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MeasureIncidenceIndicatorStageFuel Type
RAG Debt Claims in North Rhine WestphaliaInformation on itemCapitalProducer Support EstimateExtraction or mining stageCoalAnthracite
Coking coal
Other bituminous coal
Aid to Cover Revenue Losses in Certain Areas of North Rhine Westphalia and SaarlandInformation on itemOutput Returns
Coking Coal Aid in North Rhine Westphalia and SaarlandInformation on itemCoking coal
Re-Adaptation Aid Art. 56 ECSCInformation on itemLabourGeneral Services Support EstimateAnthracite
Coking coal
Other bituminous coal
Third Power Generation ActInformation on itemOutput ReturnsProducer Support EstimateAnthracite
Coking coal
Other bituminous coal
Fifth Power Generation ActInformation on itemAnthracite
Coking coal
Other bituminous coal
Rehabilitation of Lignite Mining Sites in East GermanyInformation on itemLand and natural resourcesGeneral Services Support EstimateLignite258 231 766254 944 653262 647 306246 738 012224 991 851242 451 043270 836 290265 630 190248 400 032248 400 032
Compensation for Mothballing and Closing of Lignite-fired Power PlantsInformation on itemEnterprise IncomeConsumer Support EstimateUse of fossil fuels in electricity generation
230 000 000230 000 000230 000 000230 000 000230 000 000
Grant programme for energy intensive fimsInformation on itemUse of fossil fuels in the industrial sectorNatural gas
2 593 118 592
Electricity-based support
1 227 876 383
Pump subsidies through a temporary rebateInformation on itemCost of Intermediate InputsProducer Support EstimateTransportation of fossil fuels (e.g., through pipelines)PetroleumMotor gasoline excl. biofuels
1 133 384 270
Gas/diesel oil excl. biofuels
2 306 615 730
As of 1st January 2023 Reform of housing benefit under the Housing Benefit Act. Introduction of climate and heating component in housing allowances. In 2022 introduced two heating cost payments with the Heating Cost Subsidy Act (Heizkostenzuschuss I und II) as one-off payments depending on household size (for example 415 Euros for single household introduced with the heating cost subsidy II).Information on itemDirect ConsumptionConsumer Support EstimateOther end uses of fossil fuelsNatural gas
931 000 000
Price cap on natural gas for heating purposesInformation on item
3 294 117 647
MMissing value; data cannot exist
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 20:27 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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