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Classification criteriaInformation on item
CountryInformation on item
UnitNational currency
IndustryInformation on item
Hide subtree TOTAL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE53 566 200 00056 996 500 00060 952 000 00062 826 000 00068 787 300 00072 101 300 00075 830 400 00071 032 000 000
TOTAL BUSINESS ENTERPRISEAGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING143 800 000136 900 000150 000 000158 200 000168 800 000171 600 000184 900 000209 000 000
MINING AND QUARRYING15 400 00012 400 00021 000 00020 500 00024 800 00023 800 00019 600 00019 000 000
Hide subtree MANUFACTURING46 048 700 00049 482 400 00051 913 000 00053 359 100 00058 493 500 00061 574 400 00064 361 000 00059 314 000 000
MANUFACTURINGHide subtree FOOD PRODUCTS, BEVERAGES AND TOBACCO314 700 000318 400 000317 600 000313 200 000317 600 000322 700 000337 500 000333 000 000
FOOD PRODUCTS, BEVERAGES AND TOBACCOFood products and beverages..........286 800 000....
Tobacco products..........35 900 000....
Hide subtree TEXTILES, WEARING APPAREL, LEATHER AND RELATED PRODUCTS113 000 000115 000 00091 000 00094 500 000101 700 00097 300 000115 000 000109 000 000
(E56 057 015
55 800 00054 500 00065 700 000..
Wearing apparel51 200 00053 900 00034 000 000
(E34 236 180
40 900 00038 100 00044 100 000..
Leather and related products, footwear5 600 0005 700 0004 000 000
(E4 206 805
4 900 0004 700 0005 200 000..
Hide subtree WOOD, PAPER, PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION OF RECORDED MEDIA227 000 000223 800 000215 000 000229 500 000247 900 000244 100 000231 900 000227 000 000
WOOD, PAPER, PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION OF RECORDED MEDIAWood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; articles of straw and plaiting materials19 900 00019 500 00020 000 000
(E21 110 277
21 600 00021 500 00025 100 000..
Paper and paper products100 900 000102 800 00098 000 000
(E101 985 804
105 100 00099 300 00095 900 000..
Hide subtree Printing and reproduction of recorded media106 200 000101 500 00096 000 000
(E106 403 918
121 200 000123 300 000111 000 000..
Printing and reproduction of recorded mediaPrinting and service activities related to printing105 700 000..........110 300 000..
Reproduction of recorded media500 000..........700 000..
Hide subtree CHEMICAL, RUBBER, PLASTICS, FUEL PRODUCTS AND OTHER NON-METALLIC MINERAL PRODUCTS8 777 000 0009 097 900 0009 275 000 00010 075 400 00010 308 900 00011 104 100 00011 713 300 00011 306 000 000
CHEMICAL, RUBBER, PLASTICS, FUEL PRODUCTS AND OTHER NON-METALLIC MINERAL PRODUCTSCoke and refined petroleum products93 700 000118 900 000135 000 000141 200 000144 500 000149 600 000159 100 000145 000 000
Hide subtree Chemical and pharmaceutical products7 421 500 0007 663 300 0007 742 000 0008 431 100 0008 696 000 0009 419 800 0009 845 300 0009 514 000 000
Chemical and pharmaceutical productsChemicals and chemical products3 346 600 0003 628 700 0003 786 000 0003 913 200 0004 065 100 0004 193 400 0004 411 400 0004 266 000 000
Pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products4 074 900 0004 034 600 0003 956 000 0004 517 900 0004 630 900 0005 226 400 0005 433 900 0005 248 000 000
Rubber and plastic products969 900 0001 013 600 0001 088 000 0001 174 000 0001 149 400 0001 201 400 0001 333 200 0001 278 000 000
Other non-metallic mineral products291 900 000302 100 000310 000 000329 100 000319 000 000333 300 000375 700 000369 000 000
Hide subtree BASIC METALS AND FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS, EXCEPT MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT1 273 300 0001 284 600 0001 355 000 0001 382 600 0001 499 200 0001 505 700 0001 567 700 0001 514 000 000
BASIC METALS AND FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS, EXCEPT MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTHide subtree Basic metals529 900 000534 700 000531 000 000539 400 000577 900 000572 900 000543 500 000504 000 000
Basic metalsIron and steel303 000 000305 600 000293 000 000
(E299 125 896
325 400 000
(E314 183 167
280 300 000..
Non-ferrous metals226 900 000229 100 000238 000 000
(E240 274 104
252 600 000
(E258 716 833
263 200 000..
Hide subtree Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment743 400 000749 900 000824 000 000843 200 000921 300 000932 800 0001 024 200 0001 010 000 000
Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentWeapons and ammunition141 100 000142 200 000221 000 000
(E228 055 633
219 200 000215 700 000233 600 000..
