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The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.

PeriodInitial year in percentageFinal year in percentageChange in percentage pointsIndex of change
FieldMathematicsSciencesReadingNot applicableMathematicsSciencesReadingNot applicableMathematicsSciencesReadingNot applicableMathematicsSciencesNot applicable
Grade4th grade8th grade4th grade8th grade4th grade8th gradeNot applicable4th grade8th grade4th grade8th grade4th grade8th gradeNot applicable4th grade8th grade4th grade8th grade4th grade8th gradeNot applicable4th grade8th gradeNot applicable
PercentageInnovation in instructional practices (1): teaching stylePercentage of class time spent on lecture-style presentations, according to teachersInformation on item16.1723736864321Information on item19.2083616568917..Information on item26.014943095878........Information on item16.6595255392154Information on item20.3253799401213..Information on item26.9175115855402........Information on item0.487151852783306Information on item
..Information on item
Percentage of class time spent on lecture-style presentations, according to students..Information on item77.0269137120558..Information on item77.5634072534061..........Information on item73.2859016978954..Information on item76.3345727564105..........Information on item
..Information on item
Percentage of students watching the teacher demonstrate an experiment or investigation in at least half the lessons......Information on item53.2461088364265..............Information on item52.9944292586405..............Information on item-0.251679577785964..................
Percentage of students watching the teacher demonstrate an experiment or investigation once or twice a month or more....Information on item68.7980861930944..............Information on item61.7152667970365..............Information on item
Percentage of students whose teacher reads aloud to the whole class weekly or more........Information on item90.2289816057431..............Information on item90.4125813674561..............Information on item0.18359976171304................
Percentage of class time spent on independent work, according to teachersInformation on item25.5364494218991Information on item20.6892728609236..Information on item14.721031600676........Information on item25.5141404123396Information on item19.8136371628912..Information on item14.136636591863........Information on item-0.022309009559439Information on item
..Information on item
Percentage of teachers asking students to read silently on their own once a week or more........Information on item93.6989207561977..............Information on item97.8670930855494..............Information on item
Innovation in instructional practices (2): student applicationPercentage of students whose teachers ask them to relate what they read with their own experience in at least half their lessons, according to teachersInformation on item60.1368120850464Information on item47.2290533669684..Information on item66.700902514171568.1071196677998......Information on item70.2544027213592Information on item58.9110730011452..Information on item81.286775303949277.971553985277......Information on item
Information on item
..Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to relate what they read with their own experience in at least half their lessons, according to studentsInformation on item59.6898467793048Information on item36.1029321241517..Information on item42.3195766906901........Information on item76.2767471641401Information on item43.7946908010986..Information on item41.636800928052........Information on item
Information on item
..Information on item-0.682775762638187..................
Percentage of students reporting that they interpret data in tables, figures or graphs in half of the classes or more..Information on item38.8256854680203..............Information on item41.1963905910158..............Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to make generalisations and draw inferences from a text once a week or more........Information on item63.0291372935284..............Information on item79.2357492592969..............Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to explain their answers in at least half their lessons according to teachers..Information on item73.6870392845..............Information on item80.4888103820123..............Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to explain their answers in at least half their lessons according to students..Information on item64.2045101902484..............Information on item66.9639156248601..............Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to explain what they are studying in at least half their lessons....Information on item61.5308243784741Information on item66.2298134323477............Information on item74.6662488070152Information on item78.0701896570839............Information on item
Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to explain answers in at least half their lessons and change over timeInformation on item76.4499336320004..............Information on item88.8235620817074..............Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to observe and describe natural phenomena in at least half their lessons according to teachers............Information on item28.6589246286071..............Information on item48.7970008805716..............Information on item
Innovation in instructional practices (3): class organisationPercentage of students working together in small groups in at least half their lessons and change over time..Information on item18.1554569170925Information on item61.2063029966951Information on item56.6247402989467..........Information on item31.2029265113218Information on item57.4307901156147Information on item53.0896496300314..........Information on item
Information on item
Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to read aloud in small groups or pairs at least weekly and change over time........Information on item46.8449097193767..............Information on item52.2782826976369..............Information on item
Percentage of 15 year-old students grouped by ability within class for at least some subjects and change over time..............Information on item44.3856723225806..............Information on item47.591318014195..............Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers often or always create same-ability groups when doing reading instruction or reading activities and change over time........Information on item9.73130520103001..............Information on item12.5421876179386..............Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers often or always create mixed-ability groups when doing reading instruction or reading activities and change over time........Information on item4.53614911635401..............Information on item4.78474527097219..............Information on item0.248596154618181................
