This platform is switching off on July 3rd and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

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CountryInformation on item
MeasureInformation on item
UnitFull time equivalent
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
Sector of employmentOccupation
Hide subtree Total intramuralHide subtree Total R&D personnel44 532....51 25653 25960 07962 70265 926..69 048..79 510..86 882.9..90 691.51..91 583.4..95 620.6..107 209..116 194.2..126 701.8..137 488.7..............
Total R&D personnelResearchers24 208....
(s28 776
29 86635 02936 73040 012..43 176..52 157..56 872.8..61 040.76..62 864.5..66 001.4..73 173..81 191.5..87 201..92 648.8..............
Technicians12 006....
(s13 836
14 84816 22516 49016 757..16 538..17 787..
..................20 891.5..24 243.3..............
Other support staff8 317....
(s8 341
8 5448 8259 4819 156..9 336..9 565..
(o30 010.1
(o29 671.3
..................18 609.3..20 596.6..............
Total intramuralBusiness enterpriseHide subtree Total R&D personnel7 923....12 56314 78417 59218 73820 80320 63621 02521 29922 91923 74225 812.127 12326 412.124 77225 108.926 507.328 391.232 20935 93937 429.640 45843 686.546 461.7
(a50 896.1
53 885.757 93656 510.564 905.9..78 839.3....
Total R&D personnelResearchers3 472....
(s5 889
7 3979 21910 25411 87311 98712 60413 13713 94314 12114 902.615 58915 258.814 572.114 771.915 572.616 22117 78320 45121 634.722 772.823 793.924 770.9
(a26 102
27 721.229 509.127 990.232 439..39 064.9....
Technicians2 928....
(s4 451
5 1325 6085 7896 0085 7205 5965 1875 8356 2537 057.17 4437 4836 7777 096.67 545.58 132.110 21610 66810 347.111 870.813 676.614 821.5
(a16 452.7
17 200.718 766.219 087.521 513.7..26 546.7....
Other support staff1 523....
(s1 920
2 2552 7652 6952 9222 9292 8252 9753 1413 3673 852.44 0913 6813 4323 240.43 389.24 038.14 2094 8195 447.85 814.46 2166 869.3
(a8 341.3
8 963.89 660.79 432.810 953.2..13 227.7....
GovernmentHide subtree Total R&D personnel17 682....17 13717 51918 32518 62319 198..19 660..19 804..19 308.7..19 189.75..18 422.2..18 151.1..18 541..16 687.4..16 76017 042.217 042.2....16 688.916 380.5..14 715.3..
Total R&D personnelResearchers6 794....6 8917 0307 7437 4878 354..9 281..9 613..8 806.4..9 023.85..8 518.7..8 724.4..8 036..8 435..8 7218 284.88 284.8....8 454.18 311.4..7 637.2..
Technicians5 446....5 3705 6836 0695 9646 293..6 372..6 676..6 842.9..6 640.8..6 884.1..6 482..7 098..4 967.7..5 094.86 104.96 104.9....5 682.65 689.1..4 670.7..
Other support staff5 441....4 8764 8074 5135 1724 551..4 008..3 514..3 659.4..3 617.1..3 019.3..2 944.5..3 407..3 284.7..2 944.22 652.52 652.5....2 552.22 380..2 407.4..
Higher educationHide subtree Total R&D personnel18 239....20 84420 14323 21724 32324 902..27 081..35 418..40 096..42 738.56..45 501.5..46 286.93..49 612..55 203.9..58 905.2..61 773.2..69 392.3..74 669..78 038.1..
Total R&D personnelResearchers13 610....15 66215 06317 60418 47119 318..20 667..27 914..32 272..35 472.31..38 136.8..39 507.01..42 780..47 417.2..50 866.9..53 592..60 861.8..65 771.6..68 528.4..
Technicians3 438....3 7723 7444 2364 4104 117..4 166..4 858..
Other support staff1 191....1 4101 3361 3771 4411 467..2 249..2 646..
(o7 824
(o7 266
..................8 038.3..8 181.2..8 530.5..8 897.5..9 509.7..
Private non-profitHide subtree Total R&D personnel688....7128129451 0161 023..1 282..1 369..1 666.1..2 351.1..2 550.7..2 791.4..3 117..3 844.9..4 574.9..4 787.6....5 255.85 677.6..6 018.5..
Total R&D personnelResearchers332....334377463517467..624..687..891.8..1 285.8..1 437.1..1 549..1 906..2 566.5..2 842.2..3 050.8....3 220.93 416.1..3 800..
Technicians194....243288312326339..404..418..544.9..699.1..811.7..948.5..885..762..975.2..937.7....1 241.61 287..1 229.5..
Other support staff162....135147170173216..254..264..229.4..283.3..301.9..293.9..325..516.4..757.5..799.1....793.3974.5..989..
aBreak in series with previous year for which data is available
nIncluded elsewhere
oIncludes other classes
sUnrevised breakdown not adding to the revised total
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 21:12 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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