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Importing country
Exporting country
Exporting industry
UnitUS Dollar, Millions
Value added source country
WOR: World528 943.2522 495.9502 541.9522 050.2530 857.9537 690.2526 784.0523 273.7644 338.3744 140.6817 463.3924 606.01 094 059.71 239 533.3962 967.11 042 538.31 245 990.0
OECD: OECD member countries446 255.0437 863.6417 706.3439 056.5443 717.7433 634.7426 927.2426 118.4519 372.0599 458.9641 537.2704 332.4830 974.5915 759.5728 080.4761 734.6893 625.3
AUS: Australia2 408.02 493.42 370.62 144.02 354.02 596.12 221.02 350.12 704.73 457.93 905.84 140.75 126.35 691.94 149.05 548.66 986.9
AUT: Austria23 462.321 972.820 753.222 049.622 974.921 186.821 018.222 387.226 217.729 732.332 194.834 386.239 794.845 331.238 253.639 285.544 281.0
BEL: Belgium18 998.417 610.215 340.315 446.714 698.713 143.013 712.414 259.916 974.819 946.120 792.622 835.625 681.230 036.524 328.323 062.526 357.6
CAN: Canada4 701.04 865.74 576.54 691.14 880.35 391.64 966.54 305.35 365.05 879.47 033.98 755.69 973.610 371.87 285.18 907.512 396.6
CHL: Chile1 362.11 146.71 209.81 038.6957.31 062.3932.2767.71 027.71 665.22 004.73 599.04 147.43 191.52 438.52 706.13 381.2
CZE: Czechia7 207.27 314.66 841.57 713.88 296.78 200.59 221.310 579.513 618.314 828.515 966.618 503.522 335.626 899.523 233.222 989.026 038.1
DNK: Denmark9 324.58 515.47 897.17 666.87 939.27 997.68 092.08 191.49 659.510 722.611 217.811 269.912 783.614 339.812 335.311 792.214 138.9
EST: Estonia134.5145.8174.4183.8222.5228.2239.4258.9390.2429.8462.6491.2535.7578.4480.5503.8638.8
FIN: Finland5 022.64 315.54 294.34 631.25 257.55 087.45 556.75 599.56 056.57 075.77 808.78 527.110 330.412 120.16 497.77 279.28 387.1
FRA: France50 329.048 184.744 471.047 979.144 605.741 321.841 806.542 735.151 415.360 262.262 715.765 947.478 360.186 530.568 494.270 892.284 115.1
DEU: Germany18 288.517 312.416 062.517 847.117 796.316 857.617 876.018 340.924 138.228 904.330 897.834 983.342 883.645 846.233 334.636 448.644 061.4
GRC: Greece4 320.03 958.73 787.43 906.84 134.13 719.73 521.83 684.44 820.55 610.56 527.96 391.37 409.67 904.76 261.46 133.87 021.5
HUN: Hungary4 052.64 047.94 302.85 088.35 423.35 166.55 749.16 755.08 326.69 612.210 204.810 966.712 307.513 661.810 994.911 407.412 876.2
ISL: Iceland263.4237.4241.8321.0297.9311.5319.9395.2434.1512.9520.6554.8898.01 081.8671.1963.01 099.1
IRL: Ireland4 414.64 021.54 077.66 002.07 212.66 006.87 628.87 410.09 620.611 378.912 183.713 360.216 136.916 862.515 614.614 188.915 084.6
ISR: IsraelInformation on item1 663.91 600.61 497.91 715.52 071.22 592.92 383.21 814.42 188.32 231.62 623.12 632.82 987.03 044.72 201.62 604.53 089.9
ITA: Italy45 720.345 327.341 493.443 030.341 237.238 657.738 720.937 945.446 469.352 536.552 987.556 590.065 880.270 429.157 056.057 730.968 398.5
JPN: Japan31 303.129 261.126 897.427 438.727 729.628 638.623 280.120 870.626 519.330 378.630 925.534 189.742 125.643 093.028 550.133 259.934 302.0
