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The present publication presents time series which extend beyond the date of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union on  February 1st, 2020. In order to maintain consistency over time, the “European Union” aggregate presented here excludes the UK for the entire time series. Interested readers may refer to the Eurostat website for further information on Eurostat’s plans for disseminating EU aggregates and to the Eurostat database for the actual series.

Please refer to the dataset Government deficit/surplus, revenue, expenditure and main aggregates, 2019 archive to access longer time series based on the methodology prior to the 2019 benchmark revisions.

CountryInformation on item
MeasureC: Current prices
UnitAustralian Dollar, Millions
TransactionInformation on item
SG: Simplified general governments accountsSG1: Production accountGP1R: OutputHide subtree GP13R: Non-market output130 500.0137 582.0146 627.0155 791.0166 531.0179 514.0194 313.0209 015.0227 804.0241 158.0257 078.0274 933.0283 396.0292 143.0301 546.0318 486.0333 421.0347 398.0368 935.0391 744.0411 085.0445 650.0472 567.0
GP13R: Non-market outputGP131R: Payments for non-market output22 493.023 712.024 986.026 583.028 518.030 104.033 098.035 725.039 211.043 183.044 075.047 403.050 791.052 989.055 269.057 641.059 861.062 266.065 426.063 954.063 465.065 236.071 531.0
GP132R: Non-market output, other108 007.0113 870.0121 641.0129 208.0138 013.0149 410.0161 215.0173 290.0188 593.0197 975.0213 003.0227 530.0232 605.0239 154.0246 277.0260 845.0273 560.0285 132.0303 509.0327 790.0347 620.0380 414.0401 036.0
GB1G: Value added, grossGK1P: Consumption of fixed capital17 239.018 070.018 794.019 421.020 739.022 142.023 482.024 552.026 900.027 429.028 675.030 122.031 652.033 355.034 888.036 454.037 150.038 744.041 306.043 358.044 274.047 724.053 541.0
SG3: Allocation of primary income accountHide subtree GD2R: Taxes on production and imports, receivable89 673.093 965.0102 914.0110 583.0114 258.0120 933.0129 624.0138 738.0136 753.0145 159.0152 722.0157 213.0170 956.0182 677.0182 734.0194 062.0200 936.0211 531.0217 896.0217 123.0235 125.0254 019.0271 907.0
GD2R: Taxes on production and imports, receivableGD21R: Taxes on products, receivableGD211R: of which: VAT, receivable25 524.027 389.031 257.033 772.035 166.038 468.040 579.043 634.041 678.045 602.046 910.047 528.049 026.053 409.055 553.059 177.061 505.064 062.065 147.064 048.073 297.075 565.083 455.0
GD3P: Subsidies, payable8 244.09 188.09 981.010 925.012 544.012 478.013 314.015 051.016 597.015 676.016 310.017 653.021 202.022 999.020 455.020 533.020 876.020 967.021 000.074 023.0107 181.049 423.034 641.0
Hide subtree GD4R: Property income, receivable12 826.014 691.014 293.015 527.016 754.020 292.021 722.024 799.028 331.030 430.030 890.031 641.032 317.032 937.035 178.032 423.037 334.040 180.044 716.041 388.044 989.054 014.064 321.0
GD4R: Property income, receivableGD41R: Interest, receivable3 110.02 815.02 933.03 868.04 665.05 340.07 707.09 993.09 903.09 418.011 576.011 039.09 550.09 008.08 194.08 186.08 053.08 268.08 079.06 837.05 909.06 645.015 156.0
GD42R_D45R: Other property income, receivable9 716.011 877.011 361.011 659.012 089.014 953.014 015.014 806.018 428.021 012.019 314.020 603.022 767.023 929.026 984.024 237.029 281.031 912.036 637.034 551.039 080.047 369.049 165.0
