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IndicatorInformation on item
Source country
Final demand country
Exporting industry
UnitUS Dollar, Millions
WOR: World80 80086 929.794 750.487 951.399 540.195 241.287 508.997 869.9124 048.2161 962.6188 055.9200 680.4248 728.6277 124.4238 207.3300 461.4382 471.8
OECD: OECD member countries61 023.263 605.768 410.663 955.569 19160 794.657 726.663 276.379 067.8100 473.1113 368.2116 104.6143 775.5158 839.5130 979.5161 860.4203 867.7
AUS: Australia398.1482.4522.7448.8561.7586.9473.7548.9632.79421 186.21 3881 676.22 401.51 750.92 538.33 353.2
AUT: Austria432.5535.9559.1593.1579.3554.5504672.1807980.11 102.21 097.61 299.31 350.71 154.41 255.21 471.4
BEL: Belgium712.3675.4678.1548.3605.2493.1518.2540.7626.71 084.51 152.71 134.91 443.31 803.51 389.11 409.51 941.1
CAN: Canada1 678.61 724.81 816.41 756.92 023.42 064.31 649.81 943.52 314.82 876.93 215.83 284.13 8434 228.33 287.84 022.35 375.2
CHL: Chile125.6153184.9163.2159.6180.2135.1187.9216.7299.1372461.3701.1803.1747.81 234.81 520.6
CZE: Czechia108.4121.4110.1121.2130.6161118.7173.2219355.6450.8430.1579719.2547.8684.7996.9
DNK: Denmark556.6608.9565.8543.9663671.8672.2722.7965.31 283.41 240.61 533.11 835.12 063.91 4921 699.22 044.4
EST: Estonia5.55.69.811.427.216.212.613.617.546.570.747.544.649.443.472.991.7
FIN: Finland733.8597.2682.2509.7547.9616.2511.5579.9565.6779.8926.6843.61 5371 845.91 325.21 223.61 497.7
FRA: France2 330.62 425.52 465.12 256.42 396.32 028.12 194.62 443.73 508.94 656.75 897.84 871.86 710.36 861.65 357.26 356.48 043.6
DEU: Germany4 885.34 843.54 857.84 844.55 099.43 685.64 422.34 766.66 582.38 2589 848.99 662.512 876.813 961.111 601.713 620.717 066.1
GRC: Greece98.4112127.2114.3174.9134.6110.7244.8322.4407.6301.2405.8531.1549.3379.4433.6530.8
HUN: Hungary62.763.187.699.7112.6112.6119.5231.9205.3289.7369381.7525.8562.6562.2713.9835.9
ISL: Iceland6.28.38.59109.29.410.312.621.122.930.142.945.63135.144.5
IRL: Ireland455.4438.1627.9662.5796.1597752757.21 215.11 553.41 8591 904.82 614.92 532.22 738.33 078.93 320.8
ISR: IsraelInformation on item330.7383.9443.6448.1683732439.4425.7572.1831.6913741.3907.61 040.6958.21 168.41 580.3
ITA: Italy2 673.83 341.93 235.33 217.12 958.43 066.72 843.33 049.64 237.65 5525 867.45 882.67 4817 005.46 0117 206.79 246.2
JPN: Japan11 533.910 642.711 533.410 046.511 273.18 399.88 530.39 180.311 827.414 654.116 674.615 933.119 378.923 48417 575.523 857.728 405.3
KOR: Korea2 802.72 970.13 618.83 587.93 766.23 109.32 904.93 265.64 039.45 274.65 8777 968.17 816.29 825.48 409.511 327.513 526.8
LVA: Latvia4.76.56.678.610.79.410.412.416.125.726.536.341303652.7
LUX: Luxembourg6461.164.864.363.675108.981115.3208263.9443.7561.1622.8444.8540.7763.8
MEX: Mexico291.8363.4421.8497.7613.5512.7567.6520.9679.7880.91 1051 245.81 599.71 728.71 347.31 921.62 810.9
NLD: Netherlands1 090.31 165.21 264.91 121.91 315.31 088.3970.21 113.51 447.61 847.92 096.82 016.52 431.12 712.12 331.92 8843 750.6
NZL: New Zealand3 232.73 382.83 504.92 876.33 3353 176.92 940.43 794.54 495.15 675.86 298.86 2137 892.58 093.66 832.98 769.410 589.8
NOR: Norway349.5434.9452.1460.4428.2457.5513.8476.2585.2776.31 018.41 000.71 368.91 570.6925.81 273.62 143.7
POL: Poland80.6103.7137132.9124.7121.4132.8162.9229.9380.3599.6491.6729831.2709.4871.31 202.1
PRT: Portugal162.5148.5230.4142.2171.5335.8160.5334.1233405.3460.5346.4446.2355.8293.8339.5465.1
SVK: Slovak Republic1616.520.126.127.631.335.14171.9101.5128144.7283.3349.6225.9305.8395.7
SVN: Slovenia31.732.736.237.940.743.243.848.173.291.4109.8107.4120.8117.684.7105.1150
