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Importing country
Exporting country
Exporting industry
UnitUS Dollar, Millions
Value added source country
WLD: World148 431.1166 114.4201 203.8237 285.9197 516.0248 300.3305 614.2325 911.9308 847.4294 577.5259 175.4
OECD: OECD member countries91 818.498 071.5118 330.6133 834.4110 886.9135 513.4158 785.7169 006.3156 490.7148 918.6133 096.1
AUS: Australia984.91 160.51 371.21 896.41 457.52 004.32 591.12 647.82 427.32 195.81 599.9
AUT: Austria763.6928.61 041.41 174.0962.91 086.61 155.61 206.61 165.31 179.0991.8
BEL: Belgium939.41 019.01 237.11 485.61 169.01 332.41 592.91 572.11 503.51 382.61 162.7
CAN: Canada2 418.72 730.53 165.83 915.42 622.23 207.74 042.04 536.24 111.63 572.22 750.1
CHL: Chile413.7571.5842.7875.3699.91 105.61 264.91 525.31 225.81 034.5826.7
CZE: Czechia237.0265.3345.6491.3361.7448.6607.0642.0712.0658.5650.2
DNK: Denmark1 340.11 563.31 342.31 792.91 496.51 998.62 137.12 142.02 124.71 877.61 505.0
EST: Estonia24.926.832.546.436.067.288.579.779.972.567.3
FIN: Finland655.7685.5941.21 100.0844.8853.2995.1938.7938.5812.6662.4
FRA: France4 477.24 071.95 323.86 184.84 995.65 583.66 334.86 474.86 268.35 956.24 855.3
DEU: Germany7 260.27 864.49 695.211 523.910 171.511 763.013 506.313 789.413 074.312 587.310 780.6
GRC: Greece379.4402.1441.9606.1431.5514.2580.9523.6475.6442.5351.6
HUN: Hungary214.0247.4326.3390.3348.5385.4428.0376.1360.0410.3386.2
ISL: Iceland34.739.257.662.954.060.942.854.864.551.148.9
IRL: Ireland1 322.51 271.21 618.51 959.51 685.62 073.92 324.81 755.41 811.51 819.72 431.8
ISR: IsraelInformation on item563.5676.4676.1842.5641.3873.11 180.01 176.71 144.91 093.71 053.8
ITA: Italy4 169.04 434.45 629.96 008.14 848.85 523.96 502.26 728.86 822.36 618.65 225.6
JPN: Japan15 607.615 753.318 105.819 849.717 163.422 326.823 930.524 362.420 455.718 795.717 387.8
KOR: Korea4 107.45 359.95 548.75 259.15 626.07 197.58 102.29 958.89 253.08 957.68 826.2
LVA: Latvia20.023.333.243.429.330.049.837.036.937.033.2
LTU: Lithuania24.349.047.560.359.655.0102.0109.396.078.567.9
LUX: Luxembourg66.492.0107.3144.8125.0152.6197.1194.5214.0210.9187.0
MEX: Mexico633.8805.1998.51 221.6935.51 281.81 702.32 195.21 787.31 651.51 684.9
NLD: Netherlands1 939.31 780.42 134.02 676.32 231.42 698.33 275.23 495.33 191.33 048.92 645.2
NZL: New Zealand5 094.04 877.96 885.26 760.95 646.17 594.18 243.48 658.68 786.78 014.16 383.7
NOR: Norway1 016.51 084.81 182.81 590.81 195.51 459.12 078.82 089.21 912.51 653.51 166.0
POL: Poland433.5385.5628.5698.0580.3725.2908.31 009.9997.51 025.0875.7
PRT: Portugal215.3220.4305.9310.9226.9271.5342.0361.0334.4320.4269.1
SVK: Slovak Republic63.081.8157.4207.9148.0194.6233.2266.5300.7324.2304.0
SVN: Slovenia68.773.084.098.969.483.0107.3105.7115.9122.395.4
ESP: Spain1 333.21 500.22 162.72 418.22 030.22 457.53 013.03 862.63 426.13 440.22 318.0
SWE: Sweden1 726.62 162.82 188.92 524.51 827.02 354.22 788.62 758.92 425.32 158.51 761.7
CHE: Switzerland2 030.52 237.52 740.63 432.52 934.73 454.54 082.64 012.74 109.73 716.93 568.6
TUR: Türkiye507.2539.3665.2896.6924.71 004.01 155.61 312.91 381.01 350.01 186.7
GBR: United Kingdom8 046.38 075.710 322.010 636.48 329.510 060.512 317.413 334.412 817.812 384.511 271.3
USA: United States22 686.425 011.929 943.534 648.327 977.233 231.540 782.544 711.740 539.239 864.637 714.1
NONOECD: Non-OECD economies and aggregates56 612.768 042.982 873.2103 451.586 629.1112 786.9146 828.5156 905.6152 356.7145 658.9126 079.2
ARG: Argentina264.9306.3440.3564.2518.6579.6976.91 107.81 128.21 027.6866.3
BRA: Brazil826.21 009.91 236.11 834.01 021.41 445.91 884.21 863.01 621.11 526.81 149.6
BRN: Brunei Darussalam727.0948.8791.5983.2461.01 090.81 377.01 118.7825.6799.0385.5
BGR: Bulgaria30.542.988.268.952.172.188.889.4100.592.579.3
KHM: Cambodia35.549.668.274.363.894.8111.6147.4147.3142.2130.3
CHN: China (People's Republic of)12 323.215 453.020 914.427 912.025 514.632 408.743 025.050 063.850 895.153 822.549 856.6
