This platform is switching off on July 3rd and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.

Time period
Type of land cover conversionTo natural and semi natural vegetated land totalFrom natural and semi natural vegetated land total
AUS: Australia0.70.3
AUT: Austria0.50.8
BEL: Belgium1.00.6
CAN: Canada0.20.4
CHL: Chile2.80.8
COL: Colombia0.90.5
CRI: Costa Rica6.01.1
CZE: Czechia1.31.1
DNK: Denmark4.82.1
EST: Estonia1.12.5
FIN: Finland0.21.7
FRA: France1.40.7
DEU: GermanyInformation on item1.60.7
GRC: Greece2.60.5
HUN: Hungary2.51.0
ISL: Iceland0.00.0
IRL: Ireland0.20.2
ISR: IsraelInformation on item8.26.0
ITA: Italy1.91.1
JPN: Japan0.71.2
KOR: Korea1.67.0
LVA: Latvia1.71.9
LTU: Lithuania4.50.8
LUX: Luxembourg1.30.6
MEX: Mexico0.50.9
NLD: Netherlands1.90.7
NZL: New Zealand0.40.3
NOR: Norway0.41.3
POL: Poland2.60.8
PRT: Portugal5.72.9
SVK: Slovak Republic1.01.2
SVN: Slovenia0.52.5
ESP: Spain2.21.0
SWE: Sweden0.22.2
CHE: Switzerland0.50.8
TUR: Türkiye4.41.6
GBR: United Kingdom1.30.3
USA: United States0.31.0
OECDAO: OECD Asia Oceania0.70.4
EU27_2020: European Union – 27 countries (from 01/02/2020)1.41.2
G7M: G7Information on item0.30.7
G20: G200.80.9
OECDE: OECD - Europe1.51.2
OECD: OECD - Total0.60.7
WLD: World1.21.1
NMEC: Non-OECD EconomiesAFG: Afghanistan1.60.8
ALB: Albania6.70.8
DZA: Algeria9.56.0
ASM: American Samoa0.00.0
AND: Andorra0.30.4
AGO: Angola0.40.8
AIA: Anguilla0.00.2
ATA: Antarctica0.00.0
ATG: Antigua and Barbuda0.11.4
ARG: Argentina0.90.9
ARM: ArmeniaInformation on item3.51.4
ABW: ArubaInformation on item0.019.6
AZE: AzerbaijanInformation on item3.71.5
BHS: Bahamas0.40.3
BHR: Bahrain0.01.7
BGD: Bangladesh5.21.8
BRB: Barbados0.07.7
BLR: Belarus5.41.1
BLZ: Belize0.63.0
BEN: Benin4.74.6
BMU: Bermuda0.00.0
BTN: Bhutan0.20.1
BOL: Bolivia1.00.7
BIH: Bosnia and HerzegovinaInformation on item2.11.1
BWA: Botswana0.20.3
BVT: Bouvet Island0.00.0
BRA: Brazil0.90.8
IOT: British Indian Ocean Territory0.00.0
VGB: British Virgin Islands0.06.7
BRN: Brunei Darussalam1.01.1
BGR: Bulgaria4.20.5
BFA: Burkina FasoInformation on item2.55.0
BDI: Burundi3.91.7
KHM: CambodiaInformation on item0.84.5
CMR: Cameroon0.71.3
CPV: Cabo Verde2.40.4
CYM: Cayman Islands0.02.4
CAF: Central African Republic0.10.3
TCD: Chad3.62.9
CHN: China (People's Republic of)2.31.9
CXR: Christmas Islands0.00.0
CCK: Cocos (Keeling) Islands0.00.0
COM: Comoros0.22.9
COG: Congo2.10.7
COD: Democratic Republic of the CongoInformation on item0.71.1
COK: Cook Islands0.00.0
CIV: Côte d'IvoireInformation on item1.53.1
HRV: Croatia2.21.5
CUB: Cuba1.50.8
CYP: CyprusInformation on item2.80.7
DJI: Djibouti16.11.4
DMA: Dominica0.00.1
DOM: Dominican Republic4.11.7
ECU: Ecuador1.90.5
EGY: Egypt0.41.5
SLV: El Salvador1.10.6
GNQ: Equatorial Guinea1.20.6
ERI: EritreaInformation on item7.21.3
ETH: EthiopiaInformation on item1.90.7
FRO: Faeroe Islands0.00.0
FLK: Falkland Islands (Malvinas)0.40.0
FJI: Fiji1.14.4
PYF: French Polynesia0.00.0
ATF: French Southern and Antarctic Lands0.00.0
GAB: Gabon0.70.5
GMB: Gambia5.45.0
GEO: GeorgiaInformation on item2.11.3
GHA: Ghana2.63.2
GIB: Gibraltar0.08.7
GRL: Greenland0.00.0
GRD: Grenada0.00.3
GUM: Guam0.00.0
GTM: Guatemala1.62.6
GIN: Guinea1.11.6
GNB: Guinea-Bissau0.65.4
GUY: Guyana0.00.0
HTI: Haiti0.51.3
HMD: Heard Island and McDonald Islands0.00.0
VAT: Holy See0.00.0
HND: Honduras1.92.5
HKG: Hong Kong, ChinaInformation on item1.71.6
IND: India3.21.3
IDN: Indonesia2.46.4
IRN: Iran3.47.9
