Institutional Investors' Indicators
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Institutional Investors' Assets and Liabilities data are reported by Central Banks, National Statistical Institutes or Supervisory Authorities. The indicators reported here are compiled on the basis of those statistics.

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Quarterly and annual.

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Indicators are derived from the Institutional Investors' Assets and Liabilities dataset.

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Investment funds, Insurance corporations and Autonomous pension funds.

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The first set of indicators measure total financial assets (liabilities) held by each institutional investor as a percentage of GDP. Total financial assets (liabilities) is defined as the sum of the following asset (liability) categories: currency and deposits (F2), debt securities (F3), loans (F4), equity and investment fund shares (F5), insurance pension and standardized guarantee schemes (F6), financial derivatives and employee stock options (F7), and other accounts receivable (payable) (F8).

The second set of indicators shows the share of each asset (liability) category in the total financial assets (liabilities) of each investor. They help to analyse the investment portfolio composition of the investor as well as financial risks borne by the investor.

The third set of indicators shows the sub-sector composition of total financial assets (liabilities) by investor category, by showing the share of each sub-sector in the total financial assets (liabilities) of each investor category.

Institutional Investors' IndicatorsContact person/organisation

Data source(s) used

Indicators are derived from the Institutional Investors' Assets and Liabilities dataset.

Direct source

Institutional Investors' Assets and Liabilities data are reported by Central Banks, National Statistical Institutes or Supervisory Authorities. The indicators reported here are compiled on the basis of those statistics.

Source Periodicity

Quarterly and annual.

Unit of measure usedPercentageInstitutional coverage

Investment funds, Insurance corporations and Autonomous pension funds.

Key statistical concept

The first set of indicators measure total financial assets (liabilities) held by each institutional investor as a percentage of GDP. Total financial assets (liabilities) is defined as the sum of the following asset (liability) categories: currency and deposits (F2), debt securities (F3), loans (F4), equity and investment fund shares (F5), insurance pension and standardized guarantee schemes (F6), financial derivatives and employee stock options (F7), and other accounts receivable (payable) (F8).

The second set of indicators shows the share of each asset (liability) category in the total financial assets (liabilities) of each investor. They help to analyse the investment portfolio composition of the investor as well as financial risks borne by the investor.

The third set of indicators shows the sub-sector composition of total financial assets (liabilities) by investor category, by showing the share of each sub-sector in the total financial assets (liabilities) of each investor category.