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Population and migrationPopulationTotal populationPopulation levelsInformation on itemInhabitants, Thousands22 34022 72823 12623 491..
Population growth ratesInformation on itemGrowth rate1.3979671.7367951.7511441.57831..
FertitlityTotal fertility ratesInformation on itemNumber1.921.931.88....
Elderly Population by regionElderly populationInformation on itemPercentage......14.7..
Regional elderly population: MaximumInformation on itemAverage growth rate......4.6..
Regional elderly population: Country averageInformation on itemAverage growth rate......1.2..
Regional elderly population: MinimumInformation on itemAverage growth rate......0.7..
Elderly dependency rate in urban regionsInformation on itemPercentage......20.2..
Elderly dependency rateInformation on itemPercentage......22.1..
Elderly dependency rate in rural regionsInformation on itemPercentage......28.2..
International migrationImmigrant and foreign populationForeign-born populationInformation on itemPercentage26.9427.32727.713....
Trends in migrationPermanent inflows by category of entry: workInformation on itemPersons, Thousands56 180.1559 733.62563 067.79761 575.4559 542.684
Permanent inflows by category of entry: free movementsInformation on itemPersons, Thousands34 56744 30441 23027 27423 365
Permanent inflows by category of entry: accompanying family of workersInformation on itemPersons, Thousands57 544.8566 021.37565 905.20366 974.5568 231.316
Permanent inflows by category of entry: familyInformation on itemPersons, Thousands54 70858 60460 18561 11261 085
Permanent inflows by category of entry: humanitarianInformation on itemPersons, Thousands13 97613 75920 01913 76813 756
Permanent inflows by category of entry: OtherInformation on itemPersons, Thousands2 5022 6584 004338238
Permanent inflows by category of entry: totalInformation on itemPersons, Thousands219 478245 080254 411231 042226 218
Migration and employmentEmployment rates of native-born population by educational attainment: TotalInformation on itemPercentage77.477.17776.577.2
Employment rates of foreign-born population by educational attainment: TotalInformation on itemPercentage73.172.972.772.773
Migration and unemploymentUnemployment rates of native-born populations: MenInformation on itemPercentage..5.44..6.3..
Unemployment rates of foreign-born populations: MenInformation on itemPercentage..4.903..5.6..
Unemployment rates of native-born populations: WomenInformation on itemPercentage..5.226..6.1..
Unemployment rates of foreign-born populations: WomenInformation on itemPercentage..5.996..6.6..
Unemployment rates of native-born populations: TotalInformation on itemPercentage..5.34..6.2..
Unemployment rates of foreign-born populations: TotalInformation on itemPercentage..5.392..6.1..
ProductionProductionSize of GDPGDP per capitaInformation on itemUS Dollar44 419.3143 879.1847 761.21447 638.63347 351.047
Evolution of GDPReal GDP growthInformation on itemGrowth rate3.90092.61572252.5687072.33607552.846755
Investment ratesGross fixed capital formationInformation on itemGrowth rate11.5364873.003741-1.761188-3.163672-3.43695
Labour productivity levelsGDP per hour workedInformation on itemUS Dollar49.14481849.28961154.09049953.82042754.171924
Levels of GDP per capita and labour productivity - Percentage gap with respect to US GDP per capitaInformation on itemPercentage points-10.805182-14.833195-9.912189-13.282134-16.489749
Levels of GDP per capita and labour productivity - Effect of labour utilisationInformation on itemPercentage points15.06340412.03278510.3504739.3595286.519676
Levels of GDP per capita and labour productivity - Percentage gap with respect to US GDP per hour workedInformation on itemPercentage points-22.482027-23.980462-18.362098-20.703877-21.601103
Economic structureValue added by acivityValue added in agriculture; hunting and forestry; fishingInformation on itemPercentage2.40327442.43125192.37062352.54323512.5677243
Value added in industry; including energyInformation on itemPercentage19.73167318.23879918.62090716.60350415.485994
Value added in constructionInformation on itemPercentage8.28390048.56899818.67147528.72473398.5290373
Value added in distributive trade; repairs; transport; accommodation and food services activitiesInformation on itemPercentage16.85789417.04883216.47793116.65265716.850444
Value added in Information and communicationInformation on itemPercentage2.99504762.94089052.87898222.88559242.8417399