KOR: Korea6 301.56 317.85 737.35 599.15 985.86 764.45 754.95 392.37 748.59 677.312 781.215 498.617 032.218 293.911 175.115 001.915 538.3
LVA: Latvia216.2255.1269.3287.5346.7351.1407.8400.4496.7550.9647.1665.7841.8980.5761.9806.7996.5
LUX: Luxembourg2 394.12 533.22 088.72 158.42 427.12 303.62 188.82 551.03 381.84 266.94 898.25 669.87 032.57 258.96 404.66 389.07 479.1
MEX: Mexico1 295.51 229.21 303.11 442.61 788.71 859.41 745.01 420.41 828.21 948.82 379.93 282.64 384.25 028.93 095.93 466.74 850.1
NLD: Netherlands31 965.429 193.527 067.227 271.426 508.325 886.725 098.026 023.931 546.236 367.039 341.842 899.247 136.355 984.646 715.448 079.957 896.5
NZL: New Zealand790.3738.0598.9588.1571.3492.0590.1500.7704.2726.7815.3864.2997.7988.2714.0752.0972.9
NOR: Norway7 932.38 770.37 853.86 301.47 077.89 675.88 753.38 266.210 674.012 418.315 674.918 228.120 420.225 737.816 528.917 271.922 420.3
POL: Poland10 403.810 072.19 996.111 902.811 407.812 885.014 140.414 136.918 427.221 040.424 325.527 884.533 493.538 065.931 801.333 962.539 705.3
PRT: Portugal4 645.04 759.94 286.54 412.94 425.54 143.43 978.53 875.74 783.64 835.94 436.24 800.15 665.55 956.04 838.44 915.95 923.7
SVK: Slovak Republic1 842.31 679.41 771.02 166.62 230.72 237.52 407.72 763.04 371.94 768.74 889.75 491.17 242.27 997.06 307.46 950.68 292.1
SVN: Slovenia2 064.61 997.41 869.21 880.51 955.81 761.31 767.11 910.52 340.92 617.62 634.62 832.93 325.64 105.13 257.53 435.14 220.6
ESP: Spain20 336.621 148.420 363.221 298.122 351.820 720.619 758.820 685.925 690.928 909.830 140.332 834.138 381.843 455.538 540.039 473.544 433.2
SWE: Sweden10 656.410 738.59 583.49 764.810 032.99 830.88 881.09 119.711 271.913 587.214 309.015 898.419 490.220 518.014 971.817 474.520 804.2
CHE: Switzerland22 092.521 377.519 164.019 899.820 230.217 653.817 271.019 020.622 494.027 897.929 139.230 261.041 490.947 054.741 763.241 936.051 766.5
TUR: Türkiye8 563.68 977.89 640.49 196.18 584.68 743.18 784.08 954.510 621.713 185.013 757.413 637.615 459.915 929.413 269.614 202.916 941.1
GBR: United Kingdom36 418.138 075.539 273.439 784.239 575.639 497.639 122.838 171.645 815.352 092.256 879.561 118.572 653.675 859.659 175.461 905.674 116.9
USA: United States45 361.247 668.450 551.756 208.160 128.160 662.259 032.254 274.861 228.469 403.373 513.284 341.396 229.6105 530.386 580.590 006.5104 613.3
NONOECD: Non-OECD economies and aggregates82 688.284 632.484 835.782 993.787 140.2104 055.599 856.897 155.3124 966.3144 681.6175 926.2220 273.6263 085.2323 773.9234 886.7280 803.7352 364.7
ARG: Argentina1 207.01 031.6917.21 137.41 071.61 076.3929.8913.01 171.01 344.21 241.71 674.62 106.22 419.62 075.92 222.53 171.8
BRA: Brazil3 844.23 552.33 879.13 913.03 465.53 899.03 833.33 693.44 528.65 651.67 001.38 974.211 154.113 985.310 061.612 289.016 886.2
BRN: Brunei Darussalam48.746.534.324.632.849.147.441.145.961.779.4103.0119.4138.177.898.6135.3
BGR: Bulgaria608.3431.1424.0636.8527.9546.3602.0656.91 146.31 110.91 131.91 583.01 774.81 847.11 885.02 139.62 706.6
