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CB: Current account, value-51 621 252 920.369-49 238 458 271.452-52 812 034 452.855
CBD: Current account, value in US$-39 330 726 659.381-35 998 287 959.828-38 610 933 216.008
EXCHUD: Exchange rate, local currency per US$1.3151.3681.368
FBGSD: Net exports of goods and services, US dollars-15 277 267 460.295-13 311 074 371.884-17 088 756 080.944
MGSD: Imports of goods and services, value, US dollars149 820 042 076.553158 918 781 280.728175 882 997 845.233
MSII: Factor income paid abroad, value, balance of payments basis52 687 074 306.08154 748 626 025.00156 750 000 000.000
MSIID: Factor income paid abroad, value in US$, BOP basis40 080 693 598.78640 026 777 324.90241 489 983 915.777
NTR: Net International Transfers, domestic currency-418 000 000.000-300 000 000.000-140 000 000.000
NTRD: Net International Transfers, US dollars-318 405 336.016-219 330 311.449-102 354 145.343
PMGSX: Price of non-commodity imports of goods and services0.8470.8500.860
PXCX: Competitors' price of non-commodity goods and services exports0.8710.9020.931
PXGSX: Price of non-commodity exports of goods and services1.1271.1541.178
RPMGS: Relative price of imported goods and services1.1271.0961.080
RPXGS: Relative price of exported goods and services1.2801.2951.283
XGSD: Exports of goods and services, value, US dollars134 542 774 616.258145 607 706 908.843158 794 241 764.289
XMKT: Export market for goods and services, volume, US dollars, 2000 prices113 138 396 860.565124 656 743 353.331137 106 961 092.008
XPERF: Export performance of goods and services, volume0.7910.7650.751
XSII: Factor income from abroad, value, balance of payments basis21 548 217 824.10324 512 867 141.28927 947 777 976.537
XSIID: Factor income from abroad, value in US$, BOP basis16 383 419 064.45917 921 382 615.36020 432 649 493.008
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 20:37 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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