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CountryInformation on item
MeasureNational currency, current prices
UnitEuro, Millions
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TransactionInformation on table
Hide subtree Financial net worth-30 800-19 993-19 068-2 112156................
Hide subtree Financial assets2 402 8632 432 4182 462 8712 527 3382 567 586................
Hide subtree Monetary gold and SDRs5 8148 80411 52312 96013 302................
Monetary gold5 5956 8999 50110 95411 353................
Special drawing rights (SDRs)2191 9062 0222 0051 949................
Hide subtree Currency and deposits727 568675 652629 968680 040666 235................
Currency18 72919 60120 66722 24422 800................
Transferable deposits169 155180 323176 061183 412205 484................
Other deposits539 683475 728433 240474 384437 951................
Hide subtree Securities other than shares370 634390 532397 612393 830392 809................
Hide subtree Securities other than shares, except financial derivatives356 425379 459387 072381 258380 623................
Short-term securities18 0456 1964 0417 8226 624................
Long-term securities338 380373 262383 032373 436373 999................
Financial derivatives14 21011 07410 54012 57212 186................
Hide subtree Loans564 578543 259571 858605 237611 147................
Short-term loans122 970113 666114 133117 807112 411................
Long-term loans441 608429 593457 725487 430498 735................
Hide subtree Shares and other equity580 481662 175693 158669 420712 998................
Hide subtree Shares and other equity, except mutual funds shares445 693511 094525 920514 469544 524................
Quoted shares63 83084 890101 92478 06193 594................
Unquoted shares187 649201 684215 302195 830196 405................
Other equity194 213224 520208 694240 578254 526................
Mutual funds shares134 788151 081167 239154 952168 473................
Hide subtree Insurance technical reserves93 49999 389101 583103 270107 365................
Hide subtree Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves75 52379 99183 89085 28088 627................
Net equity of households in life insurance reserves61 31964 67268 07968 49670 883................
Net equity of households in pension funds14 20415 31915 81116 78417 745................
Prepayments of premiums and reserves against outstanding claims17 97519 39817 69317 99018 738................
Hide subtree Other accounts receivable60 28952 60757 16962 58063 730................
Trade credits and advances29 92822 97531 29835 47035 402................
Other accounts receivable, except trade credits and advances30 36129 63225 87127 11028 328................
Hide subtree Liabilities2 433 6642 452 4122 481 9392 529 4492 567 430................
Hide subtree Currency and deposits742 278687 620652 795700 013682 158................
Currency21 35121 81022 76824 05224 762................
Transferable deposits195 750197 136207 205219 780255 696................
Other deposits525 177468 674422 821456 180401 699................
Hide subtree Securities other than shares494 220505 079523 255539 395548 355................
Hide subtree Securities other than shares, except financial derivatives483 476497 877515 082530 095539 555................
Short-term securities37 41518 14617 71720 05916 027................
Long-term securities446 062479 730497 365510 035523 529................
Financial derivatives10 7447 2028 1739 3008 800................
Hide subtree Loans492 445480 456509 829516 232522 116................
Short-term loans110 76698 72098 13688 63983 259................
Long-term loans381 678381 735411 693427 594438 857................
Hide subtree Shares and other equity556 228631 442642 405613 981648 288................
Hide subtree Shares and other equity, except mutual funds shares429 056492 799494 708476 482500 483................
Quoted shares59 73384 45299 02668 97183 677................
Unquoted shares108 670116 121124 287113 416109 354................
Other equity260 653292 226271 395294 095307 452................
Mutual funds shares127 171138 643147 697137 499147 805................
Hide subtree Insurance technical reserves88 76694 16998 311100 100104 361................
Hide subtree Net equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reserves74 92979 37083 52384 77488 291................
Net equity of households in life insurance reserves60 72564 05167 71267 99070 546................
Net equity of households in pension funds14 20415 31915 81116 78417 745................
Prepayments of premiums and reserves against outstanding claims13 83714 79814 78815 32616 070................
Hide subtree Other accounts payable59 72753 64755 34459 72962 152................
Trade credits and advances27 75222 39829 66032 52933 361................
Other accounts payable, except trade credits and advances31 97531 24925 68427 20028 790................
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 12:50 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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