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The present publication presents time series which extend beyond the date of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union on  February 1st, 2020. In order to maintain consistency over time, the “European Union” aggregate presented here excludes the UK for the entire time series. Interested readers may refer to the Eurostat website for further information on Eurostat’s plans for disseminating EU aggregates and to the Eurostat database for the actual series.

Please refer to the dataset Gross domestic product (GDP), 2019 archive to access longer time series based on the methodology prior to the 2019 benchmark revisions.

CountryInformation on item
UnitAustralian Dollar, Millions
TransactionInformation on item
Hide subtree B1_GA: Gross domestic product (output approach)1 844 528.01 950 042.01 984 598.02 088 901.02 333 221.02 561 228.0
B1_GA: Gross domestic product (output approach)Hide subtree B1G_P119: Gross value added at basic prices, excluding FISIMInformation on item1 718 288.01 821 534.01 858 747.01 951 756.02 180 676.02 406 811.0
B1G_P119: Gross value added at basic prices, excluding FISIMHide subtree B1G: Gross value added at basic prices, total activity1 718 288.01 821 534.01 858 747.01 951 756.02 180 676.02 406 811.0
B1G: Gross value added at basic prices, total activityB1GVA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4)45 322.041 206.039 876.048 050.062 426.061 044.0
Hide subtree B1GVB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4)303 350.0348 822.0361 906.0385 576.0487 533.0530 332.0
B1GVB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4)B1GVC: of which: Manufacturing (ISIC rev4)106 493.0109 112.0111 536.0115 298.0125 827.0138 018.0
B1GVF: Construction (ISIC rev4)141 697.0144 022.0141 909.0145 372.0153 706.0170 488.0
B1GVG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food serv. (ISIC rev4)274 505.0283 945.0284 032.0298 670.0317 306.0381 323.0
B1GVJ: Information and communication (ISIC rev4)45 819.044 523.045 224.046 519.050 625.054 034.0
B1GVK: Financial and insurance activities (ISIC rev4)141 465.0146 198.0147 422.0153 717.0161 035.0178 743.0
B1GVL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev4)219 751.0229 084.0235 062.0243 490.0257 141.0271 811.0
B1GVM_N: Prof., scientific, techn.; admin., support serv. activities (ISIC rev4)187 317.0199 793.0207 949.0214 166.0241 006.0266 184.0
B1GVO_Q: Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC rev4)311 593.0333 766.0348 903.0369 869.0399 789.0435 068.0
B1GVR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4)47 469.050 175.046 464.046 327.050 109.057 784.0
D21_D31: Taxes less subsidies on products126 240.0128 508.0125 851.0137 145.0152 545.0156 182.0
DB1_GA: Statistical discrepancy0. 765.0
Hide subtree B1_GE: Gross domestic product (expenditure approach)1 844 528.01 950 042.01 984 598.02 088 901.02 333 221.02 561 228.0
B1_GE: Gross domestic product (expenditure approach)P3_P5: Domestic demand1 837 884.01 901 786.01 909 348.02 000 094.02 199 821.02 420 167.0
Hide subtree P3: Final consumption expenditure1 385 349.01 448 186.01 467 472.01 524 715.01 649 799.01 817 766.0
P3: Final consumption expenditureHide subtree P31S14_S15: Households and Non-profit institutions serving households1 016 630.01 051 491.01 033 593.01 057 077.01 136 042.01 271 564.0
P31S14_S15: Households and Non-profit institutions serving householdsP31S14: Final consumption expenditure of householdsInformation on item1 016 630.01 051 491.01 033 593.01 057 077.01 136 042.01 271 564.0
Hide subtree P3S13: Final consumption expenditure of general government368 719.0396 695.0433 879.0467 638.0513 757.0546 202.0