Value added in financial and insurance activitiesInformation on itemPercentage8.3428298.52629098.59753349.13326679.4940124
Value added in real estate activitiesInformation on itemPercentage11.32117211.78321411.95857612.21731912.486639
Value added in professional; scientific; technical; administration and support services activitiesInformation on itemPercentage10.4173410.54713810.32208510.54544910.488233
Value added in public administration; defence; education human health and social work activitiesInformation on itemPercentage16.78368317.13834317.26024317.84084618.440446
Value added in other services activitiesInformation on itemPercentage8.3428298.52629098.59753349.13326679.4940124
Real value added by activityReal value added in agriculture; hunting and forestry; fishingInformation on itemGrowth rate0.9736106-0.727998971.14435291.4265549-7.9012294
Real value added in industry; including energyInformation on itemGrowth rate3.89494243.43112623.91550133.2786822.0692409
Real value added in constructionInformation on itemGrowth rate11.3163393.54756364.4824711-2.5635509-1.227894
Real value added in distributive trade; repairs; transport; accommodation and food services activitiesInformation on itemGrowth rate4.37741422.94354470.203294892.42984833.0232545
Real value added in Information and communicationInformation on itemGrowth rate1.1847867-0.138586424.09822147.21806567.295473
Real value added in financial and insurance activitiesInformation on itemGrowth rate5.07850853.26496642.39449474.77428174.9423055
Real value added in real estate activitiesInformation on itemGrowth rate2.73280452.74177332.46717281.43688183.6257139
Real value added in professional; scientific; technical; administration and support services activitiesInformation on itemGrowth rate2.93852132.76770521.90563192.12865923.1726338
Real value added in public administration; defence; education human health and social work activitiesInformation on itemGrowth rate2.60747932.57900823.67714312.99028283.5274323
Real value added in other services activitiesInformation on itemGrowth rate3.9034854-2.14383334.0387591.93885091.84988
Small and medium-sized enterprisesNumber of employees in manufacturing in enterprises with less than 10 persons engagedInformation on itemPercentage..30.196032......
Number of employees in manufacturing in enterprises with 20-49 persons engagedInformation on itemPercentage..31.65324......
Number of employees in manufacturing in enterprises with 250 or more persons engagedInformation on itemPercentage..38.150728......
Number of enterprises in manufacturing with less than 10 persons engagedInformation on itemPercentage..94.019541......
Number of enterprises in manufacturing with 20-49 persons engagedInformation on itemPercentage..5.4834378......
Number of enterprises in manufacturing with 250 or more persons engagedInformation on itemPercentage..0.49702096......
Household income and wealthIncome and SavingsNational income per capitaGross national income per capitaInformation on itemUS Dollar43 068.35642 787.76146 511.40946 664.71146 213.001
Household disposable incomeReal household disposable incomeInformation on itemGrowth rate3.52103230.278891832.85966532.44241810.58897962
Household savingsHousehold net saving ratesInformation on itemPercentage8.83715387.4822167.86105377.94706455.9666868
Income inequality and povertyIncome inequalityInformation on itemIncome inequality: Gini (at disposable income; post taxes and transfers)Information on item0-1 scale..0.326..0.337..
Income inequality: Palma (S90/S40 disposable income decile share)Information on itemS90/S40 decile share..1.2......
Income inequality: S80/S20 disposable income quintile shareInformation on itemS80/S20 quintile share..5.5..5.7..
Income inequality: P90/P10 disposable income decile ratioInformation on itemInterdecile ratio P90/P10..4.4..4.3..
Income inequality: P90/P50 disposable income decile ratio Information on itemInterdecile ratio P90/P50..2..2..
Income inequality: P50/P10 disposable income decile ratio Information on itemInterdecile ratio P50/P10..2.2..2.2..
Poverty rates and gapsInformation on itemRelative poverty rates: Entire populationInformation on itemRatio..0.14..0.128..
Relative poverty rates: Children (age 0-17)Information on itemRatio..0.129..0.13..
Relative poverty rates: Working-age population (age 18-65)Information on itemRatio..0.107..0.102..
Relative poverty rates: Retirement-age population (over 65)Information on itemRatio..0.335..0.257..
