This platform is switching off on July 1st and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until June 30th but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.


This dataset has been migrated to our new data dissemination platform OECD Data Explorer. You can now access it from here

Part1 : Part I - Developing Countries
Amount type
UnitUS Dollar, Millions
Aid typeGrants, TotalInformation on itemOther Long-term - Amounts ExtendedOther Long-term - Amounts ReceivedOffsetting entries for debt relief (OOF claims)Off. Supp. Export Credits - Amt ExtendedOff. Supp. Export Credits - Amt ReceivedTotal Official Non-Concessional FlowsEquity investmentInterest ReceivedInformation on item
Hide subtree DAC Countries, Total-936.5116 551-12 818.21-168.4440 570.87-26 375.8616 822.85-284.59-2 498.08
 Denmark9.15148.38-25.41..1 136.41-566.67701.8574.39-14.7
 France93.541 100.57-1 156.77......37.3340.76-405.4
 Germany..2 424.61-1 152.63..6 501.18-7 760.5612.6..-566
 Italy1.19118.33-11.1-168.333 017.91-1 496.271 461.7273.18-182.57
 Japan..5 031.54-4 319.35..6 841.02-7 531.9921.22..-858.42
 Korea..2 006.22-2 428.72..532.02-1 231.55-1 122.03..183.38
 Netherlands........314.28-2 644.28-2 330....
 New Zealand..19.54........19.54..0
 Norway-164.79425.26-1 293.07..23.4-268.18-1 277.37-883.25-137.86
 Slovak Republic......-0.11....-0.11..-1.04
 Sweden..84.33-167.86..1 316.8-1 978.04-744.77-107.38-29.89
 Switzerland..74.35-92.38..1 056.48-866.43172.02-16.52-33.22
 United Kingdom-809.421 909.45-1 231.88......-131.85388.59-234.32
 United States..2 550.42-434.68..19 178.83-957.5620 337.01..-78.43
Data extracted on 22 Jun 2024 23:31 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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