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Value added source industry
Country of final demand
Industry of final demand
UnitUS Dollar, Millions
Value added source country
WOR: World371 876.6354 021.5402 897.6520 778.4632 160.5701 595.3748 841.5904 574.4995 803.7961 028.41 204 864.71 454 067.5
OECD: OECD member countries346 554.2332 521.1376 995.3488 211.8588 431.2649 235.1689 167.0830 542.9911 119.4884 734.81 106 430.61 326 337.4
AUS: Australia297 308.7285 800.2325 368.6424 021.2508 051.6559 945.1600 027.6720 249.1793 926.6782 545.4982 828.91 174 806.3
AUT: Austria411.4363.0493.9582.8697.7764.4768.4911.5930.9835.0893.51 027.3
BEL: Belgium320.4339.7364.2434.6737.4776.5740.6945.71 123.1954.4959.61 252.7
CAN: Canada1 619.51 266.61 532.31 843.92 263.92 545.82 617.23 040.23 305.12 608.43 146.94 176.3
CHL: Chile140.2107.1144.8170.0243.1301.2380.1580.3601.1604.71 008.41 207.7
CZE: Czechia104.370.5107.5131.9212.2262.0237.9319.3402.7324.0374.8525.0
DNK: Denmark469.2461.1515.4690.4912.6859.4988.91 174.11 252.9994.51 152.91 333.6
EST: Estonia8.76.67.910.227.640.926.829.032.430.547.857.3
FIN: Finland447.9368.9427.2406.3556.5632.4553.11 088.61 297.3959.4850.2968.0
FRA: France1 579.31 684.81 850.32 673.03 530.24 349.03 627.14 978.55 106.44 213.14 858.56 062.4
DEU: Germany2 942.13 492.03 826.05 245.76 548.77 662.27 316.49 596.610 297.68 873.610 232.112 431.6
GRC: Greece104.082.7193.3251.5322.6233.4311.5405.2408.7298.8336.8400.4
HUN: Hungary51.950.9128.998.5141.3178.3181.6247.3277.0272.6308.3377.5
ISL: Iceland6.
IRL: Ireland313.2404.3456.5734.5924.41 035.21 094.71 503.01 427.31 556.51 699.61 806.6
ISR: IsraelInformation on item600.7349.4326.9424.9629.9690.9517.7670.5745.9772.0907.51 215.7
ITA: Italy2 463.72 278.12 465.53 412.84 431.14 589.44 452.25 663.65 249.14 776.35 492.46 895.8
JPN: Japan7 678.27 827.78 439.110 843.213 292.414 627.213 402.916 252.618 363.815 013.820 147.422 559.1
KOR: Korea1 998.02 017.02 256.82 763.03 443.83 773.64 613.74 804.44 544.54 543.46 052.66 949.4
LVA: Latvia7.
LUX: Luxembourg33.346.336.854.788.0111.5176.7214.5230.0210.1211.8282.3
MEX: Mexico321.4353.4332.7411.3532.4679.6766.6967.31 071.7840.01 200.81 895.8
NLD: Netherlands799.2717.7837.21 092.41 380.21 547.51 453.71 753.41 941.71 720.22 065.62 622.2
NZL: New Zealand2 455.32 301.22 995.93 646.54 576.85 271.45 142.86 611.06 507.25 747.27 300.38 726.5
NOR: Norway358.3390.1370.8454.7602.7792.9791.21 048.81 229.2713.0983.41 648.4
POL: Poland93.2101.4122.4165.9257.7402.5332.6485.1552.7505.4575.1784.5
PRT: Portugal244.6114.0244.9167.6292.0321.9234.3285.2222.5205.9227.4308.4
SVK: Slovak Republic17.918.121.837.354.267.570.5133.2161.8118.5153.0196.8
SVN: Slovenia27.926.930.746.054.966.362.770.072.556.866.092.7
ESP: Spain604.9557.8738.81 005.11 302.31 435.61 440.72 070.72 229.41 999.22 435.73 199.8
SWE: Sweden743.3698.0740.71 028.51 324.61 426.71 569.81 764.91 902.91 344.71 805.92 323.9
CHE: Switzerland981.31 015.0908.81 169.51 579.61 741.61 769.42 258.22 625.02 589.03 242.43 953.6
TUR: Türkiye327.9163.1201.6243.0371.3462.7454.3580.9634.0772.4740.8939.9
GBR: United Kingdom5 101.55 080.15 015.46 652.17 946.58 729.48 415.910 715.410 890.29 573.311 071.513 764.5
USA: United States15 868.413 953.615 476.517 280.721 074.422 876.924 588.429 069.531 495.728 119.133 003.541 479.9
NONOECD: Non-OECD economies and aggregates25 322.421 500.425 902.332 566.743 729.252 360.259 674.574 031.584 684.376 293.698 434.1127 730.2
ARG: Argentina100.8131.5148.7169.5234.1267.2244.9383.1428.4501.8521.1987.2
BRA: Brazil420.6316.1443.0426.9621.41 150.0986.21 450.31 717.31 153.91 861.83 144.0
BRN: Brunei Darussalam230.7214.4329.0382.7502.3496.6712.6723.7709.3454.0834.4967.5
BGR: Bulgaria11.69.912.918.525.