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to decide on their own procedures for solving complex problems in at least half their lessons and change over time..Information on item48.3802660612125..............Information on item52.9660625517612..............Information on item
Percentage of students deciding on their own procedures for solving complex problems in at least half their lessons and change over time..Information on item51.7872785318634..............Information on item45.730816817531..............Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to design or plan experiments or investigations in at least half their lessons and change over time....Information on item23.4871563342682Information on item21.3181141922064............Information on item32.9413349446303Information on item28.162315064078............Information on item
Information on item
Percentage of students who design or plan experiments or investigations in at least half their lessons and change over ....Information on item52.0492440259925Information on item42.4325498749671............Information on item44.1684237153991Information on item41.3376614296617............Information on item
Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers give them time to read books of their own choosing at least once a month and change over time........Information on item67.9470977061476..............Information on item75.5382761393171..............Information on item
Percentage of students reading books that they choose themselves at least once a month and change over time........Information on item83.8894033553761..............Information on item82.3514565882339..............Information on item
Percentage of 15 year-old students in schools where the principal reports that learning is not at all hindered, or hindered very little, by teachers not meeting individual students’ needs and change over time..............Information on item66.101976..............Information on item71.9300050357143..............Information on item
Percentage of 15 year-old students who agree or strongly agree that if they need extra help, they will receive it from their teachers and change over time..............Information on item73.5898178333333..............Information on item77.6166413..............Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers always or almost always use individualised instruction for reading and change over time........Information on item29.7304562691143..............Information on item41.1651617494392..............Information on item
Innovation in the use of textbooks in classroomsPercentage of students whose teachers use textbooks as a basis for instruction and change over timeInformation on item51.1132495921015Information on item62.732206521121Information on item39.9123571883961Information on item51.4273935342268........Information on item56.6498739216895Information on item72.0140077203892Information on item50.7753685891824Information on item64.3474931792278........Information on item
Information on item
Information on item
Information on item
Percentage of students whose teachers use textbooks as a basis for reading instruction and change over time..........Information on item61.5934868389022..............Information on item62.710453732565..............Information on item1.11696689366284..............
Percentage of students whose teachers use textbooks as a supplementary resource and change over timeInformation on item40.6256470778943Information on item34.2181627176749Information on item32.2017888150277Information on item43.3006908331834........Information on item33.6799152209407Information on item24.9464236042581Information on item29.2240360828633Information on item32.6375932037806........Information on item
Information on item
Information on item
Information on item
Innovation in the availability of computers and the internet in the classroomPercentage of students with computers available to use and change over timeInformation on item55.9087968715073Information on item47.9767673093759Information on item57.1416728826827Information on item59.4468046204193........Information on item56.6049847863962Information on item46.3991738580679Information on item60.0651514132627Information on item55.9640360847392........Information on item0.696187914888867Information on item-1.57759345130806Information on item
Information on item
Percentage of students with Internet access in the classroom and change over timeInformation on item49.1584702443417Information on item43.0230101854108Information on item53.1559601823457Information on item54.6694794295193........Information on item54.2913261651883Information on item42.0850633503137Information on item58.0693112624784Information on item53.3924805120401........Information on item
Information on item-0.937946835097065Information on item
Information on item-1.27699891747918..................
Innovation in the methods of assessment used in classroomsPercentage of 15-year old students enrolled in schools where standardised tests are used for assessment at least monthly and change over time..............Information on item5.46058942857143..............Information on item6.48092628571429..............Information on item
Percentage of 15-year old students enrolled in schools where teacher-developed tests are used for assessment at least monthly and change over time..............Information on item60.4668630714286..............Information on item61.7946827142857..............Information on item60.4668630714286..........
Percentage of 15-year olds assessed by teachers’ judgmental ratings at least monthly and change over time..............Information on item48.44950825..............Information on item59.3789838214286..............Information on item
Percentage of 15-year old students enrolled in schools where students’ portfolios are used for assessment at least monthly and change over time..............Information on item20.4580826428571..............Information on item19.7286297272727..............Information on item20.4580826428571..........
Percentage of 15-year old students enrolled in schools wherestudents' assignements/projects/homework are used for assessment at least monthly and change over time..............Information on item70.2822054642857..............Information on item70.4664040714286..............Information on item70.2822054642857..........
