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UnitSwiss Franc
Year201420152016201720182019202020212022Information on item
Total tax revenue175 343.026181 127.514183 669.382190 661.638193 901.919199 353.537195 260.004209 310.659211 041.733
1000 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains79 952.43284 362.48485 668.48890 548.88892 621.36596 240.37490 452.341100 037.07498 449.6
1100 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains of individuals54 368.91256 374.58957 075.08457 862.0959 784.38161 355.0262 876.30163 761.96366 017.728
1200 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains of corporates18 120.66219 431.81320 806.69820 514.55522 033.27222 300.6321 485.44722 875.80824 496.996
1300 Unallocable between 1100 and 12007 462.8588 556.0827 786.70712 172.24310 803.71112 584.7246 090.59313 399.3047 934.877
2000 Social security contributions (SSC)43 544.72344 284.59144 752.82845 255.38346 072.32247 233.4449 055.79350 655.3852 283.049
2100 Employees SSC20 158.28220 541.59920 739.44321 015.27221 461.45422 030.58923 752.5124 103.41124 622.152
2200 Employers SSC20 190.8120 574.0320 776.13121 050.81821 500.19922 072.09622 043.64323 253.18524 511.551
2300 Self-employed or non-employed SSC3 195.6313 168.9623 237.2543 189.2943 110.6693 130.7553 259.6393 298.7833 149.346
4000 Taxes on property12 561.07513 139.64313 543.42314 344.914 504.96915 229.84715 743.83616 663.9317 252.753
4100 Recurrent taxes on immovable property1 043.611 138.3691 202.7221 177.8911 203.6151 290.0411 340.6771 413.8061 486.704
4200 Recurrent taxes on net wealth7 785.6068 095.918 700.0039 041.7459 323.8179 937.9769 950.42410 298.94110 869.924
4300 Estate, inheritance and gift taxes1 176.7191 087.581 147.8191 161.0541 211.7861 233.6911 271.9471 366.3911 403.498
4400 Taxes on financial and capital transactions1 657.8341 902.4261 547.2631 970.1051 683.7171 701.1981 991.7312 209.3752 069.226
5000 Taxes on goods and services38 531.6138 541.87738 813.80639 546.04739 674.63439 635.57938 958.2440 897.28141 974.441
5100 Taxes on production, sale, transfer, etc33 957.93333 770.60133 786.29334 397.09334 484.68734 327.46733 543.56735 526.92536 480.043
5200 Taxes on use of goods and perform activities4 573.6764 771.2775 027.5135 148.9535 189.9475 308.1135 414.6735 370.3565 494.398
Data extracted on 18 Jun 2024 01:54 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat