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Value added source industry
Country of final demand
Industry of final demand
UnitUS Dollar, Millions
Value added source country
WLD: World716 074.9758 016.2926 866.01 007 386.3955 313.31 195 455.91 446 867.71 535 376.01 470 646.41 405 779.21 215 051.4
OECD: OECD member countries666 180.0698 839.8853 966.3917 571.4879 061.51 096 204.51 319 248.91 396 353.01 335 842.71 277 653.71 102 845.7
AUS: Australia583 539.8611 706.1747 798.3799 246.9780 300.5975 525.81 179 108.41 246 509.01 196 704.91 146 328.4984 767.2
AUT: Austria697.9837.2944.51 055.3871.0980.91 036.51 093.41 056.61 057.4891.4
BEL: Belgium855.2917.91 120.11 334.51 056.61 195.61 425.71 420.41 356.01 235.11 045.3
CAN: Canada2 150.12 366.52 847.93 403.82 342.02 890.13 594.14 063.73 684.93 159.52 447.1
CHL: Chile365.0497.0734.7747.5591.1917.41 047.71 196.51 006.8823.1638.7
CZE: Czechia216.2239.3313.6442.3329.2406.8550.2587.0652.0598.1592.2
DNK: Denmark1 166.91 348.81 201.81 579.81 315.71 728.01 835.41 876.71 848.91 626.31 318.9
EST: Estonia22.323.729.
FIN: Finland589.3606.7844.6979.9754.6761.7886.0842.3841.7723.4592.6
FRA: France4 115.63 701.14 881.55 659.44 574.35 110.45 758.25 939.05 747.65 410.14 404.5
DEU: Germany6 580.37 047.48 762.010 368.49 204.510 634.512 186.412 502.911 867.811 340.29 736.5
GRC: Greece342.4358.3400.1534.2386.1451.8507.2468.3425.2392.5315.4
HUN: Hungary195.7224.5297.9353.5318.3351.6388.4342.0327.4371.8351.8
ISL: Iceland31.335.252.056.348.654.838.549.958.346.344.4
IRL: Ireland1 232.31 175.01 506.61 824.01 575.01 936.32 157.91 607.61 668.61 666.62 237.8
ISR: IsraelInformation on item512.9609.2610.0755.2580.8787.91 063.61 078.01 042.8981.9949.8
ITA: Italy3 852.84 049.65 201.95 480.04 442.75 071.65 939.46 162.66 247.05 990.94 763.1
JPN: Japan14 209.214 119.216 385.917 752.515 477.120 170.821 319.921 930.518 272.016 709.115 468.7
KOR: Korea3 730.94 822.05 015.14 676.95 056.06 477.17 303.38 926.18 267.37 916.27 850.3
LVA: Latvia17.720.429.437.925.926.643.833.133.032.829.8
LTU: Lithuania21.942.742.152.952.048.888.498.384.969.460.6
LUX: Luxembourg60.382.796.6130.3112.8137.8176.6175.6192.0188.4167.9
MEX: Mexico580.7728.2911.61 103.9847.51 163.71 536.31 775.51 630.01 498.11 393.1
NLD: Netherlands1 721.61 569.91 896.52 337.31 949.82 373.62 864.63 038.92 793.82 590.52 260.8
NZL: New Zealand4 590.34 353.56 144.85 970.25 004.46 704.87 200.97 668.77 737.67 017.75 693.0
NOR: Norway873.9920.91 036.11 358.41 019.31 263.41 768.51 791.61 646.61 398.2991.8
POL: Poland396.2346.0572.0628.9525.7655.8818.3919.5906.5909.0790.6
PRT: Portugal196.8198.9279.1281.8206.4247.6310.0330.3303.7288.6242.9
SVK: Slovak Republic57.273.7143.6188.9135.5178.3213.8244.2277.2297.6278.2
SVN: Slovenia62.565.776.188.662.775.196.796.2105.6109.986.8
ESP: Spain1 214.21 353.31 967.92 186.71 851.62 235.02 732.93 560.23 134.33 122.02 102.1
SWE: Sweden1 585.81 968.72 004.62 291.51 666.12 142.32 527.92 504.32 213.31 959.51 601.6
CHE: Switzerland1 886.32 064.02 547.23 154.82 705.93 186.83 760.83 740.83 821.83 439.53 320.5
TUR: Türkiye464.1480.0605.2802.7825.2915.01 042.41 199.51 256.21 218.61 069.1
GBR: United Kingdom7 378.57 366.89 441.09 597.37 616.69 233.411 228.412 200.011 756.411 291.710 307.3
USA: United States20 665.822 519.827 224.931 067.525 198.030 103.536 613.840 308.136 802.635 781.633 974.1
NONOECD: Non-OECD economies and aggregates49 894.959 176.372 899.789 814.976 251.899 251.3127 618.8139 023.2134 803.7128 125.5112 205.8
ARG: Argentina236.0269.2390.1496.7460.4513.1871.2988.11 015.6914.7768.9
BRA: Brazil736.4882.31 096.61 615.6901.71 263.31 657.71 653.51 441.31 339.51 005.8
BRN: Brunei Darussalam585.2754.0638.4766.9374.6854.41 052.9878.1656.9644.4317.9
BGR: Bulgaria27.538.
