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Source industry
Exporting country
Exporting industry
UnitUS Dollar, Millions
Source country
WOR: World356 482.1360 178.5379 252.7442 225.9510 609.0534 846.0578 404.8657 594.0722 109.2578 611.5618 976.6708 048.9
OECD: OECD member countries340 485.7344 153.4363 630.7423 970.2487 993.9505 400.9541 165.6614 954.2669 865.7544 543.6575 047.0652 460.3
AUS: Australia380.7310.1336.6412.4526.8663.0747.5853.41 006.9560.8945.5958.1
AUT: Austria835.3918.01 029.71 122.61 214.61 316.41 454.91 768.31 756.61 326.11 533.81 712.0
BEL: Belgium3 130.93 101.63 319.13 969.64 585.24 629.55 406.26 262.56 833.84 969.15 070.25 785.6
CAN: Canada852.5869.9790.61 029.61 140.91 262.31 429.21 848.81 704.51 305.31 592.32 159.0
CHL: Chile273.1283.4246.3324.4561.2582.71 166.61 164.4808.1577.0637.8661.1
CZE: Czechia267.6336.8401.3442.4628.1814.11 013.31 191.71 261.1914.71 037.51 309.5
DNK: Denmark581.5588.9622.8731.9918.71 125.51 101.91 165.31 119.4778.7924.8988.5
EST: Estonia16.716.818.624.833.435.944.348.145.132.542.551.3
FIN: Finland643.3618.7691.2709.8773.1756.6902.7986.6910.0557.8763.3738.7
FRA: France275 334.6279 099.9296 081.2348 430.0397 151.2409 762.3433 960.2491 276.8543 859.0453 964.9472 452.2530 940.8
DEU: Germany11 988.012 228.413 578.815 685.318 486.619 946.021 404.826 323.726 791.518 755.821 632.025 611.3
GRC: Greece151.5169.1198.0237.6342.5364.4453.2463.9499.0324.8351.3408.9
HUN: Hungary267.3279.2341.2395.6489.9554.5628.4749.0768.1574.4646.8732.2
ISL: Iceland22.823.325.028.835.939.938.156.358.139.452.662.0
IRL: Ireland1 032.7980.71 156.01 349.41 494.91 647.81 550.62 040.61 885.71 672.51 663.51 902.5
ISR: IsraelInformation on item266.5239.8200.7211.3281.7310.3303.9391.4408.5320.0366.0466.5
ITA: Italy6 726.57 044.47 235.08 281.410 130.710 405.811 398.612 997.213 260.19 279.410 123.111 848.5
JPN: Japan4 043.23 293.03 196.53 578.14 419.54 378.94 219.84 692.44 614.03 133.73 826.14 110.5
KOR: Korea873.2981.2962.0859.51 433.21 581.81 972.11 931.61 733.41 437.21 532.71 761.7
LVA: Latvia14.118.417.620.927.335.239.451.861.343.147.262.0
LUX: Luxembourg341.4315.2366.3460.9564.6612.2679.4786.5841.0590.3712.0771.3
MEX: Mexico253.0260.6231.5250.6288.1349.0417.2535.0499.9303.6421.9614.6
NLD: Netherlands2 905.73 025.43 165.53 630.74 006.34 138.84 673.55 183.55 557.33 958.24 407.65 082.5
NZL: New Zealand38.240.139.949.959.278.178.0102.7103.776.499.5118.3
NOR: Norway2 756.92 295.12 172.72 527.53 397.64 254.94 766.35 302.16 571.53 693.13 940.05 572.4
POL: Poland503.2671.5709.0850.51 096.91 444.71 811.32 063.62 460.51 782.52 214.92 526.3
PRT: Portugal501.3546.9603.9750.4866.0847.9978.31 118.51 145.8910.61 010.81 209.5
SVK: Slovak Republic118.8120.4136.7184.9233.9286.4389.3564.6588.4473.7527.3602.9
SVN: Slovenia113.0117.2130.6138.1169.1224.8222.1267.9278.3200.1222.6257.0
ESP: Spain3 977.34 245.14 575.45 585.06 531.16 824.27 336.48 540.28 822.86 409.77 645.18 967.4
SWE: Sweden1 283.21 221.91 301.21 529.81 845.81 941.32 186.62 662.22 473.41 752.52 331.32 582.4
CHE: Switzerland1 923.11 876.12 176.52 244.82 627.92 895.93 134.63 752.54 161.93 411.43 811.64 630.4
TUR: Türkiye393.4447.3467.0557.1747.8805.81 013.81 183.71 226.4939.81 053.61 290.1
GBR: United Kingdom7 610.77 326.17 577.98 528.89 847.19 543.911 359.012 167.511 336.07 479.98 536.310 493.5
USA: United States10 064.710 243.09 528.38 835.711 037.310 940.212 884.514 459.914 414.311 994.612 871.015 471.4
NONOECD: Non-OECD economies and aggregates15 996.416 025.115 622.018 255.822 615.129 445.137 239.342 639.852 243.534 067.943 929.655 588.6
ARG: Argentina138.6146.5131.5132.2136.5141.1186.7187.9235.8163.3181.0237.0
BRA: Brazil634.8555.9485.6609.7708.3901.81 176.61 436.31 560.2925.71 415.11 780.0
BRN: Brunei Darussalam6.
