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Flow type
Amount type
UnitUS Dollar, Millions, 2022
AidToThruCore contributions toContributions through
Hide subtree Multilateral Organisations50 553.36648 055.940
 Multilateral Organisations, Other..1 872.191
Hide subtree United Nations (UN) agency, fund or commission8 841.38122 636.260
 Central Emergency Response Fund534.6195.852
 Convention to Combat Desertification7.02112.720
 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific0.6782.854
 Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia..1.984
 Economic Commission for Africa0.0006.818
 Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean0.0216.075
 Food and Agricultural Organisation328.875421.598
 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission0.0211.921
 International Agency for Research on Cancer5.5140.015
 International Atomic Energy Agency (Contributions to Technical Cooperation Fund Only)31.5250.789
 International Atomic Energy Agency - assessed contributions71.6971.773
 International drug purchase facility140.05836.446
 International Fund for Agricultural Development300.877382.779
 International Labour Organisation - Assessed Contributions159.635139.168
 International Labour Organisation - Regular Budget Supplementary Account6.95183.791
 International Organisation for Migration74.7861 325.514
 International Telecommunications Union9.3542.516
 Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund27.989..
 Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS186.86714.339
 Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol121.284..
 Pan-American Health Organisation162.08170.393
 UN-Multi Partner Trust Fund Office..221.994
 United Nations1 045.24273.261
 United Nations Capital Development Fund15.29327.246
 United Nations Children’s Fund727.7122 532.489
 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development..12.107
 United Nations Democracy Fund..2.903
 United Nations Department of Peace Operations - UN peacekeeping operations [only MINURSO, MINUSCA, MINUSMA, MINUJUSTH, MONUSCO, UNAMID, UNIFIL, UNISFA, UNMIK, UNMIL, UNMISS, UNOCI]. Report contributions mission by mission in CRS++.608.28135.746
 United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Trust Fund in Support of Political Affairs4.15449.146
 United Nations Development Coordination Office20.21113.526
 United Nations Development Programme655.1061 564.875
 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (extrabudgetary contributions only)0.6061.634
 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation107.198116.672
 United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women156.698189.254
 United Nations Environment Programme125.785161.902
 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change17.5748.502
 United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (extrabudgetary contributions only)77.73770.596
 United Nations Human Settlement Programme5.12725.079
 United Nations Industrial Development Organisation35.25148.019
 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research0.2480.802
 United Nations Institute for Training and Research0.48418.862
 United Nations Mine Action Service7.14024.933
 United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction9.10634.596
 United Nations Office of Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs158.393845.394
 United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees514.1133 220.705
 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime1.938126.171
 United Nations Peacebuilding Fund145.5549.105
 United Nations Population Fund450.869557.560
 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East238.145601.194
 United Nations Research Institute for Social Development1.2101.119
 United Nations System Staff College2.2652.607
 United Nations University (including Endowment Fund)2.83618.085
 United Nations Voluntary Fund for Technical Co-operation in the Field of Human Rights..4.748
 United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture0.9890.067
 United Nations Volunteers10.14110.229
 Universal Postal Union2.2390.033
 World Food Programme603.8497 033.062
 World Health Organisation - assessed contributions553.753225.758
 World Health Organisation - core voluntary contributions account271.437931.666
 World Health Organisation - Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan59.312..
 World Intellectual Property Organisation0.5253.434
 World Meteorological Organisation6.4638.795
 World Tourism Organization12.793..
 World Trade Organisation - Advisory Centre on WTO Law1.4140.216
 World Trade Organisation - Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund2.3322.208
 World Trade Organisation - International Trade Centre12.00621.780
 United Nations (UN) agency, fund or commission, Other..1 260.833
Hide subtree European Union Institutions17 871.928405.395
 European Commission - Development Share of Budget15 082.804133.531
 European Commission - European Development Fund2 758.349..
 European Investment Bank30.77434.199
 European Union Institutions, Other..237.664
Hide subtree International Monetary Fund (IMF)636.6104 413.809
 IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Trust59.059..
 International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth - Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Relief Initiative Trust Fund [includes HIPC, Extended Credit Facility (ECF), and ECF-HIPC sub-accounts]15.6186.596
 International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust558.4531 247.089
 International Monetary Fund - Subsidization of Emergency Post Conflict Assistance/Emergency Assistance for Natural Disasters for PRGT-eligible members..1.840
 International Monetary Fund (IMF), Other3.4803 158.283
Hide subtree World Bank Group (WB)8 435.28012 131.438
 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development1 058.9611 878.826
 International Development Association6 067.18677.426
 International Development Association - Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Initiative Trust Fund29.196..