Fabricated metal products except weapons and ammunition602 300 000607 700 000603 000 000
(E615 144 367
702 100 000717 100 000790 600 000..
Hide subtree COMPUTER, ELECTRONIC AND OPTICAL PRODUCTS, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, MACHINERY, MOTOR VEHICLES AND OTHER TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT34 065 100 00037 075 500 00038 724 000 00039 502 000 00044 979 600 00047 257 400 00049 097 000 00044 509 000 000
COMPUTER, ELECTRONIC AND OPTICAL PRODUCTS, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, MACHINERY, MOTOR VEHICLES AND OTHER TRANSPORT EQUIPMENTHide subtree Computer, electronic and optical products7 341 900 0007 506 700 0007 541 000 0007 637 100 0007 739 400 0008 280 600 0008 721 300 0008 657 000 000
Computer, electronic and optical productsElectronic components and boards1 318 300 0001 347 300 0001 409 000 000
(E1 514 263 906
1 582 900 0001 693 200 0001 831 500 000..
Computers and peripheral equipment656 700 000671 000 000656 000 000
(E616 423 451
607 500 000650 800 000477 900 000..
Communication equipment1 139 400 0001 164 000 0001 335 000 000
(E1 048 383 253
678 800 000726 300 000634 500 000..
Consumer electronics188 800 000193 400 000188 000 000
(E200 401 761
225 200 000240 700 000182 300 000..
Instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation; watches and clocks2 859 400 0002 926 300 0002 686 000 000
(E2 893 478 944
3 165 100 0003 380 000 0003 962 600 000..
Irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment803 500 000819 700 000791 000 000
(E872 959 341
968 700 0001 044 000 0001 083 600 000..
Optical instruments and photographic equipment
(E372 510 722
(E382 029 984
(E473 087 591
(E488 912 408
509 300 000
(E543 654 574
546 800 000..
Magnetic and optical media
(E3 289 278
(E2 970 016
(E2 912 409
(E2 276 936
1 900 000
(E1 945 426
2 100 000..
Electrical equipment2 130 100 0002 171 700 0002 249 000 0002 297 900 0002 692 100 0002 762 000 0002 695 200 0002 712 000 000
Machinery and equipment n.e.c.5 388 200 0005 650 600 0005 459 000 0005 652 500 0007 116 700 0007 111 100 0007 450 300 0006 934 000 000
Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers17 187 000 00019 667 800 00021 466 000 00021 889 000 00025 655 800 00027 075 600 00028 253 400 00024 417 000 000
Hide subtree Other transport equipment2 017 900 0002 068 500 0002 007 000 0002 025 600 0001 775 700 0002 028 100 0001 976 800 0001 789 000 000
Other transport equipmentBuilding of ships and boats92 300 00094 700 000115 000 000
(E116 902 357
118 100 000135 200 000171 700 000..
Railway locomotives and rolling stock144 500 000148 500 000151 000 000
(E141 324 551
127 500 000144 800 000272 500 000..
Air and spacecraft and related machinery1 757 500 0001 801 200 0001 707 000 0001 731 500 0001 491 300 0001 707 100 0001 494 700 0001 288 000 000
Hide subtree FURNITURE, OTHER MANUFACTURING AND REPAIR AND INSTALLATION OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT1 278 600 0001 367 200 0001 936 000 0001 762 000 0001 038 400 0001 043 000 0001 298 700 0001 316 000 000
FURNITURE, OTHER MANUFACTURING AND REPAIR AND INSTALLATION OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTFurniture37 400 00039 000 00035 000 00032 700 00033 700 00033 700 00039 100 000..
Hide subtree Other manufacturing609 000 000646 600 000626 000 000582 500 000804 200 000811 000 0001 067 100 000..
Other manufacturingMedical and dental instruments and supplies531 800 000565 400 000561 000 000
(E531 254 847
734 800 000741 500 000990 800 000..
Other manufacturing (except medical and dental instruments)77 200 00081 200 00065 000 000
(E51 245 153
69 400 00069 500 00076 300 000..
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment632 200 000681 600 0001 275 000 0001 146 800 000200 500 000198 300 000192 500 000..
Hide subtree ELECTRICITY, GAS AND WATER SUPPLY; SEWERAGE, WASTE MANAGEMENT AND REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES208 500 000195 500 000161 000 000154 700 000176 500 000156 800 000187 200 000199 000 000
(E144 319 365
164 000 000
(E142 700 981
165 200 000..
(E10 380 635
12 600 000
(E14 099 019
22 000 000..
CONSTRUCTION80 000 00080 000 00075 000 00080 300 00084 600 00082 100 000116 800 000109 000 000
Hide subtree TOTAL SERVICES7 069 800 0007 089 300 0008 632 000 0009 053 200 0009 839 100 00010 092 600 00010 960 900 00011 182 000 000
TOTAL SERVICESHide subtree SERVICES OF THE BUSINESS ECONOMY7 040 900 0007 061 200 0008 600 000 0009 023 600 0009 835 100 00010 088 700 00010 944 500 000..