Innovation in the use of computers in the classroomPercentage of students using computers to practice skills and procedures at least sometimes and change over timeInformation on item43.7572623605352Information on item28.8399709306118Information on item23.4331233903718Information on item27.1111235678204........Information on item46.0562834328439Information on item28.3721424912062Information on item30.1979420431379Information on item32.3769603259671........Information on item2.29902107230879Information on item-0.467828439405533Information on item
Information on item
Percentage of students using computers to look up ideas and information at least sometimes and change over timeInformation on item29.9258205151434Information on item27.027527788634Information on item48.186122367374Information on item50.0426345979164........Information on item31.8600890555222Information on item23.0480055341048Information on item51.6103432603857Information on item46.9601760320769........Information on item1.93426854037885Information on item
Information on item
Information on item
Percentage of students using computers to analyse data at least sometimes and change over timeInformation on item24.63308354935Information on item28.3266943797744Information on item23.8644902211679Information on item33.527732121172........Information on item26.0491904288226Information on item23.3944232844006Information on item29.0556647543087Information on item31.5359965474331........Information on item1.41610687947263Information on item
Information on item
Information on item-1.99173557373898..................
Percentage of students using computers to read stories or other texts at least once or twice a week and change over time..........Information on item14.0428445265612..............Information on item16.1837082840969..............Information on item
Percentage of students using computers to write stories or other texts at least once or twice a week and change over time..........Information on item23.4183071366229..............Information on item22.1589226078744..............Information on item23.4183071366229..............
Innovation in the provision of special education in schoolsPercentage of students in schools that offer remedial according to grade and field and change over timeInformation on item81.962152193989Information on item68.0561738463574Information on item23.5541101043052Information on item40.8804468259807........Information on item82.2790468724613Information on item81.5610214393891Information on item23.4318776609365Information on item45.0839048869993........Information on item81.962152193989Information on item
Information on item23.5541101043052Information on item
Percentage of students in schools with reading specialists always available in classrooms to work with students with reading difficulties and change over time........Information on item14.9498062402474..............Information on item14.7275177397683..............Information on item14.9498062402474................
Percentage of students in schools that offer enrichment according to grade and field and change over timeInformation on item56.6016959594389Information on item60.2849677232371Information on item26.5623550549812Information on item49.1876675173199........Information on item58.1435389527841Information on item73.031679289639Information on item26.0798627822678Information on item53.4691787415673........Information on item56.6016959594389Information on item
Information on item26.5623550549812Information on item
Percentage of students in schools that offer informal initiatives to encourage students to read and change over time........Information on item85.1916817355206..............Information on item87.8920851137633..............Information on item
Innovation in the extent of teacher collaboration in schoolsPeer discussions amongst teachers for specific grades and fields, percentage of students who have a teacher who discusses with other teachers how to teach a particular topic once a week or more and change over time..Information on item43.4098469198966..Information on item42.8625900888705..Information on item55.0364517129397......Information on item47.169514812922..Information on item45.0395733980438..Information on item55.2861072834989......Information on item
..Information on item2.17698330917331..Information on item0.249655570559142..............
Teacher collaboration in preparing instructional materials for specific grades and fields, percentage of students who have a teacher who collaborates in planning and preparing instructional materials with other teachers once a week or more and change over time..Information on item37.5970944602147..Information on item36.501654358419..Information on item49.22508174617......Information on item37.2187939771647..Information on item34.8897119208217..Information on item48.3036762936328......Information on item-0.378300483050026..Information on item-1.61194243759736..Information on item-0.921405452537236..............
Classroom observations in specific grades and fields, percentage of students who have a teacher who visits another classroom to learn more about teaching once a week or more and change over time..Information on item3.63595181381982..Information on item4.05378385100656..Information on item5.04959004420239......Information on item5.42317211791124..Information on item5.67070468725518..Information on item10.661591655307......Information on item
..Information on item
..Information on item
Innovation in feedback mechanisms in schoolsUse of student assessments for district or national benchmarking, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where assessments are used for comparing school to district or national performance and change over time..............Information on item39.8388075..............Information on item51.137021163601..............Information on item
Use of student assessments for between-school comparisons, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where assessments are used to compare the school with other schools and change over time..............Information on item66.7786206896552..............Information on item45.6831113643381..............Information on item
Use of student assessments for monitoring progress over time, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where assessments are used for monitoring progress from year to year and change over time..............Information on item65.5355204285714..............Information on item75.2707988563487..............Information on item
Administrative tracking of school achievement data, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where achievement data is tracked over time by an administrative authority and change over time..............Information on item64.8048484848485..............Information on item65.2216404436353..............Information on item64.8048484848485..........
Use of student assessments for instructional or curriculum improvement, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where assessments are used to identify instructional or curriculum improvement and change over time..............Information on item69.6272434285714..............Information on item72.3719225991026..............Information on item
Percentage of principals’ time devoted to developing curriculum and pedagogy in their school and change over time..............Information on item15.0218344639344..............Information on item13.920740311964..............Information on item
Innovation in evaluation and hiring in schoolsUse of assessment data to make judgments about teachers' effectiveness, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where assessment data are used to make judgments about teachers’ effectiveness and change over time..............Information on item40.3865517241379..............Information on item44.7517379379242..............Information on item
Use of achievement data for evaluating teachers' performance, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where achievement data are used for evaluating teachers’ performance and change over time..............Information on item45.1342424242424..............Information on item44.224781152252..............Information on item45.1342424242424..........
