This platform is switching off on July 3rd and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.

Patent officeInformation on dimension
Reference regionInformation on dimension
TimeInformation on dimension
Information on dimensionTotal patents and by technologiesTotal PatentsTotal Patents
BiotechnologyICTNanotechnologyInformation on itemMedical technologyPharmaceuticalsShare of region in country's total patentsRate of successful regionalisation (%)
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
RegionsInformation on dimension
Hide subtree BEL: BelgiumInformation on item1 193.396.3310.1..66.3104.70.099.3
BEL: BelgiumInformation on itemBE10: Bruxelles-Cap./Brussels Hoofdstedlijk96.34.820.5..
BE21: Prov. Antwerpen265.68.6101.9..15.225.422.3..
BE22: Prov. Limburg (B)
BE23: Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen159.327.141.8..11.713.513.3..
BE24: Prov. Vlaams Brabant229.321.968.1..14.821.419.2..
BE25: Prov. West-Vlaanderen122.72.921.0..0.72.610.3..
BE31: Prov. Brabant Wallon118.217.721.6..
BE32: Prov. Hainaut48.23.95.8..
BE33: Prov. Liège52.14.96.4..
BE34: Prov. Luxembourg (B)
BE35: Prov. Namur24.51.06.7..
BEZZZ: Not classified7.90.31.0..
Hide subtree FIN: FinlandInformation on item1 497.056.7740.6..
FIN: FinlandInformation on itemFI193: Keski-Suomi20.91.07.2..
FI194: Etelä-Pohjanmaa3.70.20.0..
FI195: Pohjanmaa53.50.07.2..
FI196: Satakunta28.10.03.7..
FI197: Pirkanmaa229.36.2150.4..5.40.615.3..
FI200: Åland2.80.01.3..
FIZZZ: Not classified2.80.22.1..
Hide subtree JPN: JapanInformation on item41 739.21 212.016 619.3..2 579.3924.60.090.7
JPN: JapanInformation on itemJPA01: Hokkaido107.031.837.8..5.922.50.3..
JPB02: Aomori14.70.80.0..
JPB03: Iwate19.10.53.8..
JPB04: Miyagi143.814.360.6..17.710.70.3..
JPB05: Akita31.71.87.0..
JPB06: Yamagata97.33.065.6..
JPB07: Fukushima160.42.940.8..
JPC08: Ibaraki1 180.566.1335.5..
JPC09: Tochigi430.77.363.5..
JPC10: Gumma352.63.665.1..
JPC19: Yamanashi96.90.143.6..
JPC20: Nagano352.65.4177.4..
JPJ47: Okinawa18.71.28.6..
JPZZZ: Not classified3 893.654.72 007.6..
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 13:31 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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