This platform is switching off on July 3rd and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.

MeasurePublic expenditure as a percentage of GDP
CountryInformation on item
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
ProgrammesInformation on table
Hide subtree 10: PES and administrationInformation on row0.
11: Placement and related services0.
12: Benefit administration0. on cell0.06Information on cell0.06Information on cell0.06Information on cell0.05Information on cell0.05Information on cell0.05Information on cell0.07Information on cell0.100.06
13: Other or not separately identified administration costs0.
Hide subtree 20: TrainingInformation on row0.
21: Institutional training0. on cell0.02Information on cell0.02Information on cell0.
22: Workplace training
23: Integrated training
24: Special support for apprenticeship
Hide subtree 40: Employment incentives0.
0.020.01Information on cell1.61Information on cell2.820.16
41: Recruitment incentives0.
42: Employment maintenance incentives
Information on cell1.60Information on cell2.74
43: Job rotation and job sharing
Hide subtree 50: Sheltered and supported employment and rehabilitationInformation on row0. on cell0.07Information on cell0.07Information on cell0.07Information on cell0.07Information on cell0.06Information on cell0.06Information on cell0.06Information on cell0.06Information on cell0.05Information on cell0.06Information on cell0.07Information on cell0.070.07
51: Sheltered and supported employment0.
52: Rehabilitation0.
60: Direct job creationInformation on row0. on cell0.04Information on cell0.03Information on cell0.02Information on cell0.01
(nInformation on cell0.00
(nInformation on cell0.00
70: Start-up incentivesInformation on row0.
Hide subtree 80: Out-of-work income maintenance and supportInformation on row0.620.550.480.410.440.540.500.500.570.630.680.680.630.620.551.031.440.69
Hide subtree 81: Full unemployment benefits0.610.540.480.400.440.530.490.490.550.620.660.660.620.610.541.021.430.69
811: Unemployment insurance
812: Unemployment assistance0.610.540.480.400.440.530.490.490.550.620.660.660.620.610.541.021.430.69
82: Partial unemployment benefits
83: Part-time unemployment benefits
84: Redundancy compensation
85: Bankrupcy compensation0.
90: Early retirement
Hide subtree 100: Total1.000.910.810.710.750.880.820.810.830.870.930.910.870.860.792.904.571.11
110: Active programmes (10-70)0.380.370.330.300.310.340.330.310. on cell1.87Information on cell3.130.42
112: Active measures (20-70) on cell1.70Information on cell2.920.26
120: Passive measures (80-90)0.620.550.480.410.440.540.500.500.570.630.680.680.630.620.551.031.440.69
Hide subtree 200: Total without temporary employment and income maintenance1.000.910.810.710.750.880.820.810.830.870.930.910.870.860.791.291.821.11
210: Active programmes without employment maintenance incentives (10-70 except 42)0.380.370.330.300.310.340.330.310.
220: Passive measures without partial unemployment benefits (80-90 except 82)0.620.550.480.410.440.540.500.500.570.630.680.680.630.620.551.031.440.69
4282: Temporary employment and income maintenance in continued employment relationship (42 and 82)
nNil or less than 0.005
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 14:15 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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