Use of achievement data for the evaluation of principal's performance, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where achievement data are used for evaluating the principal’s performance and change over time..............Information on item32.73625..............Information on item36.0363167693951..............Information on item
Evaluation of teachers' practices by inspector observation in 8th grade mathematics in specific grades and fields, percentage of students in schools in which observations by inspectors or other persons external to the school are used to evaluate the practice of teachers and change over time..Information on item23.7463484480229..Information on item24.1056155093195..Information on item27.1154592028239......Information on item33.2078214731779..Information on item32.0179178926069..Information on item37.2199475130865......Information on item
..Information on item
..Information on item
Peer review evaluation of teachers' practices in specific grades and fields, percentage of students in schools in which peer review is used to evaluate the practice of teachers and change over time..Information on item41.3794642983523..Information on item42.2753882408345..Information on item35.0351711110403......Information on item48.7436205393724..Information on item48.2659576137981..Information on item41.1007180879696......Information on item
..Information on item
..Information on item
Use of incentives for teacher recruitement and retention in specific grades and fields, percentage of students in schools which currently use any incentives to recruit or retain teachers and change over time..Information on item6.95257599376267..Information on item6.53954933002079..Information on item3.66729782708101......Information on item8.89054884806345..Information on item7.25518580148367..Information on item4.91735482818226......Information on item
..Information on item0.715636471462871..Information on item
Innovation in schools' external relationsParental perceptions of receiving regular information about their child's progress, percentage of 15-year old students whose parents agree or strongly agree that they receive regular information about their child’s progress and change over time..............Information on item71.784383..............Information on item74.2684254..............Information on item
Use of assessment data to inform parents about their child's progress, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where assessment data are used to inform parents about their child’s progress and change over time..............Information on item96.963088..............Information on item97.6641745699366..............Information on item
Information provided to parents about their child's performance relative to national or regional benchmarks, percentage of 15-year old students in schools that provide information to parents on their child’s academic performance relative to national or regional benchmarks and change over time..............Information on item47.1906060606061..............Information on item46.7463944967706..............Information on item47.1906060606061..........
Information provided to parents about student group performance relative to students in the same grade in other schools, percentage of 15-year old students in schools that provide information to parents on the academic performance of students relative to students in the same grade in other schools and change over time..............Information on item26.1515625..............Information on item23.7009884622417..............Information on item
Schools asking parents of specific grade students to serve on committees, percentage of students in schools that ask parents to serve on school committees and change over time..........Information on item71.4934648470456Information on item70.1247636328941............Information on item72.7667281773279Information on item70.5602568695004............Information on item71.4934648470456Information on item70.1247636328941............
Schools asking parents of specific grade students to volunteer for projects, percentage of students in schools that ask parents to volunteer for projects, programmes and trips and change over time..........Information on item89.6821232977189Information on item72.153463598931............Information on item90.4791813761595Information on item73.8963368822614............Information on item89.6821232977189Information on item72.153463598931............
Publicly posting school achievement data, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where achievement data are publicly posted and change over time..............Information on item37.6975757575758..............Information on item36.3733863493774..............Information on item37.6975757575758..........
Public relations and fundraising by school principals..............Information on item59.2752..............Information on item55.7738666666667..............Information on item
Time devoted to community/parent relations by 4th grade principals..........Information on item14.2669333333333..............Information on item12.8205333333333..............Information on item
Standard errorInnovation in instructional practices (1): teaching stylePercentage of class time spent on lecture-style presentations, according to teachersInformation on item0.217051629613935Information on item0.224771951849032..Information on item0.308149788146473........Information on item0.215005570323913Information on item0.206411754187735..Information on item0.282595501663426........Information on item0.305514001624109Information on item0.305169203237943..Information on item0.418110642647517..................
Percentage of class time spent on lecture-style presentations, according to students..Information on item0.288733171775969..Information on item0.295092085961482..........Information on item0.283351305439197..Information on item0.2849242570137..........Information on item0.404542713168719..Information on item0.41019650343696..................
Percentage of students watching the teacher demonstrate an experiment or investigation in at least half the lessons......Information on item0.448413620274259..............Information on item0.425809807801109..............Information on item0.618375910969278..................
Percentage of students watching the teacher demonstrate an experiment or investigation once or twice a month or more....Information on item0.461237476225344..............Information on item0.467412283879193..............Information on item0.656669058655795....................
