OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2009-2018
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published June 2009

This tool provides an access to a limited version of the database presented in the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2008-2018.
For most of the commodity markets analysed in the Outlook, detailed supply and use balances are available, as well as domestic and international commodity prices.
For OECD countries, the data is accompanied by detailed meta-data. In most cases the data is going back to 1970 and extended to the latest year in the projections (currently 2018).

published June 2009


Acronyms and abbreviations

ACP African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
AMAD Agricultural Market Access Database
AUSFTA Australia and United States Free Trade Agreement
AI Avian Influenza
BNGY Billion gallons per year
BNLY Billion litres per year
BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
Bt Billion tonnes
BTL Biomass to liquid
CAFTA Central American Free Trade Agreement
CAP Common Agricultural Policy (EU)
CCC Commodity Credit Corporation
CET Common External Tariff
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
CPI Consumer Price Index
CRP Conservation Reserve Program of the United States
CMO Common Market Organisation for sugar (EU)
CO2 Carbon dioxide
Cts/lb Cents per pound
Cwe Carcass weight equivalent
DBES Date-based Export Scheme
DDA Doha Development Agenda
DDG Dried Distiller’s Grains
Dw Dressed weight
EBA Everything-But-Arms Initiative (EU)
ECOWAP West Africa Regional Agricultural Policy
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
EISA Act Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (US)
EPAs Economic Partnership Agreements (between EU and ACP countries)
ERS Economic Research Service of the US Department for Agriculture
Est Estimate
E85 Blends of biofuel in transport fuel that represent 85 percent of the fuel volume
EU European Union
EU-15 Fifteen member states of the European Union
EU-10 Ten new member states of the European Union from May 2004
EU-27 Twenty seven member states of the European Union (including Bulgaria and Romania from 2007)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FMD Foot and Mouth Disease
FOB Free on board (export price)
FR Federal Reserve (US central bank)
FSRI ACT Farm Security and Rural Investment Act (US) of 2002
FTA Free Trade Agreement
GDP Gross Domestic Product
G-10 Group of 10 countries (see Glossary)
G-20 Group of 20 developing countries (see Glossary)
GDPD Gross Domestic Product Deflator
GHG Green House Gases
GMO Genetically modified organism
HFCS High Fructose Corn Syrup
HS Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System
IEA International Energy Agency
Kt Thousand tonnes
LAC Latin America and the Caribbean
La Niña Climatic condition associated with temperature of major sea currents
LDC’s Least Developed Countries
LICONSA Leche Industralizada
Lw Live weight
MERCOSUR Common Market of the South
MFN Most Favoured Nation
Mha Million hectares
MPS Market Price Support
Mt Million tonnes
MTBE Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OIE World Organisation for Animal Health
PCE Private Consumption Expenditure
PIK Payment in kind programme (US)
PROCAMPO Mexican Farmers Direct Support Programme
PPP Purchasing Power Parity
PRRS Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome
PSE Producer Support Estimate
Pw Product weight
R &D Research and Development
Rse Raw sugar equivalent
Rtc Ready to cook
RFS Renewable Fuels Standard in the US, which is part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005
Rwt Retail weight
SEAC Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee
SFP Single Farm Payment scheme (EU)
SMP Skim milk powder
SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures
STRV Short Tons Raw Value
T Tonnes
T/ha Tonnes/hectare
TRQ Tariff rate quota
UK United Kingdom
UN The United Nations
URAA Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
US United States of America
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
VAT Value added tax
v-CJD New Creutzfeld-Jakob-Disease
WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary Union
WMP Whole milk powder
WTO World Trade Organisation


AUD Dollars (Australia)
ARS Pesos (Argentina)
Bn Billion
BRL Real (Brazil)
CAD Dollars (Canada)
CNY Yuan (China)
EUR Euro (Europe)
gal Gallons
Ha Hectare
hl Hectolitre
INR Indian rupees
KRW Korean won
lb Pound
Mn Million
MXN Mexican pesos
NZD Dollars (New Zealand)
p.a Per annum
RUR Ruble (Russia)
THB Thai baht
USD Dollars (United States)
ZAR South African rand