KHM: Cambodia33.163.985.547.462.766.187.083.9122.0171.0173.9176.5179.9211.6160.4191.1230.4
CHN: China (People's Republic of)5 932.26 769.48 141.68 190.68 169.98 979.49 657.110 371.315 668.221 831.027 722.836 903.352 189.265 158.550 008.964 179.269 802.4
COL: Colombia1 049.4809.3891.5750.0656.6493.5480.1430.9504.4654.2690.1820.81 282.71 782.31 405.31 566.23 178.8
CRI: Costa Rica229.1189.8206.6232.9247.7239.5225.1225.4259.9272.8314.5372.2456.1414.9334.2386.1443.2
HRV: Croatia976.6971.5919.1955.2889.21 037.01 001.4919.82 389.72 591.32 543.62 715.63 023.93 635.93 086.32 757.02 846.4
CYP: CyprusInformation on item393.1333.0313.1339.3350.7326.3369.8371.1468.0609.6704.0751.4963.71 111.5751.3704.51 102.4
HKG: Hong Kong, China1 981.42 048.91 848.61 728.61 819.51 993.61 815.61 755.01 801.22 325.32 620.23 114.93 467.63 582.22 662.93 301.13 718.9
IND: India2 912.72 704.52 652.52 739.23 235.93 175.23 214.13 312.04 499.16 360.77 595.88 955.611 453.813 383.811 529.216 112.819 529.4
IDN: Indonesia3 038.33 118.03 004.42 136.52 155.92 324.52 230.72 080.82 744.52 956.73 471.73 932.44 520.74 863.93 785.14 814.86 394.9
LTU: Lithuania269.9356.4404.7398.7432.9460.6500.1470.6621.9706.8797.6830.8892.61 198.31 354.91 454.01 890.4
MYS: Malaysia2 639.22 979.42 762.82 440.12 350.22 686.12 701.32 494.53 156.33 534.63 516.53 778.34 837.64 727.83 626.84 518.65 057.9
MLT: Malta282.6247.3222.3219.4235.3208.2205.5204.0265.8262.3336.3354.3371.8576.8523.5601.0600.9
MAR: Morocco441.5726.3441.8748.8692.9570.7546.0607.9794.7829.9860.01 004.31 157.81 347.31 074.51 223.01 501.1
PER: Peru280.7385.1424.1341.9309.3340.7294.3359.4455.5648.3773.21 154.41 437.81 491.51 318.01 766.22 273.1
PHL: Philippines1 298.61 683.21 726.8994.3994.1969.1984.9973.71 084.81 181.61 104.81 567.11 994.42 003.41 906.72 511.02 630.5
ROU: Romania1 493.61 361.61 346.61 302.81 287.41 381.91 414.61 550.31 986.52 828.13 324.74 119.95 521.56 321.66 165.46 307.58 193.9
RUS: Russian Federation10 893.912 740.712 122.98 447.48 540.112 336.312 202.411 997.015 282.121 679.730 213.339 754.544 669.358 238.231 955.142 288.559 121.1
SAU: Saudi Arabia1 911.92 166.51 992.51 344.91 822.12 969.52 247.32 117.02 939.03 934.35 255.36 032.65 896.27 553.63 749.44 595.57 919.3
SGP: Singapore2 734.52 784.62 715.72 453.52 327.72 804.62 605.52 576.82 869.83 445.83 859.24 396.95 822.05 583.45 046.96 584.67 475.9
ZAF: South Africa2 954.53 419.73 202.33 493.83 023.02 740.02 554.62 355.33 337.53 864.04 405.54 731.85 307.35 548.64 253.55 614.16 492.0
TWN: Chinese TaipeiInformation on item5 055.95 432.55 086.05 093.15 701.16 110.25 348.64 926.56 005.86 410.66 318.07 075.88 269.07 280.25 383.46 666.76 686.4
THA: Thailand3 603.33 276.62 844.42 821.52 615.62 517.32 310.72 328.32 832.33 112.43 077.83 634.64 683.04 600.83 761.04 414.85 163.7
TUN: Tunisia1 257.61 267.31 189.71 219.21 249.81 154.31 161.81 037.41 070.01 170.61 226.31 229.21 528.02 047.51 694.61 731.71 770.9