Percentage of students whose teacher reads aloud to the whole class weekly or more........Information on item0.588739113904115..............Information on item0.504101010549277..............Information on item0.775068753774402................
Percentage of class time spent on independent work, according to teachersInformation on item0.301384124690855Information on item0.292169951704795..Information on item0.219138557472162........Information on item0.26948336782459Information on item0.251845750071969..Information on item0.18519111823644........Information on item0.404294046641496Information on item0.385732501234333..Information on item0.286910190904128..................
Percentage of teachers asking students to read silently on their own once a week or more........Information on item0.487455020370523..............Information on item0.251769784422865..............Information on item0.54863505286553................
Innovation in instructional practices (2): student applicationPercentage of students whose teachers ask them to relate what they read with their own experience in at least half their lessons, according to teachersInformation on item0.82586647153754Information on item1.17646873349977..Information on item0.980959913909050.947832464364256......Information on item0.816310943392632Information on item0.91920477463387..Information on item0.7834367226790150.763803944936089......Information on item1.16121444406812Information on item1.4929889814102..Information on item1.255410471176061.21728503104357................
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to relate what they read with their own experience in at least half their lessons, according to studentsInformation on item1.12552791239624Information on item0.301968315802673..Information on item0.336084132795718........Information on item0.993541354849892Information on item0.313864755182196..Information on item0.332681932415793........Information on item1.50131192807491Information on item0.435540983484084..Information on item0.472895138982159..................
Percentage of students reporting that they interpret data in tables, figures or graphs in half of the classes or more..Information on item0.370522156906076..............Information on item0.334514434163088..............Information on item0.499185912683623......................
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to make generalisations and draw inferences from a text once a week or more........Information on item0.942345254470592..............Information on item0.776917237078618..............Information on item1.22131690068267................
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to explain their answers in at least half their lessons according to teachers..Information on item1.00804460863808..............Information on item0.778761162115561..............Information on item1.27382215423656......................
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to explain their answers in at least half their lessons according to students..Information on item0.307883381463932..............Information on item0.279887966225483..............Information on item0.416088272148473......................
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to explain what they are studying in at least half their lessons....Information on item0.788422652890968Information on item0.831266719554958............Information on item0.789685910385611Information on item0.728464623162977............Information on item1.11589162406265Information on item1.10528958478746..................
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to explain answers in at least half their lessons and change over timeInformation on item0.952865204452476..............Information on item0.692645094467347..............Information on item1.17801074899423........................
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to observe and describe natural phenomena in at least half their lessons according to teachers............Information on item0.852329142029551..............Information on item0.883889317110058..............Information on item1.22789465804446............
Innovation in instructional practices (3): class organisationPercentage of students working together in small groups in at least half their lessons and change over time..Information on item0.376750039870033Information on item0.449208420760116Information on item0.505949217360548..........Information on item0.341786920387789Information on item0.40826006616604Information on item0.457146931122391..........Information on item0.508683488517408Information on item0.607012756791566Information on item0.681885567512887..................
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to read aloud in small groups or pairs at least weekly and change over time........Information on item0.907553694018992..............Information on item0.886497983256601..............Information on item1.26867347329624................
Percentage of 15 year-old students grouped by ability within class for at least some subjects and change over time..............Information on item3.06950361290323..............Information on item2.93290322580645..............Information on item0.810980926552023..........
Percentage of students whose teachers often or always create same-ability groups when doing reading instruction or reading activities and change over time........Information on item0.631537414247816..............Information on item0.559607036168443..............Information on item0.843800652123502................
Percentage of students whose teachers often or always create mixed-ability groups when doing reading instruction or reading activities and change over time........Information on item0.459690560964387..............Information on item0.413093323334146..............Information on item0.618030343610248................
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to decide on their own procedures for solving complex problems in at least half their lessons and change over time..Information on item1.17665560347898..............Information on item0.97108200282277..............Information on item1.5256207475663......................
Percentage of students deciding on their own procedures for solving complex problems in at least half their lessons and change over time..Information on item0.289770049431962..............Information on item0.29247351006566..............Information on item0.411712807230877......................
Percentage of students whose teachers ask them to design or plan experiments or investigations in at least half their lessons and change over time....Information on item0.931042225649652Information on item0.872978786697966............Information on item0.931888705399581Information on item0.844220340845813............Information on item1.3172912302122Information on item1.21441341639595..................
Percentage of students who design or plan experiments or investigations in at least half their lessons and change over ....Information on item0.417818723516318Information on item0.421638638010552............Information on item0.357880461472006Information on item0.39130617794059............Information on item0.550137174188603Information on item0.575238790380018..................
Percentage of students whose teachers give them time to read books of their own choosing at least once a month and change over time........Information on item0.767042792080348..............Information on item0.654382092330731..............Information on item1.00825124232285................