Poverty gap entire populationInformation on itemAverage score..0.255......
Household wealthHousehold Financial AssetsFinancial asset of households: Currency and depositsInformation on itemPercentage23.1266522.0343622.0801722.1506122.38787
Financial asset of households: Debt securitiesInformation on itemPercentage0.26511210.21063140.17413110.20660480.1809605
Financial asset of households: equityInformation on itemPercentage19.7571818.5870918.4120618.7472518.97153
Financial asset of households: investment funds sharesInformation on itemPercentage00000
Financial asset of households: Life insurance and annuitiesInformation on itemPercentage00000
Financial asset of households: Pension fundsInformation on itemPercentage52.0317754.9064155.2563355.2788955.27685
Household DebtHouseholds debtInformation on itemPercentage187.6383188.6414189.7901193.3834202.2312
Non-Financial Assets by HouseholdsNon-financial assets of households: dwellingsInformation on itemUS Dollar43 605.90643 641.9248 044.16149 797.33950 902.026
Non-financial assets of households: landsInformation on itemUS Dollar89 344.70990 911.147105 499.96118 539.96122 170.56
Non-financial assets of households: otherInformation on itemUS Dollar15 967.10815 794.49117 359.2418 036.13917 916.83
GlobalisationTradeShare of international trade in GDPInternational imports in goods and servicesInformation on itemPercentage21.72951821.25226321.46703521.51229521.505627
International exports in goods and servicesInformation on itemPercentage21.48082819.95616821.03945519.98741719.233224
International trade in goodsImports of goodsInformation on itemUS Dollar, Billions......227.54423..
Trade balance of goodsInformation on itemUS Dollar, Billions......12.900453..
Exports of goodsInformation on itemUS Dollar, Billions......240.44468..
International trade in servicesTrade balance of servicesInformation on itemUS Dollar, Billions-11.42915-15.62686-17.71701-11.94923-8.830246
Imports of servicesInformation on itemUS Dollar, Billions69.5365474.1786675.595971.0256663.71497
Exports of servicesInformation on itemUS Dollar, Billions58.1073958.5518157.8788959.0764354.88473
Trade in value addedForeign value added as a share of gross exportsInformation on itemPercentage14.1........
Trade in Value Added: role of intermediates and servicesRe-exported intermediates: Agriculture; hunting; forestry and fishingInformation on itemPercentage25.18........
Re-exported intermediates: Food products; beverages and tobaccoInformation on itemPercentage18.74........
Re-exported intermediates: Textiles; textile products; leather and footwearInformation on itemPercentage19.52........
Re-exported intermediates: Wood paper; paper products; printing and publishingInformation on itemPercentage14.41........
Re-exported intermediates: Chemicals and non-metallic mineral productsInformation on itemPercentage20.66........
Re-exported intermediates: Basic metals and fabricated metal productsInformation on itemPercentage26.65........
Re-exported intermediates: Machinery and equipmentInformation on itemPercentage35.2........
Re-exported intermediates: Transport equipmentInformation on itemPercentage25.57........
Re-exported intermediates: Transport and storage; post and telecommunicationInformation on itemPercentage25.57........
Re-exported intermediates: Business servicesInformation on itemPercentage23.85........
FDI and balance of paymentsForeign direct investment: stocksOutward FDI stocksInformation on itemUS Dollar, Millions418 813.73476 425.97456 992.91448 171..
Inward FDI stocksInformation on itemUS Dollar, Millions554 930.94614 541.67568 093.97568 862.7..
Foreign direct investment: flowsOutflows of foreign direct investmentInformation on itemUS Dollar, Millions1 716.34866 737.061 579.5062 113.7552..
Inflows of foreign direct investmentInformation on itemUS Dollar, Millions58 905.62158 969.97956 946.1647 742.023..
Total FDI IndexInformation on itemIndex0.1280.1280.1280.1270.14
Primary sectorInformation on itemIndex0.0780.0780.0780.0780.141
ManufacturingInformation on itemIndex0.0750.0750.0750.0750.08
ElectricityInformation on itemIndex0.0750.0750.0750.0750.075
DistributionInformation on itemIndex0.0750.0750.0750.0750.075
TransportInformation on itemIndex0.2670.2670.2670.260.26
MediaInformation on itemIndex0.
