This platform is switching off on July 3rd and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.

UnitCanadian Dollar
MeasureIncidenceIndicatorStageFuel Type
Petroleum Technology Research CentreInformation on itemKnowledgeGeneral Services Support EstimateExtraction or mining stagePetroleumCrude oil1 690 000276 0003 706 00048 000824 00020 0000000
Funding to increase Indigenous participation in Oil and Gas - FederalInformation on itemCapital
12 000 0000
Federal Government approves NOVA Gas transmission system expansion projectInformation on itemProducer Support EstimateTransportation of fossil fuels (e.g., through pipelines)Natural gas
MMissing value; data cannot exist
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 23:25 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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