LFS - Employment by job tenure intervals - Frequency
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Job tenure is measured by the length of time workers have been working with their current employers. This information is valuable for estimating the degree of fluidity in the labour market and in identifying the areas of economic activity where the turnover of labour is rapid or otherwise. Data are reported 36 OECD countries (missing for Israel) as they are collected in their labour force surveys.

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LFS - Employment by job tenure intervals - FrequencyContact person/organisation
Unit of measure usedPercentageOther data characteristics

Job tenure is measured by the length of time workers have been working with their current employers. This information is valuable for estimating the degree of fluidity in the labour market and in identifying the areas of economic activity where the turnover of labour is rapid or otherwise. Data are reported 36 OECD countries (missing for Israel) as they are collected in their labour force surveys.

Statistical population

This table contains the tenure composition (as a percentage of all job tenures). Data are broken down by professional status - employees and total employment - sex, five-year and broad age groups (15-24, 25-54, 55-64, 15-64, total, etc.).

Geographic coverage
In order to facilitate analysis and comparisons over time, historical data for OECD members have been provided over as long a period as possible, often even before a country became a member of the Organisation. Information on the membership dates of all OECD countries can be found at OECD Ratification Dates.
OECD Ratification Dateshttp://www.oecd.org/about/membersandpartners/list-oecd-member-countries.htm