CommunicationsInformation on itemIndex0.
Financial servicesInformation on itemIndex0.1330.1330.1330.1330.133
Business servicesInformation on itemIndex0.0780.0780.0780.0780.078
Balance of payments Current account balanceInformation on itemPercentage-3.081395-4.296699-3.3834-3.069917-4.646523
PricesPrices and interest ratesInflation (CPI)CPI: all itemsInformation on itemGrowth rate3.303851.762782.4498892.4879231.508367
CPI: all items non food non energyInformation on itemGrowth rate2.434462.1114042.4405132.5564172.370471
CPI: foodInformation on itemGrowth rate5.734226-3.6971050.22002692.639690.5746248
CPI: energyInformation on itemGrowth rate10.980917.3242516.31741.184765-7.295417
Long-term interest ratesLong-term interest ratesInformation on itemPercentage4.8795833.3791673.6972923.6566672.710833
Purchasing power parities and exchange ratesRates of conversionPurchasing power paritiesInformation on itemNational currency per US dollar1.5110521.5401151.4471231.4524891.474079
Indices of price levelsInformation on itemOECD=100148157142135125
Real effective exchange ratesReal effective exchange ratesInformation on itemIndex, 2010=100119.22841120.77348114.5954109.34045100
Energy and transportationEnergy requirementEnergy supplyTotal primary energy supplyInformation on itemTonnes of oil equivalent (toe), Millions128.22126.63126.31124.95125.13
Energy intensityTotal primary energy supply per unit of GDPInformation on itemTonnes of oil equivalent (toe)0.1310.1260.1230.1190.115
Electricity generationElectricity generationInformation on itemTerawatt hours253 768250 874249 270247 416251 331
Nuclear energyNuclear electricity generation; Terawatt hoursInformation on itemTerawatt hours......
Nuclear electricity generation; As a percentage of total electricity generationInformation on itemPercentage......
Nuclear power plants connected to the gridInformation on itemNumber......
Nuclear power plants under constructionInformation on itemNumber......
Renewable energyContribution of renewables to energy supplyInformation on itemPercentage0.0540.05450.06070.06340.064
Oil productionProduction of crude oilInformation on itemTonnes, Millions24 403.39622 868.58619 958.7419 080.7318 089.272
Oil pricesCrude oil import pricesInformation on itemUS Dollar115.66117.78114.19107.05..
TransportGoods transportInland goods transportInformation on itemTonnes-kilometres, Billions479.581517.468551.605588.412..
Passenger transportInland passenger transportInformation on itemPassenger-kilometres, Billions299.96724302.75447304.88457306.66496..
Road fatalitiesRoad fatalitiesInformation on itemPer 1 000 000 inhabitants57.1619857.1975351.32780349.083179..
LabourEmployment and hours workedEmployment ratesEmployment rates: womenInformation on itemRatio66.650766.5700166.4194366.0997566.83152
Employment rates: menInformation on itemRatio78.6732678.13677.547177.0758877.54211
Employment rates: totalInformation on itemRatio72.6569472.3455871.9704471.5663572.15796
Employment rates by age groupEmployment rates for age group 15-24Information on itemPercentage60.3857559.6004758.6566457.7033358.44546
Employment rates for age group 25-54Information on itemPercentage79.801679.4509679.144678.7992579.30939
Employment rates for age group 55-64Information on itemPercentage61.1565461.4289161.3989761.4194162.11502
Part-time employmentIncidence of part-time employmentInformation on itemPercentage24.6579924.56430924.88420425.20848125.241374
Self-employmentSelf-employment rates: womenInformation on itemPercentage..8.4389848.113268....
Self-employment rates: menInformation on itemPercentage..12.3932412.23514....
Self-employment rates: totalInformation on itemPercentage..10.5869110.34572....