BGR: Bulgaria46.147.450.964.183.363.7127.2136.7154.0122.1154.9236.3
KHM: Cambodia4.
CHN: China (People's Republic of)1 030.51 179.21 268.11 848.52 911.63 830.95 101.36 653.78 334.66 414.08 343.010 465.5
COL: Colombia82.475.570.288.2116.2131.5166.3179.0248.1198.7266.0423.6
CRI: Costa Rica20.737.425.116.920.823.725.933.330.525.227.431.7
HRV: Croatia34.598.759.534.242.348.971.471.071.857.458.7145.0
CYP: CyprusInformation on item11.711.710.712.927.333.638.557.023.617.019.323.5
HKG: Hong Kong, China189.4170.0167.8191.8260.5274.9295.4334.6321.6246.2305.5423.2
IND: India308.6327.1323.1451.7700.2948.81 278.51 532.32 007.61 373.32 085.42 730.2
IDN: Indonesia249.7262.8247.8308.3302.1338.3425.2451.4505.0396.4539.0755.5
LTU: Lithuania31.741.941.157.886.991.887.289.9186.4113.0126.2209.7
MYS: Malaysia356.4344.7320.0324.8423.2436.3488.1498.3514.8367.9492.4590.2
MLT: Malta21.120.219.719.126.432.044.351.755.849.247.344.7
MAR: Morocco264.6263.1310.9374.7437.6419.3464.8526.6580.0464.9679.2759.6
PER: Peru48.352.451.
PHL: Philippines96.288.581.979.397.6103.5145.6163.2177.1156.4185.7203.4
ROU: Romania141.7166.9192.1217.6301.7355.1450.7658.0826.4646.4694.2862.5
RUS: Russian Federation1 488.81 726.71 822.52 529.33 861.04 934.26 608.77 900.79 753.84 661.26 958.98 494.4
SAU: Saudi Arabia1 478.1953.41 053.61 185.01 795.02 399.12 615.12 224.32 802.81 502.21 989.03 203.7
SGP: Singapore435.4331.8343.1447.9528.3695.3709.0975.6669.9634.6909.51 120.7
ZAF: South Africa276.6279.2250.6303.9426.0471.1508.4602.8574.5387.1532.8569.1
TWN: Chinese TaipeiInformation on item767.4628.8587.1682.0783.4834.5947.91 014.4908.4706.1916.0953.1
THA: Thailand257.4257.6227.4264.5299.8344.7386.4476.3516.3411.3486.8570.8
TUN: Tunisia279.3332.5386.3408.4478.8569.4631.5869.0977.7681.1733.0909.0
VNM: Viet Nam76.289.380.387.099.7124.3156.9172.5196.2175.6202.7295.7
ROW: Rest of the World7 219.57 524.07 002.77 448.77 566.210 793.613 935.215 165.719 830.013 039.415 395.919 303.8
APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationInformation on item21 780.421 418.520 534.422 164.129 120.031 848.238 336.444 397.046 950.333 681.041 439.449 957.9
ASEAN: Association of South East Asian NationsInformation on item1 481.91 386.41 311.81 524.81 767.02 061.62 336.52 763.92 610.62 161.72 842.83 574.7
EASIA: Eastern AsiaInformation on item6 903.66 252.26 181.57 159.89 808.210 901.112 536.514 626.815 912.011 937.114 923.217 714.0
EU15: European Union (15 countries)Information on item317 043.8321 430.3341 502.1401 003.3458 758.3473 862.6504 845.9573 743.1627 091.7512 730.3539 157.6609 043.3
EU28: European Union (28 countries)Information on item318 631.4323 377.5343 631.0403 466.1462 004.7477 883.3509 813.3579 744.3633 872.4517 756.5544 996.9616 105.9
EU13: EU28 excluding EU15Information on item1 587.51 947.22 128.92 462.83 246.44 020.84 967.36 001.16 780.85 026.25 839.37 062.6
EA18: Euro area (18 countries)Information on item307 863.9312 598.1332 333.9390 613.4446 664.0461 899.8490 976.4558 789.4613 215.2503 534.9528 271.3596 020.3
EA12: Euro area (12 countries)Information on item307 568.5312 293.4332 000.1390 212.8446 146.7461 251.9490 198.6557 748.2612 162.8502 719.2527 365.1594 978.9
NAFTA: North American Free Trade AssociationInformation on item11 170.211 373.410 550.410 115.912 466.312 551.414 730.816 843.716 618.713 603.514 885.318 244.9
ZEUR: EuropeInformation on item324 823.0329 298.7349 827.7410 796.6471 927.1490 008.3524 361.0596 755.8654 417.8529 561.6559 760.0634 865.1
ZASI: East and South East AsiaInformation on item8 385.57 638.67 493.38 684.711 575.212 962.714 872.917 390.718 522.614 098.817 766.021 288.7
ZSCA: South and Central AmericaInformation on item1 197.81 151.11 010.01 225.61 621.11 865.12 863.33 151.93 032.12 002.62 685.53 341.7
ZOTH: Other regions Information on item10 905.510 716.610 371.411 403.113 019.217 458.621 576.823 451.929 518.019 345.023 879.930 308.5
DXD: Domestic275 334.6279 099.9296 081.2348 430.0397 151.2409 762.3433 960.2491 276.8543 859.0453 964.9472 452.2530 940.8
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 06:07 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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