Marine landings
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The OECD data call opens in September (y) to collect (y-1) data; data are disseminated in March (y+1). Data are collected and released every two years.

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The marine landings data collection is part of the more comprehensive data gathering carried out annually by the OECD Committee for Fisheries (COFI) from OECD members and participating non-OECD economies.

Data on marine landings are collected from Fisheries Ministries, National Statistics Offices and other institutions designated as an official data source.

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2022, September

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The annual time unit normally used in fisheries statistics is the calendar or civil year, i.e. the period between 1 January and 31 December.

For exceptions, please see the country-level metadata.

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The data provided by countries and disseminated by OECD are annual data.

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Data are collected and expressed in tonnes and national currency at current prices.

For analytical purposes and data comparisons, data in national currency are converted in US dollar, using an average of yearly spot exchange rates, taken from different sources (Herald Tribune, Financial Times, New York Stock Exchange) and used also in the OECD Main Economic Indicators database.

Quantities are recorded on a landed weight basis, i.e. the mass (or weight) of a product at the time of landing, regardless of the state in which is landed (i.e. whole, gutted, filleted, meal, etc.).

For exceptions, please see the country-level metadata.

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This dataset includes data on marine landings; the concept of landings refers to the quantities of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates (and animals), residues and seaweeds on a landed weight basis, i.e. the mass (or weight) of a product at the time of landing, regardless of the state in which is landed (i.e. whole, gutted, filleted, meal, etc.).

National Landings in Domestic Ports refers to the quantity of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates (and animals), residues and seaweeds landed in ports of the reporting country by vessels registered to that country.

National Landings in Foreign Ports refers to the quantity of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates (and animals), residues and seaweeds landed in ports outside of the reporting country by vessels registered to the reporting country.

The flag of the vessel performing the essential part of the operation catching the fish should be considered the paramount indication of the nationality assigned to the catch. However, the catch of chartered vessels should be considered to be the catch of the chartering country.

Data reported in this dataset cover all industrial, artisanal and subsistence fisheries, excluding aquaculture.

The methodological reference document for fisheries and aquaculture statistics is the CWP Handbook of Fishery Statistics.

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Marine landings data are disseminated on-line in the 'Fisheries and Aquaculture statistics' domain of OECD.Stat and in the biennial paper publication 'OECD Review of Fisheries, Policies and Summary Statistics'.

More information on fisheries policies and future challenges are available on the OECD dedicated webpage.

Marine landingsContact person/organisation

For any further questions please contact:

Data source(s) used

The marine landings data collection is part of the more comprehensive data gathering carried out annually by the OECD Committee for Fisheries (COFI) from OECD members and participating non-OECD economies.

Data on marine landings are collected from Fisheries Ministries, National Statistics Offices and other institutions designated as an official data source.

Date last input received

The OECD data call opens in September (y) to collect (y-1) data; data are disseminated in March (y+1). Data are collected and released every two years.

Unit of measure used

Data are collected and expressed in tonnes and national currency at current prices.

For analytical purposes and data comparisons, data in national currency are converted in US dollar, using an average of yearly spot exchange rates, taken from different sources (Herald Tribune, Financial Times, New York Stock Exchange) and used also in the OECD Main Economic Indicators database.

Quantities are recorded on a landed weight basis, i.e. the mass (or weight) of a product at the time of landing, regardless of the state in which is landed (i.e. whole, gutted, filleted, meal, etc.).

For exceptions, please see the country-level metadata.

Power code



The data provided by countries and disseminated by OECD are annual data.

Date last updated

2022, September

Other data characteristics

The annual time unit normally used in fisheries statistics is the calendar or civil year, i.e. the period between 1 January and 31 December.

For exceptions, please see the country-level metadata.

Statistical population

The statistical population is the set of countries participating in the work of the OECD Committee for Fisheries (COFI), i.e. the OECD members plus some partners economies.

In order to facilitate analysis and comparisons over time, historical data for OECD members have been provided over as long a period as possible, often even before a country became a member of the Organisation.

Information on the membership dates of all OECD countries can be found at OECD Ratification Dates.

OECD Ratification Dates
Key statistical concept

This dataset includes data on marine landings; the concept of landings refers to the quantities of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates (and animals), residues and seaweeds on a landed weight basis, i.e. the mass (or weight) of a product at the time of landing, regardless of the state in which is landed (i.e. whole, gutted, filleted, meal, etc.).

National Landings in Domestic Ports refers to the quantity of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates (and animals), residues and seaweeds landed in ports of the reporting country by vessels registered to that country.

National Landings in Foreign Ports refers to the quantity of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates (and animals), residues and seaweeds landed in ports outside of the reporting country by vessels registered to the reporting country.

The flag of the vessel performing the essential part of the operation catching the fish should be considered the paramount indication of the nationality assigned to the catch. However, the catch of chartered vessels should be considered to be the catch of the chartering country.

Data reported in this dataset cover all industrial, artisanal and subsistence fisheries, excluding aquaculture.

The methodological reference document for fisheries and aquaculture statistics is the CWP Handbook of Fishery Statistics.

CWP Handbook of Fishery Statistics of catch and landings
Classification(s) used

Species are classified according to the ASFIS list, which includes more than 12 000 species items selected according to their interest or relation to fisheries and aquaculture.

For each species item stored in a record, several descriptors are available, including the 3-alpha code identifier. The 3-alpha identifier is a unique code made of three letters that is widely used for the exchange of data with national correspondents and among fishery agencies.

FAO is the depository agency for the 3-alpha codes. Requests for information and for the allocation of a 3-alpha code to new species should be addressed to FAO.

Standard ISO 3-alpha codes are used for countries and currencies.

ASFIS list Organization for Standardization
Dissemination format(s)

Marine landings data are disseminated on-line in the 'Fisheries and Aquaculture statistics' domain of OECD.Stat and in the biennial paper publication 'OECD Review of Fisheries, Policies and Summary Statistics'.

More information on fisheries policies and future challenges are available on the OECD dedicated webpage.

OECD Review of Fisheries 2022 Fisheries and Aquaculture webpage