COL: Colombia96.1128.5175.0231.4179.7239.0294.0359.8364.2300.6201.2
CRI: Costa Rica23.033.137.956.146.671.7101.877.185.088.598.9
HRV: Croatia56.158.492.5123.395.995.0287.0118.0105.197.681.3
CYP: CyprusInformation on item22.827.335.750.040.244.956.154.654.856.946.8
HKG: Hong Kong, China1 644.71 777.51 974.71 993.61 752.62 216.62 515.52 359.02 359.52 114.91 733.1
IND: India2 106.22 190.02 754.43 421.43 024.94 598.05 682.06 323.86 175.15 691.96 073.7
IDN: Indonesia3 434.34 199.44 600.85 209.14 245.76 869.19 068.68 899.37 799.37 044.55 443.2
KAZ: Kazakhstan81.1115.4169.3281.8171.3291.8440.8380.2348.4292.4165.5
MYS: Malaysia4 101.74 552.25 408.16 702.04 775.16 919.37 403.57 694.06 776.86 994.35 235.3
MLT: Malta36.139.558.670.969.873.976.684.8101.794.476.2
MAR: Morocco86.2100.8119.1248.1111.0147.0189.2159.9138.9149.1113.3
PER: Peru120.4169.0216.5273.4236.4314.6391.7445.2390.5338.9300.1
PHL: Philippines476.6639.9803.1854.3715.7958.81 080.91 389.91 390.51 465.81 180.9
ROU: Romania66.775.3111.5159.0114.9139.4178.7184.4211.4221.9195.1
RUS: Russian Federation1 014.91 269.01 534.62 517.81 326.51 977.32 950.83 312.42 993.12 956.41 814.7
SAU: Saudi Arabia3 090.42 933.63 264.24 245.52 290.72 966.74 403.95 051.54 663.53 874.22 256.5
SGP: Singapore3 315.53 953.24 542.75 162.05 548.45 956.79 167.28 887.98 174.67 636.96 748.3
ZAF: South Africa1 407.61 551.81 601.51 625.51 116.91 770.51 689.21 641.11 326.21 232.81 193.5
TWN: Chinese TaipeiInformation on item2 815.53 023.03 567.63 454.22 744.23 547.24 007.73 937.33 867.43 945.73 619.1
THA: Thailand2 952.43 903.95 448.86 138.86 609.87 954.17 512.68 838.49 249.28 353.18 661.4
TUN: Tunisia28.629.342.665.945.199.082.364.859.155.844.0
VNM: Viet Nam2 439.42 996.12 799.13 105.31 905.22 799.02 849.72 919.63 116.13 329.62 476.1
ROW: Rest of the World12 989.216 466.219 976.426 025.521 831.027 045.238 935.039 332.437 888.831 912.625 853.6
APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationInformation on item87 311.999 155.7119 463.3138 732.3117 962.9150 961.5182 009.2198 461.7186 424.1182 887.2164 627.7
ASEAN: Association of South East Asian NationsInformation on item17 482.421 243.124 462.328 229.024 324.732 642.738 571.239 895.337 479.335 765.130 260.9
EASIA: Eastern AsiaInformation on item36 498.441 366.750 111.258 468.652 800.867 696.881 581.090 681.386 830.787 636.381 422.8
EU15: European Union (15 countries)Information on item34 634.336 071.744 492.050 546.141 376.248 723.857 062.959 137.956 592.854 239.346 419.0
EU28: European Union (28 countries)Information on item35 931.837 467.246 533.453 054.643 381.851 138.060 274.162 295.259 865.257 530.849 377.4
EU13: EU28 excluding EU15Information on item1 297.61 395.52 041.32 508.52 005.62 414.33 211.23 157.33 272.43 291.52 958.4
EA19: Euro areaInformation on item23 781.024 590.631 087.836 170.130 175.534 859.140 533.241 640.340 010.938 604.532 571.7
EA12: Euro area (12 countries)Information on item23 521.224 269.930 638.935 592.329 723.234 310.639 819.840 902.739 225.037 818.731 881.0
ZNAM: North AmericaInformation on item25 738.828 547.634 107.839 785.231 534.937 721.046 526.851 443.146 438.045 088.342 149.1
G20: G20 countriesInformation on item107 345.2117 740.7142 678.2168 071.1139 147.6174 007.4212 261.0230 282.9216 421.7211 094.8189 181.1
ZEUR: EuropeInformation on item40 028.442 097.752 049.060 658.648 892.458 089.869 429.271 764.368 945.065 908.755 975.6
ZASI: East and South East AsiaInformation on item53 980.862 609.974 573.586 697.577 125.5100 339.5120 152.1130 576.7124 310.0123 401.4111 683.7
ZSCA: South and Central AmericaInformation on item1 744.32 218.32 948.43 834.42 702.63 756.54 913.55 378.24 814.74 316.83 442.9
ZOTH: Other regions Information on item26 938.930 641.037 525.246 310.137 260.648 393.664 592.566 749.764 339.855 862.245 924.1
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 12:39 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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