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Value added source industry
Country of final demand
Industry of final demand
UnitUS Dollar, Millions
Value added source country
WOR: World362 345.461371 325.062701 108.168997 848.661962 701.7261 199 115.3081 447 090.088
OECD: OECD member countries347 687.665346 184.64648 772.105913 137886 767.2811 101 886.531 320 673.661
AUS: Australia296 468.453297 126.05559 912.782796 114.764784 969.653979 319.9231 170 167.806
AUT: Austria337.005409.106760.284929.626834.115885.8651 019.642
BEL: Belgium477.835321.773779.0391 123.459958.017954.7531 249.316
CAN: Canada1 347.6541 609.2542 534.543 311.6312 615.8763 122.5394 153.436
CHL: Chile107.633140.191301.223600.374613.641991.3611 192.383
CZE: Czechia76.072103.538260.19402.142321.741371.581519.78
DNK: Denmark417.894466.693854.9681 246.4181 000.171 133.9681 322.224
EST: Estonia3.4388.70140.60532.32330.81147.42756.82
FIN: Finland545.654447.86633.2291 296.622960.396847.329963.847
FRA: France1 926.0521 573.3044 320.5575 100.5664 200.4334 825.6536 037.308
DEU: Germany4 130.9592 945.6367 655.1410 315.9018 852.8210 184.50812 404.001
GRC: Greece80.426103.723231.505405.203299.266332.156399.826
HUN: Hungary41.78751.594176.827276.818270.02305.708374.397
ISL: Iceland4.8656.50715.22931.06420.64822.60427.973
IRL: Ireland260.7312.8521 034.371 426.8761 596.8151 686.2211 801.056
ISR: IsraelInformation on item248.768598.107689.597747.53764.062902.5661 207.515
ITA: Italy2 221.1742 454.0014 565.6365 240.9644 761.9365 442.9966 854.6
JPN: Japan10 883.6927 662.26614 574.08718 393.24514 899.64420 016.98522 454.053
KOR: Korea2 175.3821 994.1293 760.9494 541.5714 502.7376 005.4326 896.951
LVA: Latvia3.697.87118.62929.76823.28626.2837.037
LUX: Luxembourg36.53833.071110.375228.351210.921209.034278.719
MEX: Mexico198.847320.839678.211 073.027844.5511 191.4011 882.591
NLD: Netherlands827.166756.241 429.3011 815.5021 629.4751 942.42 472.081
NZL: New Zealand2 640.0182 443.1315 258.7796 516.6365 777.9237 247.7798 735.504
NOR: Norway266.054355.94788.2071 224.674714.534970.7881 626.171
POL: Poland66.8692.887400.734552.555504.417570.564779.334
PRT: Portugal121.741241.977319.186221.954205.206225.05305.989
SVK: Slovak Republic10.49217.85967.075161.663117.785151.734195.042
SVN: Slovenia20.79427.78265.55572.35956.1165.38891.786
ESP: Spain458.067601.9031 427.4272 223.1631 986.7862 414.2733 173.276
SWE: Sweden1 105.758744.5141 423.8991 905.331 341.1651 792.562 309.11
CHE: Switzerland1 027.949978.2411 734.7912 623.2552 563.7343 216.8943 905.855
TUR: Türkiye145.699326.219458.986632.863773.563734.419938.398
GBR: United Kingdom5 512.3425 092.3038 684.50110 852.3819 549.22410 983.11313 671.002
USA: United States13 493.89815 816.44822 824.32331 496.18928 019.08432 771.55841 205.87
NONOECD: Non member economies and aggregates14 657.79525 140.42252 336.06384 711.66175 934.44697 228.778126 416.427
ARG: Argentina70.781100.596266.921428.193517.969517.662999.909
BRA: Brazil389.457422.6541 147.5711 712.8731 153.8891 844.5393 123.789
BRN: Brunei Darussalam17.437227.128494.084715.544444.998796.776929.871
BGR: Bulgaria11.13711.55422.92250.63144.88860.78583.211
KHM: Cambodia5.4165.60220.14733.26833.23532.13243.95
CHN: China (People's Republic of)1 434.6122 980.9211 775.44421 268.08821 321.89627 296.23735 546.548