KHM: Cambodia5.
CHN: China (People's Republic of)3 048.23 618.14 436.06 736.09 770.911 833.914 851.418 939.221 289.121 609.427 536.735 855.6
COL: Colombia39.130.937.744.459.069.885.3103.4151.9134.0217.7375.3
CRI: Costa Rica26.219.120.728.537.
HRV: Croatia11.49.811.712.519.321.622.824.327.035.438.1326.6
CYP: CyprusInformation on item6.
HKG: Hong Kong, China922.3921.3928.5922.11 272.71 598.41 849.52 000.91 997.01 796.62 320.42 559.8
IND: India626.6598.6764.5996.41 654.11 892.42 169.12 813.43 163.43 320.35 177.06 363.2
IDN: Indonesia2 048.41 901.42 553.12 307.93 002.53 300.13 279.93 842.53 879.54 096.16 253.28 310.7
LTU: Lithuania6.65.67.310.518.425.626.726.636.834.638.161.8
MYS: Malaysia2 596.81 869.42 072.22 418.03 785.34 098.44 011.95 114.45 321.44 530.15 600.57 339.7
MLT: Malta6.
MAR: Morocco43.343.947.350.864.0111.6107.9155.5282.2116.4171.5226.7
PER: Peru68.356.480.187.996.4116.2154.0261.9276.8289.8380.8542.4
PHL: Philippines227.8184.3259.2326.9383.4446.7484.0704.1684.9616.6790.91 001.2
ROU: Romania19.319.325.336.755.164.468.4104.5129.9106.7123.8181.4
RUS: Russian Federation295.5295.8404.0535.9729.4994.21 117.21 475.82 321.01 575.42 238.03 682.6
SAU: Saudi Arabia2 172.31 339.91 848.11 157.41 871.02 561.62 862.72 732.34 183.02 516.92 942.94 579.4
SGP: Singapore2 111.91 815.31 856.22 338.63 655.24 334.64 873.75 889.14 884.64 921.26 260.38 437.1
ZAF: South Africa493.4352.1397.7620.3826.91 064.4970.21 035.31 105.9742.01 122.81 145.4
TWN: Chinese TaipeiInformation on item1 956.51 382.41 388.71 815.42 688.42 615.42 485.92 952.22 737.72 364.93 003.43 571.3
THA: Thailand1 475.71 319.81 741.42 079.12 630.53 183.93 666.45 362.15 810.77 008.67 823.17 896.0
TUN: Tunisia10.312.414.615.621.
VNM: Viet Nam1 108.0828.81 218.01 196.71 495.91 962.02 311.91 988.52 420.21 777.12 118.82 290.8
ROW: Rest of the World5 232.24 187.34 839.37 809.28 174.810 016.212 167.515 734.320 846.916 393.420 805.627 557.1
APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationInformation on item343 479.8328 034.2373 813.1482 126.9583 491.1645 001.2691 337.7830 828.9912 147.7891 061.81 119 849.31 344 255.9
ASEAN: Association of South East Asian NationsInformation on item9 804.98 138.510 035.411 056.115 469.917 842.519 365.723 655.923 743.923 437.129 713.836 287.2
EASIA: Eastern AsiaInformation on item15 603.215 766.517 449.123 079.730 468.234 448.637 203.444 949.348 932.145 328.159 060.471 495.3
EU15: European Union (15 countries)Information on item16 578.016 688.618 205.924 432.030 994.734 474.533 143.943 070.944 510.038 515.044 293.654 679.6
EU28: European Union (28 countries)Information on item16 951.917 025.818 701.025 025.431 892.735 670.134 254.744 612.946 341.640 098.146 136.757 436.6
EU13: EU28 excluding EU15Information on item373.9337.2495.0593.4898.01 195.71 110.91 542.01 831.61 583.11 843.12 757.1
EA18: Euro area (18 countries)Information on item10 339.710 519.112 013.516 179.720 980.223 677.222 374.229 707.530 818.726 862.530 586.737 674.3
EA12: Euro area (12 countries)Information on item10 264.010 449.411 934.516 060.920 811.023 459.022 169.329 416.530 464.026 602.630 263.237 257.5
NAFTA: North American Free Trade AssociationInformation on item17 809.315 573.517 341.519 535.823 870.726 102.327 972.333 077.135 872.431 567.437 351.347 552.0
ZEUR: EuropeInformation on item18 593.518 733.520 392.127 194.534 819.239 214.137 952.849 424.852 547.644 995.852 623.166 749.2
ZASI: East and South East AsiaInformation on item25 408.123 905.027 484.534 135.845 938.152 291.156 569.168 605.272 676.168 765.288 774.2107 782.5
ZSCA: South and Central AmericaInformation on item795.2661.2874.9927.21 291.11 945.51 901.52 849.43 259.62 739.44 071.86 375.4
ZOTH: Other regions Information on item309 270.5295 148.3336 804.6438 985.1526 241.4582 042.3624 445.8750 618.0831 448.1812 960.51 022 044.31 225 608.4
DXD: Domestic297 308.7285 800.2325 368.6424 021.2508 051.6559 945.1600 027.6720 249.1793 926.6782 545.4982 828.91 174 806.3
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 00:01 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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