, evaluation and in projecting future trends.
..Contact person/organisation
Contact AEI Team
TAD.Aeiweb@oecd.orgmailto:TAD.Aeiweb@oecd.orgVariables collected
The OECD database of Agri-environmental Indicators provides the latest and most comprehensive set of agri-environmental indicators (AEIs) across 35 OECD countries and UE countries (plus Norway and Switzerland) from 1990 to 2019. This database builds from OECD questionnaire and the close collaboration with Eurostat. Eurostat is in charge of the data collection statistics for EU countries plus Norway and Switzerland. The OECD Secretariat collects data for non-EU OECD countries on the basis of the OECD Agri-environmental Indicators questionnaire.

The Agri-environmental Indicators (AEIs) database can be used as a tool to assist policy makers by: describing the current state and trends of environmental conditions in agriculture that may require policy responses; highlighting where “hot spots” or new challenges are emerging; comparing trends in performance across time and between countries, especially to assist policy makers in meeting environmental targets, threshold levels and standards where these have been established by governments or international agreements; developing indicators and a primary dataset that can be drawn upon for related activities, for example, the development of green growth indicators; providing a set of indicators and database which can be drawn on for policy monitoring, evaluation and in projecting future trends.