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The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.

CountryUnited States
Partner Countries
AGRICULTURE, HUNTING AND FORESTRY; FISHING (01-05)1 7962 2872 4922 5562 1302 1582 0462 0581 8272 064
MINING AND QUARRYING (10-14)19 29816 16918 68319 11118 67917 54823 59028 57439 09445 514
TOTAL MANUFACTURING (15-37)727 987809 130858 810817 244860 568848 174895 709999 4181 112 4251 195 807
ELECTRICITY, GAS AND WATER SUPPLY (40+41)17 31227 08524 27133 96524 70736 42240 21449 64648 61947 775
CONSTRUCTION (45)19 79627 62029 15132 58930 90827 97333 77235 66441 91848 417
TOTAL SERVICES (50-93 minus 75)836 757910 2291 118 4711 164 7691 093 9701 190 4081 297 6001 394 2151 580 2051 937 590
Wholesale and retail trade; repair (50-52)537 926559 715717 542738 601704 265774 405871 943933 7531 019 5621 040 348
Sale and repair of motor vehicles (50)111 639111 360124 771128 793129 929136 466146 434161 008170 706188 007
Wholesale trade (51)355 363364 387487 137495 014453 731516 422595 411634 162702 122707 910
Retail trade and repair of personal goods (52)70 92483 968105 634114 794120 605121 517130 098138 583146 734144 431
Hotels and restaurants (55)12 35715 01617 68720 18321 73222 20723 04124 04024 80326 842
Transport, storage and communications (60-64)36 54337 93048 935..61 19478 77581 39482 15999 219..
Transport and storage (60-63)..................63 336
Total transport (60-62)........14 329..........
Land transport (60)........11 18010 9248 7739 299....
Water transport (61)........3 5144 3195 9546 388....
Air transport (62)........167..2082122 248..
Telecommunications (642)14 67214 07623 207..30 78943 53043 87036 30242 217..
Financial intermediation (65-67)155 755180 138205 265..164 127174 072169 090192 652255 599561 864
Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding (65)..................415 968
Monetary intermediation (banks, financial institutions) (651)..................182 856
Other financial intermediation (659)........53 73859 88158 80581 036121 887233 112
Insurance and pension funding (excluding auxiliary) (66)........108 786112 471108 533109 726131 610145 896
Life insurance (6601)........44 91743 86945 72048 75967 98474 942
Pension funding (6602)........250277460489855..
Real estate, renting and business activities (70-74)..59 758....82 48490 06998 691107 347126 697..
Real estate activities (70)13 87415 74114 78514 49813 35914 54215 08616 47725 28424 680
Renting of machinery and equipment without operator (71)..................5 779
Computer and related activities (72)......7 6466 14512 32913 01813 41716 98930 651
Research and development (73)........1 3031 5841 8452 1902 5452 388
Other business activities (74)........57 15056 42760 42867 07971 941..
Management Holding companies (7414 in part)..................1 321
Advertising (743)........15 11121 33222 56820 12021 05223 691
Community, social and personal services (80-93)..57 673....56 65050 88253 44254 26454 324..
Education (80)........300269455486463821
GRAND TOTAL (01-93 minus 75)1 622 9461 792 5202 051 8782 070 2342 030 9622 122 6832 292 9312 509 5752 824 0883 277 167
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 13:02 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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