IRQ: Iraq10.815.6
GGY: Guernsey0.05.7
IMN: Isle of Man0.50.4
JAM: Jamaica0.53.0
JEY: Jersey0.00.0
JOR: Jordan17.93.1
KAZ: KazakhstanInformation on item3.63.4
KEN: Kenya1.50.7
PRK: Democratic People's Republic of Korea0.73.2
KIR: Kiribati0.00.0
KWT: Kuwait0.06.2
KGZ: KyrgyzstanInformation on item1.92.3
LAO: Lao People's Democratic Republic0.41.5
LBN: Lebanon1.63.8
LSO: Lesotho0.40.6
LBR: Liberia2.33.1
LBY: Libya1.81.0
LIE: Liechtenstein0.02.6
MAC: Macau, ChinaInformation on item47.619.0
MDG: Madagascar0.50.9
MWI: Malawi7.32.0
MYS: Malaysia3.49.5
MDV: Maldives0.00.0
MLI: Mali7.73.1
MLT: Malta0.014.7
MHL: Marshall IslandsInformation on item0.00.0
MRT: Mauritania7.31.8
MUS: Mauritius3.623.8
FSM: MicronesiaInformation on item0.00.0
MDA: MoldovaInformation on item2.80.5
MNG: Mongolia4.11.3
MNE: Montenegro4.01.1
MSR: Montserrat0.00.7
MAR: Morocco5.32.4
MOZ: Mozambique0.80.8
MMR: MyanmarInformation on item1.60.9
NAM: Namibia0.60.7
NRU: Nauru0.00.0
NPL: Nepal1.30.7
ANT: Netherlands AntillesInformation on item0.08.2
NCL: New Caledonia3.81.8
NIC: Nicaragua2.22.9
NER: Niger8.72.0
MKD: North Macedonia4.90.4
NGA: Nigeria3.37.3
NIU: Niue0.00.0
NFK: Norfolk Island0.00.0
MNP: Northern Mariana IslandsInformation on item0.00.0
PSE: Palestinian Authority or West Bank and Gaza Strip1.51.7
OMN: Oman1.40.2
PAK: Pakistan7.21.1
PLW: PalauInformation on item0.111.8
PAN: Panama2.40.9
PNG: Papua New Guinea1.81.1
PRY: Paraguay0.73.5
PER: Peru0.60.3
PHL: Philippines5.44.1
PCN: Pitcairn0.00.0
PRI: Puerto Rico2.42.2
QAT: Qatar0.45.3
ROU: Romania1.60.7
RUS: Russia0.50.6
RWA: Rwanda8.21.1
SHN: Saint Helena0.00.1
KNA: Saint Kitts and Nevis0.03.6
LCA: Saint Lucia0.00.8
SPM: Saint Pierre and Miquelon0.00.0
VCT: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines0.00.3
WSM: Samoa0.00.0
SMR: San Marino0.00.0
STP: Sao Tome and Principe0.41.8
SAU: Saudi Arabia4.51.7
SEN: Senegal0.90.8
SRB: Serbia3.21.5
SYC: Seychelles0.00.2
SLE: Sierra Leone4.74.1
SGP: Singapore9.119.4
SLB: Solomon Islands0.10.7
SOM: Somalia1.80.5
ZAF: South Africa0.20.8
SGS: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands0.00.0
LKA: Sri Lanka4.20.9
SDN: Sudan6.22.9
SUR: Suriname0.00.0
SSD: South Sudan 0.50.5
SJM: Svalbard and Jan Mayen0.00.0
SWZ: Eswatini1.31.9
SYR: Syrian Arab Republic14.37.4
TWN: Chinese Taipei0.43.3
TJK: TajikistanInformation on item0.72.1
TZA: Tanzania2.41.0
THA: Thailand2.60.9
TLS: Timor-LesteInformation on item4.12.7
TGO: Togo4.74.4
TKL: Tokelau0.00.0
TON: Tonga0.00.0
TTO: Trinidad and Tobago0.22.9
TUN: Tunisia9.59.4
TKM: TurkmenistanInformation on item1.80.6
TCA: Turks and Caicos Islands0.31.0
TUV: Tuvalu0.00.0
UGA: Uganda2.00.4
UKR: Ukraine4.91.1
ARE: United Arab Emirates0.30.9
URY: Uruguay2.40.5
UZB: UzbekistanInformation on item3.61.1
VUT: Vanuatu3.50.1
VEN: Venezuela0.70.4
VNM: Viet Nam2.92.1
VIR: United States Virgin Islands0.24.7
WLF: Wallis and Futuna0.00.0
YEM: YemenInformation on item2.81.2
ZMB: Zambia0.70.5
ZWE: Zimbabwe1.81.6
GRPS: Other GroupsLAC: Latin America and Caribbean0.90.8
MENA: Middle East and North Africa4.94.8
ESH: Western Sahara0.01.9
BRIICS: BRIICS economies - Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa1.01.1
OECDAM: OECD America0.40.7
EECCA: Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia0.90.9
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 15:03 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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