Hide subtree GD4P: Property income, payable15 711.015 526.015 656.015 774.015 643.015 603.015 871.017 086.018 271.022 921.026 889.027 807.026 391.029 361.028 619.027 847.026 896.030 909.029 185.022 188.022 381.031 576.046 379.0
GD4P: Property income, payableGD41P: Interest15 711.015 526.015 656.015 774.015 643.015 603.015 871.017 086.018 271.022 921.026 889.027 807.026 391.029 361.028 619.027 847.026 896.030 909.029 185.022 188.022 381.031 576.046 379.0
GB5N: Balance of primary incomes, netInformation on item78 544.083 942.091 570.099 411.0102 825.0113 144.0122 161.0131 400.0130 216.0136 992.0140 413.0143 394.0155 680.0163 254.0168 838.0178 105.0190 498.0199 835.0212 427.0162 300.0150 552.0227 034.0255 208.0
SG4: Secondary distribution of income accountGD5R: Current taxes on income, wealth etc., receivable117 482.0126 999.0136 275.0149 670.0165 231.0181 453.0197 374.0204 698.0200 422.0192 832.0215 234.0235 539.0240 934.0250 892.0266 571.0276 486.0295 659.0320 033.0337 004.0343 613.0377 032.0432 968.0488 408.0
GD7R: Other current transfers, receivable5 104.05 765.07 177.06 857.07 495.09 275.010 529.09 508.010 588.011 654.013 082.014 277.016 846.018 204.017 408.020 481.021 571.020 757.020 661.020 851.023 075.024 423.026 072.0
GD62P: Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, payable58 298.060 837.062 625.070 898.072 991.076 097.080 331.084 965.0110 442.098 136.0104 512.0111 519.0115 447.0122 321.0125 790.0127 437.0125 388.0125 118.0126 640.0145 977.0162 360.0156 403.0144 573.0
GD631XXP: Social transfers in kind - purchased market production, payable23 164.024 926.026 217.028 940.032 098.033 587.036 685.040 151.043 900.047 701.051 779.056 084.057 228.061 165.065 382.070 300.077 062.083 587.093 186.0106 089.0120 018.0133 343.0145 166.0
GD62_631XXP: Social benefits an transfers in kind - purchased market production, payable81 462.085 763.088 842.099 838.0105 089.0109 684.0117 016.0125 116.0154 342.0145 837.0156 291.0167 603.0172 675.0183 486.0191 172.0197 737.0202 450.0208 705.0219 826.0252 066.0282 378.0289 746.0289 739.0
GD7P: Other current transfers, payable13 983.014 833.013 562.013 476.014 749.017 641.019 686.021 460.023 679.029 830.027 700.031 383.028 450.029 853.031 365.029 557.031 629.031 870.032 568.035 344.037 603.044 355.048 011.0
GB6N: Disposable income, netInformation on item128 849.0141 036.0158 835.0171 564.0187 811.0210 134.0230 047.0239 181.0207 105.0213 512.0236 517.0250 308.0269 563.0280 176.0295 662.0318 078.0350 711.0383 637.0410 884.0345 443.0350 696.0483 667.0577 104.0
SG5: Use of disposable income accountHide subtree GP3P: Final consumption expenditure131 171.0138 796.0147 858.0158 148.0170 111.0182 997.0197 900.0213 441.0232 493.0245 676.0264 782.0283 614.0289 833.0300 319.0311 659.0331 145.0350 622.0368 719.0396 695.0433 879.0467 638.0513 757.0546 202.0
GP3P: Final consumption expenditureGP31P: Individual consumption expenditure83 117.088 603.094 162.0102 272.0111 015.0118 358.0125 689.0137 165.0150 786.0159 036.0173 636.0180 968.0186 013.0192 804.0202 199.0213 813.0227 857.0240 997.0258 155.0282 434.0308 409.0342 157.0365 022.0