Percentage of students reading books that they choose themselves at least once a month and change over time........Information on item0.240982535656913..............Information on item0.238055375953865..............Information on item0.338737279483926................
Percentage of 15 year-old students in schools where the principal reports that learning is not at all hindered, or hindered very little, by teachers not meeting individual students’ needs and change over time..............Information on item3.40194732142857..............Information on item2.78949107142857..............Information on item0.891918737501096..........
Percentage of 15 year-old students who agree or strongly agree that if they need extra help, they will receive it from their teachers and change over time..............Information on item0.8896859..............Information on item0.694710066666666..............Information on item0.213377392394079..........
Percentage of students whose teachers always or almost always use individualised instruction for reading and change over time........Information on item0.981511677505911..............Information on item0.919510024869716..............Information on item1.34494009491738................
Innovation in the use of textbooks in classroomsPercentage of students whose teachers use textbooks as a basis for instruction and change over timeInformation on item0.992021110905651Information on item1.1095173754304Information on item1.0201574855222Information on item1.03474788526652........Information on item0.803956648220084Information on item0.797800260783654Information on item0.881505078586794Information on item0.859408013615272........Information on item1.27689160726342Information on item1.36657018205741Information on item1.34824793670945Information on item1.34509676972687..................
Percentage of students whose teachers use textbooks as a basis for reading instruction and change over time..........Information on item0.965690928483964..............Information on item0.856517550424342..............Information on item1.29080644697071..............
Percentage of students whose teachers use textbooks as a supplementary resource and change over timeInformation on item1.0330082269809Information on item1.1147383093011Information on item1.05235921380729Information on item1.02582681140862........Information on item0.87350134697118Information on item0.818214334782867Information on item0.979569251088821Information on item0.866804174314032........Information on item1.35281580422861Information on item1.38279289695444Information on item1.43771201308322Information on item1.3430078643154..................
Innovation in the availability of computers and the internet in the classroomPercentage of students with computers available to use and change over timeInformation on item1.06107586328822Information on item1.11573317125853Information on item1.05859672365255Information on item1.01494704491466........Information on item0.959132044655615Information on item0.999064107963135Information on item1.06068572979852Information on item0.997708221075446........Information on item1.43032033710568Information on item1.49766137737033Information on item1.49855972210858Information on item1.42321438946581..................
Percentage of students with Internet access in the classroom and change over timeInformation on item1.11054489637928Information on item1.12037136212362Information on item1.07103404146676Information on item1.07018871588016........Information on item0.946450790839829Information on item1.00395824545482Information on item1.05997689480475Information on item1.00401257565558........Information on item1.45913641115401Information on item1.50438164961005Information on item1.50687256777093Information on item1.46742806967557..................
Innovation in the methods of assessment used in classroomsPercentage of 15-year old students enrolled in schools where standardised tests are used for assessment at least monthly and change over time..............Information on item1.37094103571429..............Information on item1.30247453571429..............Information on item0.440620046529085..........
Percentage of 15-year old students enrolled in schools where teacher-developed tests are used for assessment at least monthly and change over time..............Information on item3.02233442857143..............Information on item2.79663832142857..............Information on item0.838392455759972..........
Percentage of 15-year olds assessed by teachers’ judgmental ratings at least monthly and change over time..............Information on item2.98658392857143..............Information on item2.75751871428571..............Information on item0.8175858629753..........
Percentage of 15-year old students enrolled in schools where students’ portfolios are used for assessment at least monthly and change over time..............Information on item0.487753507173618..............Information on item0.418147026875806..............Information on item0.642456550939626..........
Percentage of 15-year old students enrolled in schools wherestudents' assignements/projects/homework are used for assessment at least monthly and change over time..............Information on item2.79489507142857..............Information on item2.53674275..............Information on item0.765529854553713..........
Innovation in the use of computers in the classroomPercentage of students using computers to practice skills and procedures at least sometimes and change over timeInformation on item1.09803869380248Information on item1.05348290282778Information on item1.01753246709325Information on item0.919060612280948........Information on item0.932667703655799Information on item0.914016554164669Information on item1.02543253939166Information on item0.926641991798568........Information on item1.44067970712786Information on item1.39472308643598Information on item1.44460521057904Information on item1.30511983741366..................
Percentage of students using computers to look up ideas and information at least sometimes and change over timeInformation on item1.06515618848801Information on item1.0177787267024Information on item1.0916709445622Information on item1.01873445702095........Information on item0.960664341307159Information on item0.86544729906387Information on item1.13395151349101Information on item0.965671936188748........Information on item1.43437571177618Information on item1.33599122900748Information on item1.57403668513472Information on item1.40368877685344..................
