Generation waste by sector
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Last update: July 6, 2023

This dataset shows data provided by Member countries' authorities through the questionnaire on the state of the environment (OECD/Eurostat), and to Eurostat through the Waste Statistics Regulation

They were updated or revised on the basis of data from other national and international sources available to the OECD Secretariat, and on the basis of comments received from national Delegates. Selected updates were also done in the context of the OECD Environmental Performance Reviews. The data are harmonised through the work of the OECD Working Party on Environmental Information (WPEI) and benefit from continued data quality efforts in OECD member countries, the OECD itself and other international organisations.

In many countries systematic collection of environmental data has a short history; sources are typically spread across a range of agencies and levels of government, and information is often collected for other purposes. When interpreting these data, one should  keep in mind that definitions and measurement methods vary among countries, and that inter-country comparisons require careful interpretation. One should also note that data presented here refer to national level and may conceal major subnational differences.

Source for non-OECD countries: UNSD, Country Files from the UNSD/UNEP data collection on environment statistics (available at:; Date of last update: 16 May 2023).

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This dataset presents waste produced by the various sectors of economic activity (agriculture, mining and quarrying, manufacturing industry, energy production, water purification and distribution, construction, etc.). The disaggregation of waste by sector follows the major divisions of International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) revision 4.

The Gross Domestic Product is expressed at constant 2015 USD PPP prices.

Generation waste by sectorContact person/organisation
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Last update: July 6, 2023

This dataset shows data provided by Member countries' authorities through the questionnaire on the state of the environment (OECD/Eurostat), and to Eurostat through the Waste Statistics Regulation

They were updated or revised on the basis of data from other national and international sources available to the OECD Secretariat, and on the basis of comments received from national Delegates. Selected updates were also done in the context of the OECD Environmental Performance Reviews. The data are harmonised through the work of the OECD Working Party on Environmental Information (WPEI) and benefit from continued data quality efforts in OECD member countries, the OECD itself and other international organisations.

In many countries systematic collection of environmental data has a short history; sources are typically spread across a range of agencies and levels of government, and information is often collected for other purposes. When interpreting these data, one should  keep in mind that definitions and measurement methods vary among countries, and that inter-country comparisons require careful interpretation. One should also note that data presented here refer to national level and may conceal major subnational differences.

Source for non-OECD countries: UNSD, Country Files from the UNSD/UNEP data collection on environment statistics (available at:; Date of last update: 16 May 2023).

Country metadata statistical concept

This dataset presents waste produced by the various sectors of economic activity (agriculture, mining and quarrying, manufacturing industry, energy production, water purification and distribution, construction, etc.). The disaggregation of waste by sector follows the major divisions of International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) revision 4.

The Gross Domestic Product is expressed at constant 2015 USD PPP prices.