KHM: Cambodia32.444.661.166.858.086.3101.8137.0135.7130.6119.6
CHN: China (People's Republic of)11 317.114 085.019 229.225 399.123 378.229 774.039 413.146 306.746 880.248 917.945 458.4
COL: Colombia85.1110.9152.5198.3155.0209.5253.6315.1315.6256.3172.8
CRI: Costa Rica20.929.734.550.242.365.992.671.378.281.391.1
HRV: Croatia50.052.082.5109.085.284.4274.9110.198.090.875.8
CYP: CyprusInformation on item20.524.532.
HKG: Hong Kong, China1 474.51 583.91 788.11 791.41 583.41 982.42 223.12 124.52 118.51 872.41 530.8
IND: India1 920.61 970.52 514.33 077.42 762.64 219.45 171.65 783.45 658.15 146.45 456.8
IDN: Indonesia2 921.43 495.73 953.54 378.83 677.55 807.57 554.47 535.36 744.76 103.24 792.3
KAZ: Kazakhstan72.9101.5150.6244.9149.2258.3389.4340.0308.9257.0146.4
MYS: Malaysia3 560.83 900.34 741.35 722.74 238.35 984.96 338.46 651.95 888.06 019.94 561.7
MLT: Malta33.035.853.464.465.069.672.180.396.689.271.6
MAR: Morocco76.888.3105.5209.798.3129.6163.9143.1124.1130.1100.4
PER: Peru104.6143.8192.6237.4204.0272.1346.8379.5347.7300.1249.2
PHL: Philippines428.2576.7729.6763.2651.7872.7988.51 265.91 272.21 319.91 061.7
ROU: Romania60.667.5101.3141.9103.6126.0160.9167.5191.4198.9176.1
RUS: Russian Federation902.51 109.31 349.82 164.51 159.21 729.92 524.12 874.22 588.62 521.81 574.6
SAU: Saudi Arabia2 572.12 446.12 756.73 510.51 931.72 522.63 692.04 287.73 928.93 241.21 915.6
SGP: Singapore2 937.13 490.24 035.54 545.24 860.45 256.68 065.17 840.47 226.86 686.45 909.3
ZAF: South Africa1 292.51 401.71 456.81 448.41 019.71 615.11 530.41 466.81 206.01 114.21 069.6
TWN: Chinese TaipeiInformation on item2 555.32 720.13 216.13 095.82 476.33 226.83 647.23 632.53 514.63 541.13 261.1
THA: Thailand2 668.33 478.04 910.55 462.85 906.97 179.76 768.68 043.38 430.77 597.07 903.9
TUN: Tunisia25.926.138.357.740.187.672.958.653.350.139.8
VNM: Viet Nam2 004.72 439.82 318.92 514.01 600.42 321.22 363.52 513.32 674.32 860.62 186.9
ROW: Rest of the World11 172.113 810.816 691.821 575.518 185.322 633.231 699.033 245.131 669.526 567.322 074.5
APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationInformation on item661 291.3698 889.1854 166.7920 811.1884 927.51 109 215.61 339 010.21 422 424.01 362 449.21 307 618.31 131 040.0
ASEAN: Association of South East Asian NationsInformation on item15 138.018 179.321 388.924 220.321 367.828 363.533 233.134 865.133 029.331 362.026 853.3
EASIA: Eastern AsiaInformation on item33 287.037 330.245 634.452 715.747 971.161 631.173 906.782 920.279 052.678 956.673 569.3
EU15: European Union (15 countries)Information on item31 589.832 582.240 548.745 640.537 583.844 240.651 572.953 722.451 453.148 883.141 988.0
EU28: European Union (28 countries)Information on item32 771.333 836.042 399.947 896.239 401.846 428.554 487.456 602.954 436.351 847.744 674.8
EU13: EU28 excluding EU15Information on item1 181.51 253.81 851.22 255.71 818.02 187.92 914.62 880.52 983.22 964.62 686.9
EA19: Euro areaInformation on item21 693.822 184.428 307.332 690.927 394.831 635.336 623.837 815.036 352.334 719.129 389.0
EA12: Euro area (12 countries)Information on item21 458.621 898.027 901.432 171.826 985.431 136.935 981.337 141.435 634.534 005.728 760.2
ZNAM: North AmericaInformation on item23 396.625 614.430 984.435 575.228 387.534 157.341 744.246 147.342 117.540 439.237 814.3
G20: G20 countriesInformation on item680 010.4716 237.6875 935.8948 041.4904 739.01 131 119.51 367 420.31 452 211.01 390 517.41 333 757.91 153 686.4
ZEUR: EuropeInformation on item36 465.337 965.547 385.154 630.244 334.852 663.462 579.465 059.562 551.659 253.650 606.1
ZASI: East and South East AsiaInformation on item48 425.055 509.567 023.276 936.169 338.989 994.5107 139.8117 785.2112 081.9110 318.7100 422.6
ZSCA: South and Central AmericaInformation on item1 548.01 932.82 601.13 345.72 354.43 241.24 269.74 603.94 205.13 715.02 926.3
ZOTH: Other regions Information on item606 240.1636 993.9778 872.2836 899.1810 897.81 015 399.51 231 134.61 301 780.01 249 690.31 192 052.71 023 282.0
DXD: Domestic583 539.8611 706.1747 798.3799 246.9780 300.5975 525.81 179 108.41 246 509.01 196 704.91 146 328.4984 767.2
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 23:25 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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