COL: Colombia29.93939.63271.544155.524137.176218.303374.495
CRI: Costa Rica11.47726.13141.04184.15254.6381.426117.855
HRV: Croatia9.6311.29921.36126.88135.42837.676326.104
CYP: CyprusInformation on item6.5126.51812.61641.49914.72215.03219.379
HKG: "Hong Kong, China"806.512919.3691 589.151 986.3481 789.6412 294.4462 533.606
IND: India519.927624.8321 883.2953 155.413 314.85 139.1646 321.574
IDN: Indonesia1 336.8552 030.5063 277.0573 891.5444 066.0386 125.3138 194.741
LTU: Lithuania2.0576.50425.34636.73133.79637.44960.367
MYS: Malaysia1 468.6032 584.3764 092.0765 345.7754 489.8995 515.0117 251.627
MLT: Malta6.3426.63411.88116.45316.04314.76412.962
PHL: Philippines206.032227.49446.087686.213613.934785.196997.053
ROU: Romania19.53919.29263.757129.737105.018122.757179.54
RUS: Russia304.138294.8511 001.4562 330.7991 574.5762 202.9723 622.962
SAU: Saudi Arabia596.1972 155.2882 573.6394 195.0852 513.3642 924.274 560.195
SGP: Singapore1 780.7112 102.5944 321.4234 866.5924 909.8946 203.3938 373.112
ZAF: South Africa341.85490.8131 061.5841 105.875745.4461 113.5521 138.313
TWN: Chinese TaipeiInformation on item1 741.241 955.6392 609.7452 739.6442 324.52 979.7963 541.763
THA: Thailand1 247.6841 471.4843 178.5185 809.1097 055.0557 758.667 877.481
TUN: Tunisia7.38910.23525.8153.00334.26946.41447.689
VNM: Viet Nam155.1561 092.6611 950.3432 439.6551 766.4832 053.2132 262.4
ROW: Rest of the World2 127.4775 307.94910 332.61421 377.26716 799.57320 985.56127 838.891
APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationInformation on item337 814.555342 999.327644 580.277914 126.749892 600.0231 114 677.9931 337 819.76
ASEAN: Association of South East Asian NationsInformation on item6 217.8939 741.84117 779.73523 787.723 379.53629 269.69435 930.237
EASIA: Eastern AsiaInformation on item17 041.43815 512.32334 309.37648 928.89644 838.41758 592.89770 972.921
EU15: European Union (15 countries)Information on item18 459.31116 504.95634 229.41644 332.31638 386.74543 859.87854 261.996
EU28: European Union (28 countries)Information on item18 737.6616 876.98835 416.91546 161.87539 960.81145 687.02256 997.754
EU13: EU28 excluding EU15Information on item278.35372.0321 187.4981 829.5591 574.0651 827.1442 735.758
EA18: Euro area (18 countries)Information on item11 474.58310 276.8123 482.4130 682.25226 754.94330 270.86237 372.687
EA12: Euro area (12 countries)Information on item11 423.31610 201.44623 266.04830 328.18726 496.18629 950.23736 959.661
NAFTA: North American Free Trade AssociationInformation on item15 040.39917 746.54226 037.07235 880.84731 479.51137 085.49947 241.896
ZEUR: EuropeInformation on item20 340.66618 512.52838 956.59752 371.66844 834.30352 100.2866 180.715
ZASI: East and South East AsiaInformation on item23 259.33125 254.16452 089.11172 716.59668 217.95487 862.591106 903.158
ZSCA: South and Central AmericaInformation on item609.287729.2041 828.32 981.1162 477.3053 653.2925 808.432
ZOTH: Other regions Information on item303 095.778309 082.625582 197.087833 898.434815 692.6541 018 413.6481 220 955.887
DXD: Domestic296 468.453297 126.05559 912.782796 114.764784 969.653979 319.9231 170 167.806
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 13:49 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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