SERVICES OF THE BUSINESS ECONOMYHide subtree Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles258 500 000256 700 000264 000 000233 900 000443 400 000488 800 000558 400 000..
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcyclesWholesale of information and communication equipment........17 100 000
(E18 736 195
21 300 000..
Wholesale (except information and communication equipment) and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles........426 300 000
(E470 063 805
537 100 000..
Transportation and storage91 600 00095 100 000134 000 000109 700 000117 800 000132 800 000139 100 000..
Accommodation and food service activities200 000200 0000300 000200 000200 000100 000..
Hide subtree Information and communication3 170 400 0003 229 100 0003 185 000 0003 330 900 0003 379 700 0003 603 200 0004 294 900 0004 519 000 000
Information and communicationHide subtree Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities26 700 00027 000 00030 000 000
(E33 297 739
34 200 00034 700 00035 100 000..
Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activitiesHide subtree Publishing activities........32 400 000
(E32 046 176
31 600 000..
Publishing activitiesPublishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities........8 300 000
(E6 909 957
5 500 000..
Software publishing........24 100 000
(E25 136 219
26 100 000..
Hide subtree Motion picture, video, television programme production; programming and broadcasting activities........1 800 000
(E2 653 824
3 500 000..
Motion picture, video, television programme production; programming and broadcasting activitiesMotion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities............3 400 000..
Programming and broadcasting activities............100 000..
Telecommunications374 000 000381 100 000200 000 000
(E118 242 708
130 300 000140 900 000188 900 000..
Hide subtree IT and other information services2 769 700 0002 821 000 0002 955 000 000
(E3 179 359 553
3 215 200 0003 427 600 0004 070 900 000..
IT and other information servicesComputer programming, consultancy and related activities2 672 200 0002 722 300 0002 854 000 000
(E3 075 940 632
3 114 700 0003 322 700 0003 953 600 000..
Hide subtree Information service activities97 500 00098 700 000101 000 000
(E103 418 921
100 500 000104 900 000117 300 000..
Information service activitiesData processing, hosting and related activities; web portals92 800 00094 100 00099 000 000
(E101 785 269
96 000 000
(E99 389 263
112 100 000..
Other information service activities4 700 0004 600 0001 000 000
(E1 633 653
4 500 000
(E5 510 737
5 300 000..
Financial and insurance activities290 300 000317 600 000284 000 000291 600 000248 400 000235 900 000336 500 000352 000 000
Hide subtree Real estate activities; professional, scientific, technical, administrative and support service activities3 229 900 0003 162 500 0004 733 000 0005 057 200 0005 645 500 0005 627 800 0005 615 500 000..
Real estate activities; professional, scientific, technical, administrative and support service activitiesReal estate activities700 000700 0001 000 000800 0001 500 0001 500 0003 500 000..
Hide subtree Professional, scientific, technical, administrative and support service activities3 229 200 0003 161 800 0004 732 000 0005 056 400 0005 644 000 0005 626 300 0005 612 000 000..
Professional, scientific, technical, administrative and support service activitiesHide subtree Professional, scientific and technical activities3 200 800 0003 133 700 0004 685 000 0005 014 700 0005 593 700 0005 575 400 0005 547 500 0005 489 000 000
Professional, scientific and technical activitiesScientific research and development1 684 900 0001 743 500 0002 170 000 0002 259 800 0002 919 900 0003 057 400 0003 099 600 0003 117 000 000
Professional, scientific and technical activities (except scientific research and development)1 515 900 0001 390 200 0002 515 000 0002 754 900 0002 673 800 0002 518 000 0002 447 900 0002 372 000 000
Administrative and support service activities28 400 00028 100 00047 000 00041 700 00050 300 00050 900 00064 500 000..
Hide subtree COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL SERVICES28 900 00028 100 00032 000 00029 600 0004 000 0003 900 00016 400 000..
COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL SERVICESPublic administration and defence; compulsory social security and education2 700 0002 500 0001 000 0001 300 000001 500 000..
Human health and social work activities6 300 0006 300 0008 000 0007 400 000002 200 000..
Arts, entertainement and recreation3 500 0003 400 0002 000 0002 100 00000600 000..
Hide subtree Other service activities; activities of households as employers and of extraterritorial organisations and bodies16 400 00015 900 00020 000 00018 900 0004 000 0003 800 00011 900 000..
Other service activities; activities of households as employers and of extraterritorial organisations and bodiesRepair of computers and communication equipment............200 000..
Other services except repair of computers and communication equipment; households as employers; extraterritorial organisations............11 700 000..
EEstimated value
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 12:58 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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