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The present publication presents time series which extend beyond the date of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union on  February 1st, 2020. In order to maintain consistency over time, the “European Union” aggregate presented here excludes the UK for the entire time series. Interested readers may refer to the Eurostat website for further information on Eurostat’s plans for disseminating EU aggregates and to the Eurostat database for the actual series.

CountryInformation on item
MeasureCurrent prices
UnitAustralian Dollar, Millions
TransactionInformation on item
NF: Non-financial accounts by sectorsNF1: Production account / External account of goods and servicesNFR1: Total resourcesNFP1R: OutputNFP11R: Market Output1 261 441.01 304 381.01 418 651.01 500 852.01 537 445.01 599 695.01 624 733.01 658 936.01 759 378.01 844 528.01 950 042.01 984 598.02 088 901.02 333 221.02 561 228.0
NFD21_D31R: Taxes less subsidies on products83 652.090 963.093 999.093 918.097 634.0105 576.0110 251.0118 488.0121 748.0126 240.0128 508.0125 851.0137 145.0152 545.0156 182.0
NFU1: Total usesHide subtree NFB1GP: Gross domestic product / Gross value addedInformation on item1 261 441.01 304 381.01 418 651.01 500 852.01 537 445.01 599 695.01 624 733.01 658 936.01 759 378.01 844 528.01 950 042.01 984 598.02 088 901.02 333 221.02 561 228.0
NFB1GP: Gross domestic product / Gross value addedNFK1MP: Consumption of fixed capital206 554.0216 428.0227 114.0237 145.0250 569.0268 285.0286 949.0302 513.0310 604.0323 551.0336 872.0350 343.0361 941.0400 311.0444 874.0
NFB1NP: Net domestic product / Net value addedInformation on item1 054 887.01 087 953.01 191 537.01 263 707.01 286 876.01 331 410.01 337 784.01 356 423.01 448 774.01 520 977.01 613 170.01 634 255.01 726 960.01 932 910.02 116 354.0
NF2: Generation of income accountHide subtree NFR211: Total resources1 278 038.01 320 057.01 434 961.01 518 505.01 558 647.01 622 694.01 645 188.01 679 469.01 780 254.01 865 495.01 971 042.02 058 621.02 196 082.02 382 644.02 595 869.0
NFR211: Total resourcesNFB1GR: Gross domestic product / Gross value addedInformation on item1 261 441.01 304 381.01 418 651.01 500 852.01 537 445.01 599 695.01 624 733.01 658 936.01 759 378.01 844 528.01 950 042.01 984 598.02 088 901.02 333 221.02 561 228.0
NFD3R: Subsidies, receivable16 597.015 676.016 310.017 653.021 202.022 999.020 455.020 533.020 876.020 967.021 000.074 023.0107 181.049 423.034 641.0
Hide subtree NFU211: Total uses1 278 038.01 320 057.01 434 961.01 518 505.01 558 647.01 622 694.01 645 188.01 679 469.01 780 254.01 865 495.01 971 042.02 058 621.02 196 082.02 382 644.02 597 633.0
NFU211: Total usesHide subtree NFD1P: Compensation of employees590 003.0613 190.0668 483.0714 092.0737 893.0764 153.0786 422.0811 447.0832 781.0873 163.0919 356.0956 942.0996 768.01 069 429.01 177 339.0
NFD1P: Compensation of employeesNFD11P: Wages and salaries529 066.0549 966.0600 191.0641 373.0663 171.0685 382.0704 448.0725 518.0743 618.0780 771.0822 079.0853 993.0888 740.0951 782.01 045 741.0
NFD12P: Employers'social contributions60 937.063 224.068 292.072 719.074 722.078 771.081 974.085 929.089 163.092 392.097 277.0102 949.0108 028.0117 647.0131 598.0
NFD2P: Taxes on production and imports, payable136 753.0145 159.0152 722.0157 213.0170 956.0182 677.0182 734.0194 062.0200 936.0211 531.0217 896.0217 123.0235 125.0254 019.0271 907.0
