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MeasureC: Current prices
UnitAustralian Dollar, Millions
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TransactionInformation on table
Hide subtree SG: Simplified general governments accounts............................
SG: Simplified general governments accountsHide subtree SG1: Production account............................
SG1: Production accountHide subtree GP1R: Output131 619138 706148 607157 006169 824180 741194 762209 482............
GP1R: OutputGP11_P12R: Market output and output for own final use00000000............
Hide subtree GP13R: Non-market output131 619138 706148 607157 006169 824180 741194 762209 482............
GP13R: Non-market outputGP131R: Payments for non-market output22 94524 24726 26427 30029 62631 96234 65237 535............
GP132R: Non-market output, other108 674114 459122 343129 706140 198148 779160 110171 947............
GP1XXR: Market output, output for own final use and payments for non-market output22 94524 24726 26427 30029 62631 96234 65237 535............
GP2P: Intermediate consumption............................
Hide subtree GB1G: Value added, gross............................
GB1G: Value added, grossGK1P: Consumption of fixed capital12 93313 43214 10014 66115 64516 77117 93819 252............
GB1N: Value added, net............................
Hide subtree SG2: Generation of income account............................
SG2: Generation of income accountGD1P: Compensation of employees, payable............................
GD29P: Other taxes on production, payable............................
GD39R: Other subsidies on production, receivable00000000............
GB2N: Operating surplus, net00000000............
Hide subtree SG3: Allocation of primary income account............................
SG3: Allocation of primary income accountGD2R: Taxes on production and imports, receivable89 43193 778103 003110 108114 319121 300127 253137 846............
GD3P: Subsidies, payable8 6829 57410 24111 31712 51913 84214 36716 174............
GD4R: Property income, receivable11 94713 81013 31613 96514 87218 46117 60916 145............
Hide subtree GD4P: Property income, payable13 96913 51313 77913 62313 54313 60514 00615 091............
GD4P: Property income, payableGD4PTOS1311: of which: property income payable to S1311............................
GD4PTOS1312: of which: property income payable to S1312............................
GD4PTOS1313: of which: property income payable to S1313............................
GD4PTOS1314: of which: property income payable to S1314............................
GD41P: Interest13 96913 51313 77913 62313 54313 60514 00615 091............
GD42P_D45P: Other property income, payable00000000............
GB5N: Balance of primary incomes, net78 72784 50192 29999 133103 129112 314116 489122 726............
Hide subtree SG4: Secondary distribution of income account............................
SG4: Secondary distribution of income accountGD5R: Current taxes on income, wealth etc., receivable118 658129 115137 657148 038164 697178 212189 846208 582............
Hide subtree GD61R: Net social contributions, receivable00000000............
GD61R: Net social contributions, receivableGD611R: of which: actual social contributions............................
GD612R: of which: imputed social contributions............................
GD7R: Other current transfers, receivable2 1472 2752 7992 6803 0413 4483 8883 950............
GD5P: Current taxes on income, wealth etc., payable00000000............
GD62P: Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, payable59 69262 44264 32772 65675 07377 97282 70387 231............
GD631XXP: Social transfers in kind - purchased market production, payable16 51017 77118 74520 67222 30124 36026 09528 182............
GD62_631XXP: Social benefits an transfers in kind - purchased market production, payable76 20280 21383 07293 32897 374102 332108 798115 413............
Hide subtree GD7P: Other current transfers, payable10 87610 76110 46910 27212 20113 34112 66315 004............
GD7P: Other current transfers, payableGD7PTOS1311: of which: other current transfers payable to S1311............................
GD7PTOS1312: of which: other current transfers payable to S1312............................
GD7PTOS1313: of which: other current transfers payable to S1313............................
GD7PTOS1314: of which: other current transfers payable to S1314............................
GB6N: Disposable income, net128 964142 688157 959166 923183 593202 661214 857233 023............
Hide subtree SG5: Use of disposable income account............................
SG5: Use of disposable income accountHide subtree GP3P: Final consumption expenditure125 184132 230141 088150 378162 499173 139186 205200 129............
GP3P: Final consumption expenditureGP31P: Individual consumption expenditure73 09275 99583 34089 16497 954103 904109 629118 931............
GP32P: Collective consumption expenditure52 09256 23557 74861 21364 54569 23576 57681 197............
GD8P: Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds00000000............
GB8G: Saving, gross16 71323 89030 97131 20636 73946 29346 59052 146............
GB8N: Saving, net3 78010 45816 87116 54521 09429 52228 65232 894............
Hide subtree SG6: Capital account............................
SG6: Capital accountGK1R: Consumption of fixed capital12 93313 43214 10014 66115 64616 77017 93819 252............
Hide subtree GD9R: Capital transfers, receivable8641 0081 2229911 1941 2591 342203............
GD9R: Capital transfers, receivableGD91R: Capital taxes00000000............
GD92R_D99R: Other capital transfers and investment grants, receivable8641 0081 2229911 1941 2591 342203............
Hide subtree GD9P: Capital transfers, payable5 1694 6353 1153 3275 1104 6196 7215 537............
GD9P: Capital transfers, payableGD9PTOS1311: of which: capital transfers payable to S1311............................
GD9PTOS1312: of which: capital transfers payable to S1312............................
GD9PTOS1313: of which: capital transfers payable to S1313............................
GD9PTOS1314: of which: capital transfers payable to S1314............................
GP5_K2P: Gross capital formation and Acquisitions less disposals of non- Assets14 85117 66217 41618 77120 53823 31326 63928 389............
Hide subtree GP5P: Gross capital formation16 31217 74217 37218 92820 38923 36726 61228 244............
GP5P: Gross capital formationGP51P: Gross fixed capital formation16 26817 55317 80018 74420 31622 99927 00229 526............
GP52_P53P: Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables44189-42818473368-390-1 282............
GK2P: Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced non-financial assets-1 461-8044-157149-5427145............
GB9: Net lending (+)/Net borrowing (-)-2 4432 60211 66310 10112 28519 62014 57118 424............
GTE: Total General government expenditure248 433261 631272 598292 981315 464335 022360 019385 837............
GTR: Total General government revenue245 993264 233284 261303 082327 749354 642374 590404 261............
GEDPB9: Government deficit for the purpose of the Excessive Deficit Procedure............................
GEDPD41: Interest including flows on swaps and FRAs............................
GD995: Capital transf. from govt, assessed but unlikely to be collected............................
B1_GE: Gross domestic product (expenditure approach)............................
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 04:21 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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