Percentage of students using computers to analyse data at least sometimes and change over timeInformation on item0.852389503857704Information on item1.04573967249957Information on item1.04327161939002Information on item0.992530980319491........Information on item0.846559429362191Information on item0.85022652136052Information on item0.984501497476816Information on item0.912016943283028........Information on item1.20134538486183Information on item1.34775984517433Information on item1.4344542064349Information on item1.34792160444489..................
Percentage of students using computers to read stories or other texts at least once or twice a week and change over time..........Information on item0.67360273093573..............Information on item0.709819567050399..............Information on item0.978562444043143..............
Percentage of students using computers to write stories or other texts at least once or twice a week and change over time..........Information on item0.783417125991256..............Information on item0.768141211441585..............Information on item1.09717059476243..............
Innovation in the provision of special education in schoolsPercentage of students in schools that offer remedial according to grade and field and change over timeInformation on item0.91928791403692Information on item1.24329476054829Information on item1.00658197537946Information on item1.39098958054841........Information on item0.87443317979353Information on item1.05123391846163Information on item0.955823644146634Information on item1.17284805041189........Information on item1.26874885411502Information on item1.62815067267468Information on item1.3880944174906Information on item1.81945721646573..................
Percentage of students in schools with reading specialists always available in classrooms to work with students with reading difficulties and change over time........Information on item0.71922474948682..............Information on item0.63083785123816..............Information on item0.956682097056884................
Percentage of students in schools that offer enrichment according to grade and field and change over timeInformation on item1.20302711417049Information on item1.24373082698098Information on item1.10070364850877Information on item1.33303507111351........Information on item1.11206099091514Information on item1.22100876157695Information on item1.12004505400847Information on item1.30743294512699........Information on item1.63827771911374Information on item1.74290813465038Information on item1.57036602257224Information on item1.86718060369693..................
Percentage of students in schools that offer informal initiatives to encourage students to read and change over time........Information on item0.734012023149053..............Information on item0.694824358875343..............Information on item1.01071981271463................
Innovation in the extent of teacher collaboration in schoolsPeer discussions amongst teachers for specific grades and fields, percentage of students who have a teacher who discusses with other teachers how to teach a particular topic once a week or more and change over time..Information on item1.14350905991154..Information on item0.998287790950357..Information on item1.15992012973197......Information on item1.01404384421386..Information on item0.992087337520161..Information on item1.08821812955526......Information on item1.52836444871235..Information on item1.40741457958499..Information on item1.5904821296859..............
Teacher collaboration in preparing instructional materials for specific grades and fields, percentage of students who have a teacher who collaborates in planning and preparing instructional materials with other teachers once a week or more and change over time..Information on item1.1638965793411..Information on item1.01233809444928..Information on item1.17703834472798......Information on item0.915171914355195..Information on item0.912521824703817..Information on item1.04222463745668......Information on item1.48060625428453..Information on item1.36291030447127..Information on item1.57214867613775..............
Classroom observations in specific grades and fields, percentage of students who have a teacher who visits another classroom to learn more about teaching once a week or more and change over time..Information on item0.440582340122244..Information on item0.398215419480578..Information on item0.512425397892266......Information on item0.472275282901779..Information on item0.428643262731024..Information on item0.582811510710177......Information on item0.645876722964644..Information on item0.585073129614401..Information on item0.776047063921594..............
Innovation in feedback mechanisms in schoolsUse of student assessments for district or national benchmarking, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where assessments are used for comparing school to district or national performance and change over time..............Information on item0.653972035731083..............Information on item0.55259659789036..............Information on item0.856178966991281..........
Use of student assessments for between-school comparisons, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where assessments are used to compare the school with other schools and change over time..............Information on item0.562942519817354..............Information on item0.556061934633753..............Information on item0.791270595793212..........
Use of student assessments for monitoring progress over time, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where assessments are used for monitoring progress from year to year and change over time..............Information on item0.629888372742539..............Information on item0.521456824087819..............Information on item0.817726471079418..........
Administrative tracking of school achievement data, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where achievement data is tracked over time by an administrative authority and change over time..............Information on item2.77272727272727..............Information on item2.69636363636364..............Information on item0.733766088189083..........
Use of student assessments for instructional or curriculum improvement, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where assessments are used to identify instructional or curriculum improvement and change over time..............Information on item0.568956283140795..............Information on item0.528389447437461..............Information on item0.776470643545945..........
Percentage of principals’ time devoted to developing curriculum and pedagogy in their school and change over time..............Information on item0.197361415333551..............Information on item0.176641863225698..............Information on item0.264865769978509..........