 International Development Association - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative674.18123.285
 International Finance Corporation605.261180.460
 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency..23.205
 Partnership for Market Implementation0.4950.000
 World Bank Group (WB), Other..9 948.237
Hide subtree Regional Development Banks3 475.8391 766.651
 African Development Bank376.277123.636
 African Development Fund1 977.66691.414
 African Export Import Bank52.582210.632
 Asian Development Bank47.012211.078
 Asian Development Fund434.0482.629
 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank10.173..
 Black Sea Trade and Development Bank..0.000
 Caribbean Development Bank25.36735.745
 Central African States Development Bank..0.063
 Central American Bank for Economic Integration17.7102.177
 Council of Europe Development Bank0.0901.496
 Development Bank of Latin America..280.361
 Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank..32.193
 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development500.478345.090
 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Early Transition Countries Fund2.526..
 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - technical co-operation and special funds (ODA-eligible countries only)..93.646
 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Western Balkans Joint Trust Fund8.549..
 Financial Fund for the Development of the River Plate Basin..8.413
 Inter-American Development Bank, Fund for Special Operations0.365..
 Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Investment Corporation and Multilateral Investment Fund22.483161.564
 West African Development Bank0.51377.490
 Regional Development Banks, Other..89.024
Hide subtree Other multilateral institutions11 292.3274 830.197
 Adaptation Fund156.33552.582
 African Risk Capacity Group..14.654
 African Tax Administration Forum2.4380.421
 African Union (excluding peacekeeping facilities)..11.428
 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Support Fund (except contributions tied to counter-terrorism activities)0.9940.638
 Asian Forest Cooperation Organisation..3.872
 Asian Productivity Organisation1.3210.365
 Association of South East Asian Nations: Economic Co-operation0.79639.363
 Caribbean Community Secretariat0.21012.074
 Center of Excellence in Finance1.2850.667
 Central European Initiative - Special Fund for Climate and Environmental Protection..0.618
 CGIAR Fund91.79212.797
 Clean Technology Fund0.000174.648
 Colombo Plan0.0957.952
 Commonwealth Foundation1.5400.506
 Commonwealth of Learning5.3570.641
 Commonwealth Secretariat (ODA-eligible contributions only)19.9732.036
 Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries0.8050.177
 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna4.2330.223
 Council of Europe98.30521.095
 Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa..9.723
 Economic Community of West African States..18.316
 European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation0.7512.295
 Forum Fisheries Agency23.2825.303
 Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces13.4509.904
 Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining10.5413.375
 Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization831.5521 937.851
 Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund5.8808.894
 Global Environment Facility - Least Developed Countries Fund129.76942.156
 Global Environment Facility - Special Climate Change Fund7.9651.052
 Global Environment Facility Trust Fund660.3291.195
 Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria5 573.406310.419
 Global Green Growth Institute15.13430.889
 Green Climate Fund2 657.8346.106
 Inter-American Institute for Co-operation on Agriculture18.7840.759
 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change2.1650.258
 International Anti-Corruption Academy0.8100.023
 International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies10.86018.477
 International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology0.004..
 International Commission on Missing Persons0.0063.065
 International Cotton Advisory Committee0.441..
 International Development Law Organisation11.00627.897
 International Finance Facility for Immunisation544.87388.541
 International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance13.9516.029
 International Network for Bamboo and Rattan..2.430
 International Organisation of the Francophonie90.2407.704
 International Renewable Energy Agency6.1838.582
 International Tropical Timber Organisation1.9692.779
 International Vaccine Institute10.2759.503
 Justice Studies Centre of the Americas..0.096
 Latin-American Energy Organisation..0.489
 Mekong River Commission0.6342.091
 New Partnership for Africa's Development..1.543
 Nordic Development Fund34.2406.259
 OECD Development Centre5.37716.948
 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Contributions to special funds for Technical Co-operation Activities Only)22.27734.353
 Organisation of American States63.17139.007
 Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States..0.789
 Organisation of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture0.9391.888
 Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation0.200..
 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe97.92376.248
 Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat2.7632.461
 Pacific Regional Environment Programme1.5164.739
 Pan-American Institute of Geography and History0.324..
 Private Infrastructure Development Group..202.542
 Sahara and Sahel Observatory..0.526
 Sahel and West Africa Club1.170..
 Secretariat of the Pacific Community15.16952.049
 South East Asian Fisheries Development Centre..1.791
 South East Asian Ministers of Education0.02915.258
 Strategic Climate Fund14.4967.721
 World Customs Organization Customs Co-operation Fund3.6449.165
 World Organisation for Animal Health1.5156.096
 Other multilateral institutions, Other..1 427.859
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 21:13 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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