Hours workedAverage hours actually workedInformation on itemHours1 699.21 691.91 689.61 682.71 682.9
UnemploymentUnemployment ratesUnemployment rates: menInformation on itemPercentage4.8937915.137325.7065825.9962846.039518
Unemployment rates: womenInformation on itemPercentage5.3047925.3254915.6092256.172036.076174
Unemployment rates: totalInformation on itemPercentage5.0811955.2233765.661946.0772446.056423
Long-term unemploymentLong-term unemploymentInformation on itemPercentage18.92788118.96114419.12928721.90863523.420608
Science and technologyResearch and DevelopmentExpenditure on R&DGross domestic expenditure on R&DInformation on itemUS Dollar, Millions, 200520 717.982..21 598.29..20 362.328
PatentsTriadic patent familiesInformation on itemNumber320.8144337.0404310.1496314.6168319.7038
EnvironmentNatural resourcesWater consumptionWater abstractions per capitaInformation on itemCubic metres609.525716.4625869.6487824.8892765.6445
Total abstractionsInformation on itemCubic metres, Millions13 70216 35120 13319 36418 222
Municipal wasteGeneration intensities of municipal wasteInformation on itemKilograms598.872584.742571.354558.459560.705
Total amount generated of municipal wasteInformation on itemTonnes, Thousands13 462.51913 344.89113 227.26313 109.63513 344.539
Air and climateEmissions of Carbon DioxideCO? emissions from fuel combustionInformation on itemTonnes, Millions387.1386.5382.6373.3379.3
Sulphur and nitrogen emissionsSulphur Oxides EmmissionsInformation on itemTonnes, Thousands2 507.8852 519.092 414.1112 499.4322 385.877
Nitrogene Oxides EmmissionsInformation on itemTonnes, Thousands2 460.2382 646.7952 741.8582 780.2692 867.08
Greenhouse gas emissionsInformation on itemGreenhouse gas emissionsInformation on itemTonnes, Thousands540 445.36543 593.86533 313.69527 325.58537 550.85
EducationOutcomesInternational student assessmentMean scores on the mathematics scale in PISA 2012: womenInformation on itemStandard-error..497.82135......
Standard error on the mathematics scale in PISA 2012: womenInformation on itemAverage score..2.0407752......
Mean scores on the mathematics scale in PISA 2012: menInformation on itemAverage score..510.11485......
Standard error on the mathematics scale in PISA 2012: menInformation on itemStandard-error..2.4053599......
Mean scores on the reading scale in PISA 2012: womenInformation on itemAverage score..529.54228......
Standard error on the reading scale in PISA 2012: womenInformation on itemStandard-error..1.9674035......
Mean scores on the reading scale in PISA 2012: menInformation on itemAverage score..495.08956......
Standard error on the reading scale in PISA 2012: menInformation on itemStandard-error..2.2931393......
Mean scores on the science scale in PISA 2012: womenInformation on itemAverage score..519.12447......
Standard error on the science scale in PISA 2012: womenInformation on itemStandard-error..2.0973717......
Mean scores on the science scale in PISA 2012: menInformation on itemAverage score..523.72821......
Standard error on the science scale in PISA 2012: menInformation on itemStandard-error..2.5082154......
Students; computers and learning: making the connectionNumber of 15-year-old students per school computer: meanInformation on itemAverage score..0.93184682......
Number of 15-year-old students per school computer: standard-errorInformation on itemStandard-error..0.0184448......
Students using computers at school: PercentageInformation on itemPercentage..93.709798......
Students using computers at school: standard-errorInformation on itemStandard-error..0.2795767......
Students browsing the Internet for schoolwork at least once a week Percentage (at school)Information on itemPercentage..80.79134......
Students browsing the Internet for schoolwork at least once a week : standard-error (at school)Information on itemStandard-error..0.56313029......
Students with at least one computer at home: percentageInformation on itemPercentage..99.043107......
Students with at least one computer at home: standard-errorInformation on itemStandard-error..0.09086062......
Students with three or more computers at home : percentage (at school)Information on itemPercentage..64.624063......
Students with three or more computers at home : standard-error (at school)Information on itemStandard-error..0.54640276......
Early childhood education and carePupils enrolled in pre-primary education (ISCED 02) as a percentage of total enrolment in early childhood education (ISCED 01+ ISCED 02) Information on itemPercentage....41.548977....
Proportions of total public expenditure in early childhood educational developmentInformation on itemRatio..3.9055265......
Proportions of total public expenditure in pre-primary educationInformation on itemRatio..47.394039......
Proportions of total public expenditure in all early childhood educationInformation on itemRatio..20.533486......
Annual expenditure per student in early childhood educational developmentInformation on itemUS Dollar..10 053.734......