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OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2009-2018Abstract

published June 2009

This tool provides an access to a limited version of the database presented in the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2008-2018.
For most of the commodity markets analysed in the Outlook, detailed supply and use balances are available, as well as domestic and international commodity prices.
For OECD countries, the data is accompanied by detailed meta-data. In most cases the data is going back to 1970 and extended to the latest year in the projections (currently 2018).

published June 2009


Acronyms and abbreviations

ACP African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
AMAD Agricultural Market Access Database
AUSFTA Australia and United States Free Trade Agreement
AI Avian Influenza
BNGY Billion gallons per year
BNLY Billion litres per year
BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
Bt Billion tonnes
BTL Biomass to liquid
CAFTA Central American Free Trade Agreement
CAP Common Agricultural Policy (EU)
CCC Commodity Credit Corporation
CET Common External Tariff
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
CPI Consumer Price Index
CRP Conservation Reserve Program of the United States
CMO Common Market Organisation for sugar (EU)
CO2 Carbon dioxide
Cts/lb Cents per pound
Cwe Carcass weight equivalent
DBES Date-based Export Scheme
DDA Doha Development Agenda
DDG Dried Distiller’s Grains
Dw Dressed weight
EBA Everything-But-Arms Initiative (EU)
ECOWAP West Africa Regional Agricultural Policy
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
EISA Act Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (US)
EPAs Economic Partnership Agreements (between EU and ACP countries)
ERS Economic Research Service of the US Department for Agriculture
Est Estimate
E85 Blends of biofuel in transport fuel that represent 85 percent of the fuel volume
EU European Union
EU-15 Fifteen member states of the European Union
EU-10 Ten new member states of the European Union from May 2004
EU-27 Twenty seven member states of the European Union (including Bulgaria and Romania from 2007)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FMD Foot and Mouth Disease
FOB Free on board (export price)
FR Federal Reserve (US central bank)
FSRI ACT Farm Security and Rural Investment Act (US) of 2002
FTA Free Trade Agreement
GDP Gross Domestic Product
G-10 Group of 10 countries (see Glossary)
G-20 Group of 20 developing countries (see Glossary)
GDPD Gross Domestic Product Deflator
GHG Green House Gases
GMO Genetically modified organism
HFCS High Fructose Corn Syrup
HS Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System
IEA International Energy Agency
Kt Thousand tonnes
LAC Latin America and the Caribbean
La Niña Climatic condition associated with temperature of major sea currents
LDC’s Least Developed Countries
LICONSA Leche Industralizada
Lw Live weight
MERCOSUR Common Market of the South
MFN Most Favoured Nation
Mha Million hectares
MPS Market Price Support
Mt Million tonnes
MTBE Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OIE World Organisation for Animal Health
PCE Private Consumption Expenditure
PIK Payment in kind programme (US)
PROCAMPO Mexican Farmers Direct Support Programme
PPP Purchasing Power Parity
PRRS Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome
PSE Producer Support Estimate
Pw Product weight
R &D Research and Development
Rse Raw sugar equivalent
Rtc Ready to cook
RFS Renewable Fuels Standard in the US, which is part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005
Rwt Retail weight
SEAC Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee
SFP Single Farm Payment scheme (EU)
SMP Skim milk powder
SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures
STRV Short Tons Raw Value
T Tonnes
T/ha Tonnes/hectare
TRQ Tariff rate quota
UK United Kingdom
UN The United Nations
URAA Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
US United States of America
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
VAT Value added tax
v-CJD New Creutzfeld-Jakob-Disease
WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary Union
WMP Whole milk powder
WTO World Trade Organisation


AUD Dollars (Australia)
ARS Pesos (Argentina)
Bn Billion
BRL Real (Brazil)
CAD Dollars (Canada)
CNY Yuan (China)
EUR Euro (Europe)
gal Gallons
Ha Hectare
hl Hectolitre
INR Indian rupees
KRW Korean won
lb Pound
Mn Million
MXN Mexican pesos
NZD Dollars (New Zealand)
p.a Per annum
RUR Ruble (Russia)
THB Thai baht
USD Dollars (United States)
ZAR South African rand

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