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The present publication presents time series which extend beyond the date of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union on  February 1st, 2020. In order to maintain consistency over time, the “European Union” aggregate presented here excludes the UK for the entire time series. Interested readers may refer to the Eurostat website for further information on Eurostat’s plans for disseminating EU aggregates and to the Eurostat database for the actual series.

Please refer to the dataset Simplified non-financial accounts, 2019 archive to access longer time series based on the methodology prior to the 2019 benchmark revisions.

CountryInformation on item
MeasureCurrent prices
UnitAustralian Dollar, Millions
TransactionInformation on item
SNF: Simplified non-financial accountsSNF1: Generation of income accountSB1G: Value added; grossInformation on item1 214 0781 325 5381 407 5071 440 2311 494 4841 514 5811 540 7181 638 9161 718 3281 820 2991 855 6421 944 8022 158 422..
SD1P: Compensation of employees; paid613 190668 482714 092737 893764 153786 421811 447832 781873 163919 356956 894994 6671 051 970..
SD2P: Taxes on production and imports; paid145 159152 722157 213170 957182 677182 734194 062200 937211 531217 877217 296235 612254 091..
SD3R: Subsidies; received16 73717 48618 94822 62224 51822 03722 26722 78022 97623 25776 407110 22352 072..
Hide subtree SB2G_B3G: Operating surplus and mixed income; gross562 405614 685647 819650 270676 285676 187674 296747 890780 917832 637881 688960 3631 054 533..
SB2G_B3G: Operating surplus and mixed income; grossSB3G: Mixed income; gross109 496118 088119 068119 435126 353142 336142 789155 285155 037153 769159 528183 144196 349..
SNF2: Distribution of income accountSD1R: Compensation of employees; received611 455665 739710 771733 984760 361782 416807 373827 972867 827913 193951 938992 6621 049 069..
SD2R: Taxes on production and imports; received145 159152 722157 213170 957182 677182 734194 062200 937211 531217 877217 296235 612254 091..
SD3P: Subsidies; paid16 73717 48618 94822 62224 51822 03722 26722 78022 97623 25776 407110 22352 072..
SD4R: Property income; received348 889397 875406 432388 468395 372406 966402 622409 989438 533463 972423 576407 477460 440..
SD5R: Current taxes on income; wealth; etc.; received192 832215 234235 539240 934250 892266 571276 471295 666319 883336 533338 439356 589417 269..
SD61R_D62R: Social contributions and benefits other than social transfers in kind; rec.106 518113 310120 265123 971131 426135 157136 879134 468134 531136 620155 923172 101167 117..
SD7R: Other current transfers; received116 226123 486130 206132 119138 762147 664151 674160 478162 535170 243178 302186 448199 727..
SD4P: Property income; paid397 702451 996448 716422 768433 311435 939437 547452 919490 864522 836463 127428 531540 725..
SD5P: Current taxes on income; wealth; etc.; paid191 702213 889234 161239 678249 612265 108273 623292 744316 931333 402335 656354 776415 062..
SD61P_D62P: Social contributions and benefits other than social transfers in kind; paid105 506112 399120 230124 355131 358134 893136 718134 844134 690136 286155 768172 042167 327..
SD7P: Other current transfers; paid120 494128 748134 635136 293143 334152 236155 296164 396166 113174 437182 460191 349204 732..
SB6N: Net national disposable income1 034 9161 131 4201 214 4121 244 4181 285 3561 300 5321 315 4121 399 1031 460 6141 543 9911 583 7231 693 1571 827 055..
SNF3: Use of disposable income accountSP3P: Final consumption expenditure966 7341 028 4061 086 8051 128 1011 175 6821 220 8241 274 0141 325 8311 383 5091 444 8041 464 2331 517 8191 634 592..
SB8N: Saving; net68 182103 014127 607116 317109 67479 70841 39873 27277 10599 187119 490175 338192 463..
SNF4: Capital accountSK1R: Consumption of fixed capital216 428227 114237 145250 569268 285286 949302 515310 614323 569336 865350 021361 170395 275..
SD9R: Capital transfers; received15 17413 56612 06410 2309 6608 9418 9579 51410 77010 04712 44416 97215 290..
SD9P: Capital transfers; paid15 45413 85312 44710 58810 0619 4719 65310 09411 61910 85913 19617 72416 090..
Hide subtree SP5P: Gross capital formation349 301375 353415 891428 424427 375426 619421 287424 007452 541453 604440 352473 551536 815..
SP5P: Gross capital formationSP51P: Gross fixed capital formation352 562369 114411 296427 996429 754425 718420 218422 148449 424454 085448 072467 052529 501..
SP52P: Change in inventories-3 2616 2394 595428-2 3799011 0691 8593 117-481-7 7206 4997 314..
SK2P: Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets4292594-44-14-26-141-177-4136413-198..
SB9: Net lending - net borrowing-64 977-45 546-51 548-61 993-49 771-60 483-78 046-40 564-52 539-18 32328 04362 19248 755..
B1_GE: Gross domestic product (expenditure approach)1 304 3811 418 6511 500 8521 537 4451 599 6951 624 7331 658 9361 759 3781 844 5281 950 0421 984 5982 088 9012 333 2212 561 228
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 10:01 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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