Hide subtree NFB2G_B3GP: Operating surplus and mixed income, gross551 282.0561 708.0613 756.0647 200.0649 798.0675 864.0676 032.0673 960.0746 537.0780 801.0833 790.0884 556.0964 189.01 059 196.01 148 387.0
NFB2G_B3GP: Operating surplus and mixed income, grossNFB2GP: Operating surplus, gross448 084.0452 075.0495 478.0527 915.0530 034.0549 167.0533 277.0530 723.0590 867.0625 344.0679 707.0724 734.0782 061.0885 192.0978 613.0
NFB3GP: Mixed income, gross103 198.0109 633.0118 278.0119 285.0119 764.0126 697.0142 755.0143 237.0155 670.0155 457.0154 083.0159 822.0182 128.0174 004.0169 774.0
NF3: Allocation of primary income accountNFR212: Total resourcesHide subtree NFB2G_B3GR: Operating surplus and mixed income, gross551 282.0561 708.0613 756.0647 200.0649 798.0675 864.0676 032.0673 960.0746 537.0780 801.0833 790.0884 556.0964 189.01 059 196.01 148 387.0
NFB2G_B3GR: Operating surplus and mixed income, grossNFB2GR: Operating surplus, gross448 084.0452 075.0495 478.0527 915.0530 034.0549 167.0533 277.0530 723.0590 867.0625 344.0679 707.0724 734.0782 061.0885 192.0978 613.0
NFB3GR: Mixed income, gross103 198.0109 633.0118 278.0119 285.0119 764.0126 697.0142 755.0143 237.0155 670.0155 457.0154 083.0159 822.0182 128.0174 004.0169 774.0
Hide subtree NFD1R: Compensation of employees590 003.0613 190.0668 483.0714 092.0737 893.0764 153.0786 422.0811 447.0832 781.0873 163.0919 356.0956 942.0996 768.01 069 429.01 177 339.0
NFD1R: Compensation of employeesNFD11R: Wages and salaries529 066.0549 966.0600 191.0641 373.0663 171.0685 382.0704 448.0725 518.0743 618.0780 771.0822 079.0853 993.0888 740.0951 782.01 045 741.0
NFD12R: Employers'social contributions60 937.063 224.068 292.072 719.074 722.078 771.081 974.085 929.089 163.092 392.097 277.0102 949.0108 028.0117 647.0131 598.0
NFU212: Total usesNFD3P: Subsidies, payable8 551.08 671.09 004.010 482.014 170.016 170.013 245.013 331.013 645.013 162.012 968.063 773.094 086.019 350.020 553.0
Hide subtree NFD4P: Property income12 406.015 143.018 495.019 203.017 487.018 890.019 084.019 305.019 427.022 625.021 295.015 603.016 102.025 048.038 479.0
NFD4P: Property incomeNFD41P: Interest12 406.015 143.018 495.019 203.017 487.018 890.019 084.019 305.019 427.022 625.021 295.015 603.016 102.025 048.038 479.0
NF4: Secondary distribution of income accountNFR22: Total resourcesNFD5R: Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.200 421.0192 833.0215 234.0235 540.0240 934.0250 892.0266 570.0276 486.0295 659.0320 033.0337 004.0343 613.0377 032.0432 968.0488 408.0
NFD6R: Social contributions and benefitNFD61R: Net social contributions60 937.063 224.068 292.072 719.074 722.078 771.081 974.085 929.089 163.092 392.097 277.0102 949.0108 028.0117 647.0131 598.0
NFD63R: Social transfers in kind150 786.0159 036.0173 636.0180 968.0186 013.0192 804.0202 199.0213 813.0227 857.0240 997.0258 155.0282 434.0308 409.0342 157.0365 022.0
NFD7R: Other current transfers-3 039.0-3 255.0-4 350.0-4 394.0-4 558.0-4 505.0-4 308.0-3 461.0-4 293.0-3 737.0-3 861.0-4 003.0-4 844.0-4 964.0-4 799.0
NFU22: Total usesNFD5P: Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.199 374.0192 060.0214 274.0234 560.0240 107.0250 060.0266 017.0276 066.0295 408.0319 084.0336 594.0342 790.0376 534.0432 410.0487 411.0
NFD6P: Social contributions and benefitsNFD61P: Net social contributions60 937.063 224.068 292.072 719.074 722.078 771.081 974.085 929.089 163.092 392.097 277.0102 949.0108 028.0117 647.0131 598.0
