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UnitAustralian Dollar, Millions
TransactionInformation on item
Hide subtree B1_GA: Gross domestic product (output approach)967 454.01 045 674.01 132 172.0..
B1_GA: Gross domestic product (output approach)Hide subtree B1G_P119: Gross value added at basic prices, excluding FISIM887 959.0962 501.01 039 829.0..
B1G_P119: Gross value added at basic prices, excluding FISIMHide subtree B1G: Gross value added at basic prices, total activity887 959.0962 501.01 039 829.0..
B1G: Gross value added at basic prices, total activityB1GA_B: Agriculture, hunting and forestry; fishing (ISIC rev3)27 457.023 152.026 497.0..
Hide subtree B1GC_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev3)186 182.0206 561.0220 333.0..
B1GC_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev3)B1GD: of which: Manufacturing (ISIC rev3)99 172.0103 292.0108 834.0..
B1GF: Construction (ISIC rev3)62 474.072 408.082 139.0..
B1GG_I: Wholesale and retail trade, repairs; hotels & rest.; transport (ISIC rev3)186 978.0197 454.0209 603.0..
B1GJ_K: Fin. intermediation; real estate, renting & business activities (ISIC rev3)257 236.0282 816.0310 240.0..
B1GL_P: Other service activities (ISIC rev3)167 632.0180 107.0191 016.0..
D21_D31: Taxes less subsidies on products79 493.083 173.092 042.0..
DB1_GA: Statistical discrepancy0.00.0301.0..
Hide subtree B1_GE: Gross domestic product (expenditure approach)967 454.01 045 674.01 132 172.0
(E1 232 378.0
B1_GE: Gross domestic product (expenditure approach)P3_P5: Domestic demand981 971.01 058 439.01 151 667.0
(E1 241 343.0
Hide subtree P3: Final consumption expenditure720 597.0771 080.0826 921.0
(E884 918.0
P3: Final consumption expenditureHide subtree P31S14_S15: Households and Non-profit institutions serving households547 458.0584 875.0626 793.0
(E668 312.0
P31S14_S15: Households and Non-profit institutions serving householdsP31S14: Final consumption expenditure of householdsInformation on item547 458.0584 875.0626 793.0
(E668 312.0
Hide subtree P3S13: Final consumption expenditure of general government173 139.0186 205.0200 129.0
(E216 624.0
P3S13: Final consumption expenditure of general governmentP31S13: Individual consumption expenditure of general government103 904.0109 629.0118 931.0..
P32S13: Collective consumption expenditure of general government69 235.076 576.081 197.0..
P41: of which: Actual individual consumption651 362.0694 504.0745 724.0
(E795 121.0
Hide subtree P5: Gross capital formation261 374.0287 359.0324 746.0
(E356 425.0
P5: Gross capital formationHide subtree P51: Gross fixed capital formationInformation on item260 762.0284 707.0320 052.0
(E362 131.0
P51: Gross fixed capital formationP51PI61: Products of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture2 733.2......
P51PI62: Metal products and machinery55 119.2......
P51PI63: Transport equipment24 288.9......
P51PI64: HousingInformation on item
(E68 190.1
P51PI65: Other constructionsInformation on item
(E90 718.1
P51PI66: Other products15 146.3......
P51N1111: Dwellings61 426.065 296.069 337.0..
P51N1112: Other buildings and structures82 371.098 197.0114 243.0..
P51N1113: Machinery and equipment and weapon systemP51N11131: Transport equipment26 391.027 425.730 957.0..
P51N11132: Other machinery and equipment, SNA9356 821.057 245.264 638.4..
P51N1114: Cultivated biological resources2 816.01 867.02 400.0..
P51N112: Intellectual property product14 966.016 703.019 290.0..
Hide subtree P52_P53: Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables612.02 652.04 694.0
(E-5 706.0
P52_P53: Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuablesP52: Changes in inventories612.02 652.04 694.0
(E-5 706.0
Hide subtree B11: External balance of goods and services-14 520.0-12 757.0-19 921.0
(E-5 927.0
B11: External balance of goods and servicesHide subtree P6: Exports of goods and services196 274.0215 695.0234 862.0
(E299 361.0
P6: Exports of goods and servicesP61: Exports of goods154 425.0169 514.0183 543.0..
P62: Exports of services41 849.046 181.051 319.0..
Hide subtree P7: Imports of goods and services210 794.0228 452.0254 783.0
(E305 288.0
P7: Imports of goods and servicesP71: Imports of goods169 716.0184 024.0204 820.0..
P72: Imports of services41 078.044 428.049 963.0..
DB1_GE: Statistical discrepancy0.00.0425.0
(E-3 038.0
Hide subtree B1_GI: Gross domestic product (income approach)967 454.01 045 674.01 132 172.0..
B1_GI: Gross domestic product (income approach)Hide subtree D1: Compensation of employees464 511.0501 011.0539 020.0..
D1: Compensation of employeesD1A_B: Agriculture, hunting and forestry; fishing (ISIC rev3)6 048.06 074.06 581.0..
Hide subtree D1C_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev3)75 990.080 719.087 955.0..
D1C_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev3)D1D: of which: Manufacturing (ISIC rev3)58 576.061 436.066 381.0..
D1F: Construction (ISIC rev3)28 114.033 005.035 986.0..
D1G_I: Wholesale and retail trade, repairs; hotels & rest.; transport (ISIC rev3)108 243.0114 712.0122 170.0..
D1J_K: Fin. intermediation; real estate, renting & business activities (ISIC rev3)106 656.0117 412.0127 330.0..
D1L_P: Other service activities (ISIC rev3)139 459.0149 089.0158 998.0..
Hide subtree D11: Wages and salaries412 805.0445 206.0479 144.0..
D11: Wages and salariesD11A_B: Agriculture, hunting and forestry; fishing (ISIC rev3)5 093.05 119.05 568.0..
Hide subtree D11C_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev3)68 029.072 292.078 910.0..
D11C_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev3)D11D: of which: Manufacturing (ISIC rev3)52 401.054 964.059 496.0..
D11F: Construction (ISIC rev3)24 810.029 054.031 623.0..
D11G_I: Wholesale and retail trade, repairs; hotels & rest.; transport (ISIC rev3)96 743.0102 573.0109 421.0..
D11J_K: Fin. intermediation; real estate, renting & business activities (ISIC rev3)95 615.0105 176.0113 736.0..
D11L_P: Other service activities (ISIC rev3)122 515.0130 993.0139 888.0..
B2G_B3G: Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income395 481.0431 777.0471 179.0..
D2_D3: Taxes less subsidies on production and imports107 458.0112 886.0121 672.0..
DB1_GI: Statistical discrepancy0.00.0301.0..
EEstimated value
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 03:55 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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