VNM: Viet Nam364.2442.5504.8577.2665.2684.4698.1586.4738.3931.31 018.41 347.11 935.51 986.71 807.42 027.32 773.9
ROW: Rest of the World24 952.323 293.224 530.728 265.732 207.941 916.039 587.937 715.746 177.244 200.854 548.469 184.476 069.4100 733.373 441.677 736.9102 667.3
APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationInformation on item131 393.6135 427.5134 461.7134 399.7140 076.3149 261.8139 418.6130 372.6159 810.8191 256.0217 134.8261 434.1313 962.0351 844.2255 328.1302 820.4354 275.3
ASEAN: Association of South East Asian NationsInformation on item13 760.014 394.613 678.811 495.211 204.112 101.211 665.711 165.413 594.015 395.016 301.718 936.024 092.424 115.720 172.125 160.829 862.5
EASIA: Eastern AsiaInformation on item50 574.149 829.647 711.048 050.249 405.852 486.245 856.243 315.757 743.070 622.780 367.796 782.3123 083.6137 407.897 780.4122 408.7130 048.0
EU15: European Union (15 countries)Information on item286 295.6277 667.4260 838.9273 249.3271 177.4256 361.1256 961.0260 981.5317 862.1366 227.9387 331.6417 511.1489 620.2538 433.2432 821.1445 052.1522 499.3
EU28: European Union (28 countries)Information on item316 240.8306 880.6289 693.0306 324.6304 784.3291 151.4294 987.1301 958.4372 712.1428 185.0455 300.5494 701.5582 250.4645 412.8523 424.2539 070.8632 607.6
EU13: EU28 excluding EU15Information on item29 945.229 213.228 854.033 075.333 606.934 790.438 026.140 976.954 850.061 957.167 969.077 190.492 630.1106 979.790 603.194 018.7110 108.2
EA18: Euro area (18 countries)Information on item234 829.8224 996.1208 704.4221 110.5218 971.5204 147.8206 262.5211 406.9259 449.0299 064.9314 599.5339 810.8397 973.7443 065.2358 420.8366 881.6429 290.7
EA12: Euro area (12 countries)Information on item229 896.5220 338.1204 085.1216 033.5213 629.7199 035.1200 865.2205 498.9251 115.4289 825.9304 925.3329 224.3384 692.9427 715.8346 338.6353 879.9413 439.3
NAFTA: North American Free Trade AssociationInformation on item51 357.753 763.456 431.362 341.866 797.167 913.165 743.860 000.468 421.777 231.482 927.096 379.5110 587.3120 931.096 961.5102 380.7121 860.0
ZEUR: EuropeInformation on item357 422.8350 006.4329 075.4341 294.1340 930.3331 128.7333 533.7341 637.3421 596.2490 693.8530 848.5583 499.9689 728.8777 525.3614 342.5641 530.2767 014.5
ZASI: East and South East AsiaInformation on item64 334.164 224.261 389.759 545.460 609.964 587.457 521.854 481.171 337.086 017.796 669.4115 718.3147 176.0161 523.5117 952.6147 569.5159 910.5
ZSCA: South and Central AmericaInformation on item7 972.47 114.77 528.27 413.86 708.27 111.36 694.76 389.87 947.110 236.212 025.516 595.220 584.323 285.117 633.520 936.129 334.2
ZOTH: Other regions Information on item47 856.347 387.348 117.351 455.155 812.566 949.763 290.060 765.175 036.479 961.494 992.9112 413.1125 983.3156 268.4116 077.1130 121.9167 870.8
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 00:30 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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