GP32P: Collective consumption expenditure48 054.050 193.053 696.055 876.059 096.064 639.072 211.076 276.081 707.086 640.091 146.0102 646.0103 820.0107 515.0109 460.0117 332.0122 765.0127 722.0138 540.0151 445.0159 229.0171 600.0181 180.0
GB8G: Saving, grossInformation on item14 917.020 310.029 771.032 837.038 439.049 279.055 629.050 292.01 512.0-4 735.0410.0-3 184.011 382.013 212.018 891.023 387.037 239.053 662.055 495.0-45 078.0-72 668.017 634.084 443.0
GB8N: Saving, netInformation on item-2 322.02 240.010 977.013 416.017 700.027 137.032 147.025 740.0-25 388.0-32 164.0-28 265.0-33 306.0-20 270.0-20 143.0-15 997.0-13 067.089.014 918.014 189.0-88 436.0-116 942.0-30 090.030 902.0
SG6: Capital accountGK1R: Consumption of fixed capital17 239.018 070.018 794.019 421.020 739.022 142.023 482.024 552.026 900.027 429.028 675.030 122.031 652.033 355.034 888.036 454.037 150.038 744.041 306.043 358.044 274.047 724.053 541.0
GD9R: Capital transfers, receivable651.0975.01 139.0946.01 084.01 295.01 553.01 642.01 611.01 666.01 560.01 487.01 562.01 785.02 115.02 463.02 688.03 001.02 819.02 680.03 069.02 885.02 893.0
GD9P: Capital transfers, payable5 264.04 816.03 256.03 815.05 253.04 671.06 997.06 611.07 899.012 568.011 141.010 086.08 248.07 365.06 625.06 170.06 615.07 977.07 443.09 975.013 608.013 141.012 629.0
GP5_K2P: Gross capital formation and Acquisitions less disposals of non- Assets19 788.022 369.022 214.023 355.025 961.030 171.033 264.038 026.043 848.058 080.055 634.057 556.048 222.051 921.050 488.056 341.061 023.070 695.077 124.082 431.088 083.095 375.0104 661.0
Hide subtree GP5P: Gross capital formation21 322.022 655.022 617.023 476.026 112.029 428.032 403.037 008.042 125.055 480.053 901.055 332.050 276.051 326.051 308.054 095.062 813.069 345.075 686.081 436.084 700.094 773.0102 052.0
GP5P: Gross capital formationGP51P: Gross fixed capital formation21 292.022 466.023 027.023 421.026 296.029 682.032 432.037 816.042 647.055 180.053 865.054 945.050 412.051 145.051 166.053 714.062 630.069 348.075 667.078 801.081 529.090 742.0100 767.0
GP52_P53P: Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables30.0189.0-410.055.0-184.0-254.0-29.0-808.0-522.0300.036.0387.0-136.0181.0142.0381.0183.0-3.019.02 635.03 171.04 031.01 285.0
GK2P: Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced non-financial assets-1 534.0-286.0-403.0-121.0-151.0743.0861.01 018.01 723.02 600.01 733.02 224.0-2 054.0595.0-820.02 246.0-1 790.01 350.01 438.0995.03 383.0602.02 609.0
GB9: Net lending (+)/Net borrowing (-)Information on item-9 484.0-5 901.05 439.06 613.08 308.015 732.016 921.07 296.0-48 626.0-73 717.0-64 804.0-69 338.0-43 523.0-44 289.0-36 109.0-36 660.0-27 710.0-22 009.0-26 255.0-134 803.0-171 290.0-87 997.0-29 952.0
GTE: Total General government expenditure257 713.0272 007.0281 344.0303 553.0325 031.0347 620.0376 979.0407 813.0465 540.0498 641.0522 368.0556 899.0556 932.0583 773.0595 382.0620 217.0645 760.0679 777.0714 775.0824 413.0918 045.0921 542.0955 086.0
GTR: Total General government revenue248 229.0266 107.0286 784.0310 166.0333 340.0363 352.0393 900.0415 110.0416 916.0424 924.0457 563.0487 560.0513 406.0539 484.0559 275.0583 556.0618 049.0657 768.0688 522.0689 609.0746 755.0833 545.0925 132.0
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 22:37 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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