NFD63P: Social transfers in kind150 786.0159 036.0173 636.0180 968.0186 013.0192 804.0202 199.0213 813.0227 857.0240 997.0258 155.0282 434.0308 409.0342 157.0365 022.0
Hide subtree NFD7P: Other current transfers-3 039.0-3 255.0-4 350.0-4 394.0-4 558.0-4 505.0-4 308.0-3 461.0-4 293.0-3 737.0-3 861.0-4 003.0-4 844.0-4 964.0-4 799.0
NFD7P: Other current transfersNFD71P: Net non-life insurance premiums6 551.07 438.07 757.07 626.08 103.07 816.08 199.08 557.09 520.010 297.010 761.010 959.012 041.013 188.014 094.0
NFD72P: Non-life insurance claims36 079.041 398.047 944.047 370.046 905.049 501.055 219.055 630.057 920.057 860.063 629.067 041.069 067.070 762.070 092.0
NF5: Use of disposable income accountNFU241: Total usesNFP3P: Final consumption expenditure912 710.0967 067.01 028 614.01 087 446.01 129 026.01 176 757.01 222 122.01 275 309.01 326 308.01 385 349.01 448 186.01 467 472.01 524 715.01 649 799.01 817 766.0
NF6: Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers accountsNFR311: Total change in liabilities and net worthNFD9R: Capital transfers218.0192.0123.0110.
NFU311: Total change in assetsNFD9P: Capital transfers463.0280.0287.0383.0359.0399.0531.0695.0580.0849.0811.0751.0751.0800.0811.0
NFK1P: Consumption of fixed capital206 554.0216 428.0227 114.0237 145.0250 569.0268 285.0286 949.0302 513.0310 604.0323 551.0336 872.0350 343.0361 941.0400 311.0444 874.0
NF7: Acquisitions of non-financial assets accountNFR312: Total change in liabilities and net worthNFK1R: Consumption of fixed capital206 554.0216 428.0227 114.0237 145.0250 569.0268 285.0286 949.0302 513.0310 604.0323 551.0336 872.0350 343.0361 941.0400 311.0444 874.0
Hide subtree NFU312: Total change in assets302 329.0284 215.0329 792.0364 325.0366 429.0377 447.0366 010.0342 962.0382 868.0399 358.0434 759.0470 340.0537 692.0591 724.0630 009.0
NFU312: Total change in assetsHide subtree NFP5P: Gross capital formation345 185.0349 311.0375 363.0415 900.0428 435.0427 391.0426 624.0421 288.0424 009.0452 535.0453 600.0441 876.0475 379.0550 022.0602 401.0
NFP5P: Gross capital formationHide subtree NFP51P: Gross fixed capital formation348 181.0352 562.0369 114.0411 296.0427 996.0429 754.0425 718.0420 218.0422 148.0449 424.0454 085.0449 494.0469 131.0537 111.0593 913.0
NFP51P: Gross fixed capital formationNFP51PN1111: Dwellings66 455.070 246.074 640.071 332.072 064.079 086.089 597.0100 445.0105 758.0109 506.0111 662.0103 722.0110 557.0124 243.0136 283.0
NFP51PN1112: Other buildings and structures130 740.0130 213.0142 477.0177 356.0195 451.0194 366.0174 480.0158 185.0151 827.0169 216.0169 029.0172 681.0170 001.0189 116.0220 738.0
NFP52P: Changes in inventories-2 996.0-3 251.06 249.04 604.0439.0-2 363.0906.01 070.01 861.03 111.0-485.0-7 618.06 248.012 911.08 488.0
NFK2P: Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced non financial assets244.
NFB9P: Net lending (+) / Net borrowing (-)-43 100.0-65 100.0-45 600.0-51 600.0-62 100.0-49 900.0-60 600.0-78 300.0-41 000.0-53 000.0-18 800.028 100.062 300.041 900.027 500.0
NFDB9P: Discrepancy with net lending / Net borrowing of financial accounts0. 510.0
B1_GE: Gross domestic product (expenditure approach)1 261 441.01 304 381.01 418 651.01 500 852.01 537 445.01 599 695.01 624 733.01 658 936.01 759 378.01 844 528.01 950 042.01 984 598.02 088 901.02 333 221.02 561 228.0
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 09:34 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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