ESP: Spain586.5683.8723.7775.3804.7805.1762993.31 3471 780.62 0112 044.13 010.23 140.12 576.23 246.64 386
SWE: Sweden1 575.91 592.71 585.81 3271 5801 060.11 030.21 077.81 469.81 870.22 061.12 322.52 648.32 878.72 005.22 661.73 442.6
CHE: Switzerland1 237.81 240.61 2341 206.91 392.71 208.41 274.31 119.41 520.22 0762 327.12 406.42 968.73 410.33 397.24 143.45 145.9
TUR: Türkiye159.4345.8507.2553347.9370.2194.1248.2309480.5590.9598.7764.3846.11 015.39571 256.1
GBR: United Kingdom6 689.57 311.47 6226 6286 920.26 163.16 135.45 953.17 870.39 495.810 464.510 130.713 182.513 672.211 702.513 850.417 744
USA: United States15 518.916 582.418 464.818 116.219 448.518 115.815 925.817 543.619 719.724 24026 458.928 56433 888.537 335.631 69438 01548 676.4
ARG: Argentina74.797.397.491113106.7142.5163.4188268.3309.3281.8438.2499.4559.6586.31 143.6
BRA: Brazil423.5372332.7313.6310.1467.3361.1504.1487.4705.61 258.91 1081 642.11 973.11 278.42 065.33 422.4
CHN: China (People's Republic of)2 321.62 711.53 705.84 171.24 100.34 653.45 615.56 73710 47315 235.718 681.722 487.828 654.231 41431 652.241 220.254 216.7
COL: Colombia3243.949.240.74942.83541.750.46679.395.4115.8169146234.9405
CRI: Costa Rica1517.423.134.772.835.827.128.442.153.660.675.5106.3130.585.3118165.8
IND: India572.7574.2710.5839.5600.5740.7702.7866.51 147.21 933.82 236.22 669.33 420.73 989.94 200.56 553.18 309.6
IDN: Indonesia1 534.91 837.42 513.22 031.62 1722 409.32 275.72 974.12 740.13 5783 870.43 868.94 515.74 547.34 602.66 990.69 485.2
LTU: Lithuania2.83.854.
RUS: Russian Federation348.4385.4391.4342.8293.3365.6363.5489.3654.1859.71 159.51 304.81 715.72 6981 813.52 580.94 236.5
SAU: Saudi Arabia616.81 018.31 020.63911 203.52 232.41 375.21 903.11 198.51 926.52 641.42 990.12 826.34 351.92 595.43 0234 700.7
ZAF: South Africa400.6664.9750.5640.8606613.2450.8519.7789.71 071.11 419.51 352.81 437.51 525.5936.91 408.71 442.6
APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationInformation on item50 650.853 63759 909.555 624.863 550.560 197.554 628.661 613.475 018.6100 151.5115 368.6126 298.8152 841.5168 633.7149 449191 741.3240 730.1
ASEAN: Association of South East Asian NationsInformation on item8 759.110 120.711 647.49 917.913 923.414 947.612 352.714 212.716 061.723 156.827 699.530 149.437 137.537 498.637 575.747 180.956 939.8
EU28: European Union (28 countries)Information on item23 43624 967.825 777.823 868.225 239.121 96222 247.424 104.232 277.541 644.647 535.346 545.761 278.664 481.453 363.963 002.680 359.9
NAFTA: North American Free Trade AssociationInformation on item17 489.318 670.620 70320 370.822 085.520 692.818 143.220 00822 714.227 997.830 779.733 093.939 331.143 292.636 32943 958.956 862.4
ZEUR: EuropeInformation on item25 377.927 03727 863.825 887.427 363.324 002.724 408.326 199.435 049.645 377.652 063.251 287.767 374.872 20659 531.571 035.691 930.6
ZASI: East and South East AsiaInformation on item29 03930 519.434 561.531 385.637 060.635 126.832 51736 504.346 217.464 290.375 470.783 703.7101 277.9111 073.8101 697.4132 276163 603.3
ZSCA: South and Central AmericaInformation on item694.3731.3736.1683.6764.4908.9763.81 015.11 082.51 501.12 212.12 196.43 300.43 896.43 145.64 673.97 289.5
ZOTH: Other regions Information on item8 199.59 971.410 8869 623.912 266.314 51011 676.614 14318 984.522 795.827 530.230 398.737 444.446 655.537 503.848 517.162 785.9
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 00:49 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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