Annual expenditure per student in pre-primary educationInformation on itemUS Dollar..10 298.387......
Annual expenditure per student in all early childhood educationInformation on itemUS Dollar..10 145.893......
Youth inactivityYouths who are not in education nor in employment: aged between 15 and 19Information on itemPercentage......7.217288..
Youths who are not in education nor in employment: aged between 20 and 24Information on itemPercentage......13.246034..
How many students study abroad ?International students in total tertiary educationInformation on itemPercentage....17.969936....
International students in short-cycle tertiary programmesInformation on itemPercentage....12.206995....
International students in Bachelor’s or equivalent levelInformation on itemPercentage....13.981806....
International students in Master’s or equivalent levelInformation on itemPercentage....37.908752....
International students in Doctoral or equivalent levelInformation on itemPercentage....32.961188....
Education attainmentPopulation aged 25-34 below upper secondaryInformation on itemPercentage......13.280849..
Population aged 25-34 below upper secondaryInformation on itemPercentage......38.587761..
Population aged 25-34 in upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiaryInformation on itemPercentage......48.13139..
Population aged 25-64 below upper secondaryInformation on itemPercentage......22.895836..
Population aged 25-64 below upper secondaryInformation on itemPercentage......35.202309..
Population aged 25-64 in upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiaryInformation on itemPercentage......41.901855..
TeachersChange in teachers'salary after 15 years of experienceInformation on itemIndex, 2005=100....111.14906....
Teachers'starting salaryInformation on itemUS Dollar....39 176.805....
Teachers’salary after 10 years of experienceInformation on itemUS Dollar....56 334.507....
Teachers’salary after 15 years of experienceInformation on itemUS Dollar....56 334.507....
Teachers’salary at top of scaleInformation on itemUS Dollar....56 520.872....
ResourcesEducational expenditureExpenditure per student in primary educationInformation on itemUS Dollar, 2010..7 704.617......
Expenditure per student in lower secondary educationInformation on itemUS Dollar, 2010..10 573.881......
Expenditure per student in upper secondary educationInformation on itemUS Dollar, 2010..9 581.3613......
Expenditure per student in all secondary educationInformation on itemUS Dollar, 2010..10 164.749......
Change in expenditure in primary; secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education as a percentage of total expendituresInformation on itemIndex, 2005=100..130.20976......
Change in the number of students in primariy; secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education as a percentage of total expendituresInformation on itemIndex, 2005=100..106.18243......
Change in expenditure per student in primary; secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary educationInformation on itemIndex, 2005=100..122.62835......
Public expenditure per student in primary; secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education as a percentage of total expendituresInformation on itemPercentage..82.405714......
Private expenditure per student in primary; secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education as a percentage of total expendituresInformation on itemPercentage..17.594286......
Expenditure in tertiary educationAnnual expenditure per student in short cycle tertiary educationInformation on itemUS Dollar, 2010..8 266.7308......
Annual expenditure per student in Bachelor’s; master’s; doctoral or equivalent levelInformation on itemUS Dollar, 2010..18 795.097......
Annual expenditure per student in all tertiary educationInformation on itemUS Dollar, 2010..16 858.51......
Annual expenditure per student in all tertiary education excluding R&D activitiesInformation on itemUS Dollar, 2010..10 455.076......
Change in expenditure in tertiary educationInformation on itemIndex, 2005=100..132.58812......
Change in the number of students in tertiary educationInformation on itemIndex, 2005=100..132.83834......
Change in expenditure per student in tertiary educationInformation on itemIndex, 2005=100..99.81164......
Public expenditure in tertiary education as a percentage of total expendituresInformation on itemPercentage..44.939981......
Private expenditure in tertiary education as a percentage of total expendituresInformation on itemPercentage..55.060019......