P3S13: Final consumption expenditure of general governmentP31S13: Individual consumption expenditure of general government240 997.0258 155.0282 434.0308 409.0342 157.0365 022.0
P32S13: Collective consumption expenditure of general government127 722.0138 540.0151 445.0159 229.0171 600.0181 180.0
P41: of which: Actual individual consumption1 257 627.01 309 646.01 316 027.01 365 486.01 478 199.01 636 586.0
Hide subtree P5: Gross capital formation452 535.0453 600.0441 876.0475 379.0550 022.0602 401.0
P5: Gross capital formationHide subtree P51: Gross fixed capital formationInformation on item449 424.0454 085.0449 494.0469 131.0537 111.0593 913.0
P51: Gross fixed capital formationP51N1111: DwellingsInformation on item109 506.0111 662.0103 722.0110 557.0124 243.0136 283.0
P51N1112: Other buildings and structuresInformation on item169 216.0169 029.0172 681.0170 001.0189 116.0220 738.0
Hide subtree P51N1113: Machinery and equipment and weapon systemInformation on item88 672.096 336.093 286.097 838.0111 345.0128 104.0
P51N1113: Machinery and equipment and weapon systemP51N11131: Transport equipmentInformation on item30 033.031 670.027 691.029 759.035 526.042 130.0
P51N1113I: ICT equipment, SNA08Information on item13 035.013 891.014 183.013 566.015 877.017 999.0
P51N1113O: Other machinery and equipment and weapon system, SNA08Information on item45 604.050 775.051 412.054 513.059 942.067 975.0
P51N1114: Cultivated biological resourcesInformation on item4 258.03 444.03 436.04 380.05 064.05 583.0
P51N112: Intellectual property productInformation on item46 850.048 347.050 187.052 824.059 744.063 518.0
Hide subtree P52_P53: Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables3 111.0-485.0-7 618.06 248.012 911.08 488.0
P52_P53: Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuablesP52: Changes in inventories3 111.0-485.0-7 618.06 248.012 911.08 488.0
Hide subtree B11: External balance of goods and services6 641.048 256.075 250.088 805.0133 402.0137 315.0
B11: External balance of goods and servicesHide subtree P6: Exports of goods and services403 095.0470 190.0475 656.0459 074.0593 271.0684 411.0
P6: Exports of goods and servicesP61: Exports of goods315 342.0373 509.0383 049.0395 835.0532 044.0590 737.0
P62: Exports of services87 753.096 681.092 607.063 239.061 227.093 674.0
Hide subtree P7: Imports of goods and services396 454.0421 934.0400 406.0370 269.0459 869.0547 096.0
P7: Imports of goods and servicesP71: Imports of goods302 677.0320 156.0312 074.0321 408.0388 143.0439 977.0
P72: Imports of services93 777.0101 778.088 332.048 861.071 726.0107 119.0
DB1_GE: Statistical discrepancy0. 745.0
Hide subtree B1_GI: Gross domestic product (income approach)1 844 528.01 950 042.01 984 598.02 088 901.02 333 221.02 561 228.0
B1_GI: Gross domestic product (income approach)Hide subtree D1: Compensation of employees873 163.0919 356.0956 942.0996 768.01 069 429.01 177 339.0
D1: Compensation of employeesD1VA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4)9 113.09 052.09 403.09 756.010 456.011 082.0
Hide subtree D1VB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4)103 916.0109 153.0113 260.0114 929.0122 947.0132 079.0
D1VB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4)D1VC: of which: Manufacturing (ISIC rev4)63 508.065 844.067 204.067 982.071 843.076 542.0
D1VF: Construction (ISIC rev4)74 193.074 986.076 142.077 692.085 611.098 895.0
D1VG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food serv. (ISIC rev4)165 524.0172 775.0175 068.0181 080.0191 257.0217 829.0
D1VJ: Information and communication (ISIC rev4)19 491.020 888.019 950.021 006.022 923.025 438.0
D1VK: Financial and insurance activities (ISIC rev4)43 746.045 985.047 530.051 052.053 981.058 465.0
D1VL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev4)19 238.019 233.019 875.020 808.023 101.024 025.0
