Earmarked Intergovernmental Grants by Function
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Contact: Earmarked Intergovernmental Grants by Function Enquiry

If the link above does not work please send your enquiry into OECD.RevenueStatistics@oecd.org including a subject line 'Earmarked Intergovernmental Grants by Function Enquiry'.

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Data are based on a questionnaire from January 2012.
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Data on grants by function is not available for all OECD countries. A partial dataset is available for one or more years in the following countries: Australia, Belgium, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States.

No data on grants by function is available for Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Israel, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Turkey.

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Tables show earmarked grants classified into the 10 functions (or policy areas) for which they are disbursed.

Functions are the same as used in the Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG) by the System of National Accounts.

A 'miscellaneous' category has been added to these 10 functions to allow for situations where a precise breakdown by function is not available.

Earmarked Intergovernmental Grants by FunctionContact person/organisation
Contact: Earmarked Intergovernmental Grants by Function Enquiry

If the link above does not work please send your enquiry into OECD.RevenueStatistics@oecd.org including a subject line 'Earmarked Intergovernmental Grants by Function Enquiry'.

Direct source
Data are based on a questionnaire from January 2012.
Population coverage
Data on grants by function is not available for all OECD countries. A partial dataset is available for one or more years in the following countries: Australia, Belgium, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States.

No data on grants by function is available for Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Israel, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Turkey.

Key statistical concept

Tables show earmarked grants classified into the 10 functions (or policy areas) for which they are disbursed.

Functions are the same as used in the Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG) by the System of National Accounts.

A 'miscellaneous' category has been added to these 10 functions to allow for situations where a precise breakdown by function is not available.