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IndicatorSIGI Côte d'IvoireWomen's access to paid employmentInformation on item
Discrimination in the familyRestricted physical integrityRestricted access to productive and financial resourcesRestricted civil liberties
Child marriageHousehold responsibilitiesDecision-making in the householdBride priceInheritanceViolence against womenFemale genital mutiliationMissing womenReproductive autonomySecure access to land assetsSecure access to housingSecure access to financial servicesAccess to labour marketFreedom of movementPolitical voiceAccess to justice
Attitudes on girl child marriageInformation on itemPrevalence of girl child marriageInformation on itemAttitudes on household chores divisionInformation on itemFemale-to-male ratio of UCDWInformation on itemAttitudes on decision on children's education and healthInformation on itemAttitudes on basic consumption spendingInformation on itemAttitudes on productive purchasesInformation on itemDecision-maker: children's education and healthInformation on itemDecision-maker: basic consumption spendingInformation on itemDecision-maker: productive purchasesInformation on itemAttitudes on bride priceInformation on itemPrevalence of bride priceInformation on itemAttitudes on inheritance of land: widows Information on itemAttitudes on inheritance of non-land assets: widows Information on itemAttitudes on inheritance of land: daughtersInformation on itemAttitudes on inheritance of non-land assets: daughtersInformation on itemInheritance practice of land: widowsInformation on itemInheritance practice of non-land assets: widows Information on itemInheritance practice of land: daughtersInformation on itemInheritance practice of non-land assets: daughtersInformation on itemAttitudes on violence against womenInformation on itemPrevalence of intimate-partner violenceInformation on itemPrevalence of non-intimate partner violenceInformation on itemAttitudes on FGMInformation on itemPrevalence of FGMInformation on itemAttitudes on number of boys and girls wishedInformation on itemMale-to-female ratio at birthInformation on itemAttitudes on contraception useInformation on itemAttitudes on legal abortionInformation on itemUnmet needs for family planningInformation on itemAttitudes on women's ownershipInformation on itemAttitudes on women's controlInformation on itemWomen's land ownershipInformation on itemWomen's ability to sell landInformation on itemAttitudes on women's ownershipInformation on itemAttitudes on women's controlInformation on itemWomen's real estate ownershipInformation on itemWomen's ability to sell real estateInformation on itemAttitudes on women's rights to open a bank accountInformation on itemAttitudes on women's rights to obtain creditInformation on itemAttitudes on women's decision-making power over a bank accountInformation on itemAttitudes on women's decision-making power over a creditInformation on itemWomen's bank account ownershipInformation on itemAttitudes on working womenInformation on itemAttitudes on equal remunerationInformation on itemWomen's labour force participationInformation on itemAttitudes on single women's ability to walk aloneInformation on itemAttitudes on married women's ability to walk aloneInformation on itemAttitudes on married women's ability to go outInformation on itemWomen's security feelingInformation on itemAttitudes on women as political leadersInformation on itemAttitudes on women's right to voteInformation on itemWomen's representation in parliamentInformation on itemWomen's representation in local authoritiesInformation on itemPolitical freedomInformation on itemAttitudes on women as judgesInformation on itemAttitudes on equal access to justiceInformation on itemConfidence in the judicial systemInformation on itemWomen's representation in the judicial systemInformation on item
Côte d'Ivoire1323524446763557867577236244534473668592217318211107236466273214620231059914152112233423449352564613866458553033
Sassandra Marahoué9284924168665885694566302346396149808014134221711112148693137602222974566352133513239756496217093433771735
Vallée du Bandama43366666657046777438671312242033257366161371013110613398332333916252623587671317303725569360616216510045839934
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 16:18 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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