D1VM_N: Prof., scientific, techn.; admin., support serv. activities (ISIC rev4)143 759.0153 807.0163 264.0168 324.0186 205.0205 109.0
D1VO_Q: Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC rev4)262 467.0279 925.0298 301.0316 713.0336 280.0362 642.0
D1VR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4)31 716.033 552.034 149.035 408.036 668.041 773.0
Hide subtree D11: Wages and salaries780 771.0822 079.0853 993.0888 740.0951 782.01 045 741.0
D11: Wages and salariesD11VA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4)8 038.07 955.08 272.08 655.09 300.09 820.0
Hide subtree D11VB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4)93 957.098 749.0102 540.0104 130.0110 805.0118 640.0
D11VB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4)D11VC: of which: Manufacturing (ISIC rev4)57 183.059 390.060 677.061 370.064 452.068 425.0
D11VF: Construction (ISIC rev4)66 753.067 531.068 430.069 956.076 875.088 493.0
D11VG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food serv. (ISIC rev4)149 659.0156 408.0158 496.0163 902.0172 469.0195 768.0
D11VJ: Information and communication (ISIC rev4)17 886.019 248.018 313.019 355.021 131.023 386.0
D11VK: Financial and insurance activities (ISIC rev4)39 968.041 898.043 196.046 406.048 934.052 829.0
D11VL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev4)17 470.017 453.018 062.018 861.020 965.021 734.0
D11VM_N: Prof., scientific, techn.; admin., support serv. activities (ISIC rev4)130 931.0140 004.0148 624.0153 129.0168 888.0185 448.0
D11VO_Q: Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC rev4)227 442.0242 558.0257 223.0272 363.0289 537.0312 301.0
D11VR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4)28 667.030 275.030 837.031 983.032 878.037 321.0
Hide subtree D12: Employers' social contributions92 392.097 277.0102 949.0108 028.0117 647.0131 598.0
D12: Employers' social contributionsD12VA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4)1 075.01 097.01 131.01 101.01 156.01 263.0
Hide subtree D12VB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev 4)9 959.010 404.010 720.010 799.012 142.013 440.0
D12VB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev 4)D12VC: of which: Manufacturing (ISIC rev 4)6 325.06 454.06 527.06 612.07 391.08 117.0
D12VF: Construction (ISIC rev4)7 440.07 455.07 712.07 736.08 736.010 403.0
D12VG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food serv. (ISIC rev4)15 865.016 367.016 572.017 178.018 788.022 061.0
D12VJ: Information and communication (ISIC rev4)1 605.01 640.01 637.01 651.01 792.02 052.0
D12VK: Financial and insurance activities (ISIC rev 4)3 778.04 087.04 334.04 646.05 047.05 636.0
D12VL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev 4)1 768.01 780.01 813.01 947.02 136.02 291.0
D12VM_N: Prof., scientific, techn.; admin., support serv. activities (ISIC rev4)12 828.013 803.014 640.015 195.017 317.019 662.0
D12VO_Q: Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC rev4)35 025.037 367.041 078.044 350.046 743.050 340.0
D12VR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4)3 049.03 277.03 312.03 425.03 790.04 452.0
B2G_B3G: Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income780 801.0833 790.0884 556.0964 189.01 059 196.01 148 387.0
Hide subtree D2_D3: Taxes less subsidies on production and imports190 564.0196 896.0143 100.0127 944.0204 596.0237 266.0
D2_D3: Taxes less subsidies on production and importsD2S1: Taxes on production and imports211 531.0217 896.0217 123.0235 125.0254 019.0271 907.0
D3S1: Subsidies on production and imports20 967.021 000.074 023.0107 181.049 423.034 641.0
DB1_GI: Statistical discrepancy0. 765.0
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 12:13 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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