This platform is switching off on July 3rd and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.

CountryInformation on item
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
CB: Current account, value-46 516 773 194.425-43 307 833 863.794-43 874 939 999.097
CBD: Current account, value in US$-34 146 818 187.612-32 685 157 633.052-33 113 162 263.470
EXCHUD: Exchange rate, local currency per US$1.3631.3251.325
FBGSD: Net exports of goods and services, US dollars-16 536 799 467.544-14 356 578 434.188-13 567 147 375.492
MGSD: Imports of goods and services, value, US dollars129 861 566 301.851143 107 824 008.039155 983 155 968.362
MSII: Factor income paid abroad, value, balance of payments basis40 098 990 302.59339 596 853 861.44641 576 696 554.518
MSIID: Factor income paid abroad, value in US$, BOP basis29 432 399 535.39929 884 418 008.63831 378 638 909.070
NTR: Net International Transfers, domestic currency-76 000 000.000-32 000 000.000-32 000 000.000
NTRD: Net International Transfers, US dollars-55 407 125.859-24 150 943.396-24 150 943.396
PMGSX: Price of non-commodity imports of goods and services0.8490.8400.840
PXCX: Competitors' price of non-commodity goods and services exports0.8740.8950.912
PXGSX: Price of non-commodity exports of goods and services0.9951.0151.025
RPMGS: Relative price of imported goods and services1.0050.9880.975
RPXGS: Relative price of exported goods and services1.1031.1001.095
XGSD: Exports of goods and services, value, US dollars113 324 766 834.307128 751 245 573.851142 416 008 592.870
XMKT: Export market for goods and services, volume, US dollars, 2000 prices101 677 380 676.145111 434 083 325.711123 100 145 514.717
XPERF: Export performance of goods and services, volume0.8640.8540.849
XSII: Factor income from abroad, value, balance of payments basis16 553 272 895.48516 989 121 121.26217 355 861 526.258
XSIID: Factor income from abroad, value in US$, BOP basis12 149 844 477.78912 821 978 204.72613 098 763 416.044
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 20:50 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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