Innovation in evaluation and hiring in schoolsUse of assessment data to make judgments about teachers' effectiveness, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where assessment data are used to make judgments about teachers’ effectiveness and change over time..............Information on item0.595831436792449..............Information on item0.581628060663555..............Information on item0.832650167850462..........
Use of achievement data for evaluating teachers' performance, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where achievement data are used for evaluating teachers’ performance and change over time..............Information on item0.505622020071219..............Information on item0.515448310225413..............Information on item0.72203918709107..........
Use of achievement data for the evaluation of principal's performance, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where achievement data are used for evaluating the principal’s performance and change over time..............Information on item0.51947746432112..............Information on item0.514907075961284..............Information on item0.73142746244074..........
Evaluation of teachers' practices by inspector observation in 8th grade mathematics in specific grades and fields, percentage of students in schools in which observations by inspectors or other persons external to the school are used to evaluate the practice of teachers and change over time..Information on item0.976328829746575..Information on item0.967033629680799..Information on item0.859439273011575......Information on item0.888548159199071..Information on item0.859829494268927..Information on item0.961431135337468......Information on item1.32012719652705..Information on item1.29400958271119..Information on item1.28956802534452..............
Peer review evaluation of teachers' practices in specific grades and fields, percentage of students in schools in which peer review is used to evaluate the practice of teachers and change over time..Information on item1.06997222013426..Information on item1.056917675076..Information on item1.04655138993623......Information on item1.01321486909862..Information on item0.976621621475345..Information on item1.01778560785395......Information on item1.47358234341402..Information on item1.43904995167687..Information on item1.45984840148972..............
Use of incentives for teacher recruitement and retention in specific grades and fields, percentage of students in schools which currently use any incentives to recruit or retain teachers and change over time..Information on item0.733668868938428..Information on item0.662379335458019..Information on item0.463987006551795......Information on item0.693245932907363..Information on item0.640136145219907..Information on item0.54870691303396......Information on item1.00938591863667..Information on item0.921151816183852..Information on item0.718584176461014..............
Innovation in schools' external relationsParental perceptions of receiving regular information about their child's progress, percentage of 15-year old students whose parents agree or strongly agree that they receive regular information about their child’s progress and change over time..............Information on item0.8740054..............Information on item0.803552..............Information on item0.549360170604641..........
Use of assessment data to inform parents about their child's progress, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where assessment data are used to inform parents about their child’s progress and change over time..............Information on item0.270508810361424..............Information on item0.196399348475581..............Information on item0.334286883626603..........
Information provided to parents about their child's performance relative to national or regional benchmarks, percentage of 15-year old students in schools that provide information to parents on their child’s academic performance relative to national or regional benchmarks and change over time..............Information on item0.511670682228659..............Information on item0.513641458810878..............Information on item0.725006507047839..........
Information provided to parents about student group performance relative to students in the same grade in other schools, percentage of 15-year old students in schools that provide information to parents on the academic performance of students relative to students in the same grade in other schools and change over time..............Information on item0.510502395011522..............Information on item0.486380525540446..............Information on item0.705109006422057..........
Schools asking parents of specific grade students to serve on committees, percentage of students in schools that ask parents to serve on school committees and change over time..........Information on item1.02893543302877Information on item1.04043081215235............Information on item0.971090934145344Information on item0.976098641945831............Information on item1.41482356770072Information on item1.42662708290727............
Schools asking parents of specific grade students to volunteer for projects, percentage of students in schools that ask parents to volunteer for projects, programmes and trips and change over time..........Information on item0.682923724516932Information on item1.01832030031345............Information on item0.693043493574736Information on item0.97382142968292............Information on item0.972982064323055Information on item1.40900830761928............
Publicly posting school achievement data, percentage of 15-year old students in schools where achievement data are publicly posted and change over time..............Information on item2.67060606060606..............Information on item2.64666666666667..............Information on item0.71425090955477..........
Public relations and fundraising by school principals..............Information on item4.20414..............Information on item3.89676..............Information on item1.53528537717839..........
Time devoted to community/parent relations by 4th grade principals..........Information on item0.616533333333333..............Information on item0.533066666666667..............Information on item0.223314526571331..............
IndexComposite indices of innovation in classrooms and schoolsOverall composite education innovation index, 2000-2011........................................................22.31157
School level composite innovation indices, 2000-2011........................................................23.1210257142857
Classroom level composite innovation indices, 2000-2011........................................................22.0969285714286
Subject-level composite innovation indices for maths and science education, 2000-2011................................................23.916416666666724.25759......
Composite innovation indices for 8th grade and 4th grade, 2000-2011....................................................23.035864444444422.2338014285714..
wChange significant at the 0.01 level
xChange significant at the 0.05 level
yChange significant at the 0.1 level
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 14:20 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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