Government Government deficits and debtGovernment expenditures; revenues and deficitsGeneral government net lendingInformation on itemPercentage-4.615201-2.8858164-2.8441756-2.3298563-2.4297721
General government revenuesInformation on itemPercentage32.5818433.44767733.75851634.40007134.994589
General government expendituresInformation on itemPercentage34.88360535.20923935.31619735.92033236.142732
Government debtAdjusted general government debt-to-GDP (excluding unfunded pension liabilities)Information on itemPercentage28.6898333.2096434.3605138.8446339.83091
Adjusted general government debt-to-GDP (including unfunded pension liabilities)Information on itemPercentage46.2294459.1552455.6715961.5156964.1714
General governmentExpenditures across levels of governmentStructure of central government expenditures; general public servicesInformation on itemPercentage23.1623.6523.6624.1223.87
Structure of central government expenditures; defenceInformation on itemPercentage5.335.135.165.425.85
Structure of central government expenditures; public order and safetyInformation on itemPercentage1.
Structure of central government expenditures; economic affairsInformation on itemPercentage8.137.127.586.996.33
Structure of central government expenditures; environmental protectionInformation on itemPercentage1.421.541.650.780.86
Structure of central government expenditures; housing and community amenitiesInformation on itemPercentage1.030.840.910.890.85
Structure of central government expenditures; healthInformation on itemPercentage15.7815.3915.1715.1215.49
Structure of central government expenditures; recreation; culture and religionInformation on itemPercentage0.870.820.80.720.68
Structure of central government expenditures; educationInformation on itemPercentage10.5410.8310.4610.7910.88
Structure of central government expenditures; social protectionInformation on itemPercentage32.7233.6833.5734.1334.11
General government expenditures and revenues per capitaGeneral government revenues per capitaInformation on itemUS Dollar
(E14 415.24
(E14 607.08
(E16 037.76
(E16 272.39
(E16 530.46
General government expenditures per capitaInformation on itemUS Dollar
(E16 438.77
(E15 859.76
(E17 389.09
(E17 396.08
(E17 592.42
General government production costsProduction costs for general government; compensation of employeesInformation on itemPercentage10.210.3610.0610.0610.43
Production costs for general government; costs of goods and services used and financed by general governmentInformation on itemPercentage9.829.669.699.910.13
Production costs for general government; Other production costsInformation on itemPercentage2.
Production costs for general government; totalInformation on itemPercentage22.0422.0821.8422.1122.75
Public expenditureSocial expenditurePublic social expenditureInformation on itemPercentage17.05217.29317.63618.26618.535
Private social expenditureInformation on itemPercentage4.6334.8515.0825.6595.841
Net social expenditureInformation on itemPercentage20.896..21.86..23.522
Pension expenditurePublic pension expenditureInformation on itemPercentage3.5082444........
Private pension expenditureInformation on itemPercentage4.53753814.78290145.0709558....
Official development assistanceNet official development assistance; as a percentage of gross national incomeInformation on itemPercentage0.340.360.330.31..
Net official development assistance; as a percentage of gross national incomeInformation on itemUS Dollar, Millions4 982.915 402.74 845.554 382.42..
TaxesTaxes on the average workerTaxes on the average workerInformation on itemPercentage26.65025727.27324727.41520727.66219428.344366
Total tax revenueTotal tax revenueInformation on itemPercentage25.93426.95227.15627.32527.919
HealthHealth statusLife expectancy Life expectancy at birth: womenInformation on itemYears84.284.384.384.484.5
Life expectancy at birth: menInformation on itemYears79.779.980.180.380.4
Life expectancy at birth: totalInformation on itemYears8282.182.282.482.5
Infant mortality Infant mortalityInformation on itemDeaths per 1 000 live births3.83.33.6....
Risk factorsSmoking Adult population smoking dailyInformation on itemPercentage....13....
Overweight and obesity Obesity rate among the adult populationInformation on itemPercentage28.3........
ResourcesDoctors Practising physiciansInformation on itemPer 1 000 inhabitants3.32
General practitioners as a percentage of total physiciansInformation on itemPercentage......45.01..
Specialists as a percentage of total physiciansInformation on itemPercentage......47.31..
Medical graduatesInformation on itemPer 100 000 inhabitants13.4813.9815.4415.315.73
NursesRatio of nurses to physiciansInformation on itemRatio......3.3944137..
Practising nursesInformation on itemPer 1 000 inhabitants10.19
Nursing graduatesInformation on itemPer 100 000 inhabitants71.6471.6574.7675.7576.69
Health expenditureTotal expenditure on healthInformation on itemPercentage
DDifference in methodology
EEstimated value
ZAbsolute zero observation
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 15:57 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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