This platform is switching off on July 3rd and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.

MeasureIncidenceIndicatorStageFuel Type
Market Price Support for Domestic CoalInformation on itemOutput ReturnsProducer Support EstimateExtraction or mining stageCoalAnthracite
Coking coal
Other bituminous coal
Feed in Tariff for Natural Gas Used in CHP PlantsInformation on itemDirect ConsumptionConsumer Support EstimateUse of fossil fuels in electricity generationNatural gas24 113 72327 705 15735 010 64731 897 38529 159 17228 804 05428 453 26028 453 26028 453 26028 453 260
Closing of Trbovlje-Hrastnik CoalmineInformation on itemEnterprise IncomeGeneral Services Support EstimateExtraction or mining stageCoalAnthracite1 666 6673 000 0001 830 1684 870 8535 532 3613 995 3000000
Coking coal1 666 6673 000 0001 830 1684 870 8535 532 3613 995 3000000
Other bituminous coal1 666 6673 000 0001 830 1684 870 8535 532 3613 995 3000000
A temporary cap on fuel pricesInformation on itemDirect ConsumptionOther end uses of fossil fuelsPetroleumFuel oil
Energy SubsidyInformation on itemConsumer Support EstimateElectricity-based support
15 058 110
Prices of gasoil used for heating regulated.Information on itemPetroleumFuel oil
Retail gas prices capped for households, small businesses,and basic social service providersInformation on itemMotor gasoline excl. biofuels
Electricity prices capped for private users, and smal busineses.Information on itemElectricity-based support
Recapitalisation of electricity producer and supplier.Information on itemProducer Support EstimateUse of fossil fuels in the industrial sector
Temporary decreased CO2 levy for high-efficiency cogeneration and energy saving levies.Information on itemConsumer Support EstimateUse of fossil fuels in electricity generation
19 055 015
MMissing value; data cannot exist
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 11:33 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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