This platform is switching off on July 3rd and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

If you need help to find the corresponding OECD Data Explorer dataset, please see this Excel file.


This dataset has been migrated to our new data dissemination platform OECD Data Explorer. You can now access it from here

CountryInformation on item
MeasureCurrent Value
UnitAustralian Dollar, Millions
Pension fund type and counterpart areaS1PW0: Total social insurance pension liabilities of domestic pension schemes (I=C to H)S1PW0: Total social insurance pension liabilities of domestic pension schemes (I=C to H)S14W0: Total social insurance pension entitlements of resident households (M=J+L)S14W0: Total social insurance pension entitlements of resident households (M=J+L)S14NRW2: Social insurance pension entitlements of non-resident households towards domestic pension schemes (K)
S12PW0: All private social insurance pension schemes (C=A+B)S12PW0: All private social insurance pension schemes (C=A+B)S13PW0: All public social insurance pension schemesS13PW0: All public social insurance pension schemesS14W1: Social insurance pension entitlements of resident households towards non-resident pension schemes (L)S14W2: Social insurance pension entitlements of resident households towards domestic pension schemes (J)
S12PCW0: Private defined contribution schemes (A)S12PBW0: Private defined benefit schemes & other non-defined contribution schemes (B)S13PCW0: Defined contribution schemes for general government employees (D)S12PBIW0: Defined benefit schemes for general government employees- administered by autonomous pension funds (E)S13PBIW0: Defined benefit schemes for general government employees - administered by general government - included in the core SNA accounts (F)S13PBXW0: Defined benefit schemes for general government employees - administered by general government - not included in the core SNA accounts (G)S13PSW0: Social security schemes (not included in the core SNA accounts) (H)
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TransactionInformation on table
PSLS_F63: Pension entitlements - opening balance sheet (incl. contingent pension entitlements) (1)2 149 1931 684 477..........464 716....2 155 5678 8112 146 7562 437
Hide subtree PSD8: Changes in pension entitlements due to social contributions & pension benefits (5=2+3-4)115 626
(U88 094
(U12 476
....100 856789100 067503
PSD8: Changes in pension entitlements due to social contributions & pension benefits (5=2+3-4)Hide subtree PSD61: Net social insurance pension contributions (2=2.1 to 2.5)192 150..........................
PSD61: Net social insurance pension contributions (2=2.1 to 2.5)PSD6111: Employers' actual pension contributions (2.1)97 281..........................
PSD6121: Employers' imputed pension contributions (2.2)............................
PSD6131: Households' actual pension contributions (2.3)21 418..........................
PSD6141: Households' pension contribution supplements (2.4)101 278..........................
PSD61SC: Less: Pension scheme service charges (2.5)27 827..........................
PSD619: Other (actuarial) changes of pension entitlements in social security pension schemes (3)............................
PSD62: Social insurance pension benefits (4)76 524..........................
PSD81: Transfers of pension entitlements between schemes (6)............................
PSD82: Changes in entitlements due to negotiated changes in scheme structure (7)............................
PSK7: Changes in entitlements due to revaluations (8)157 44958 004..........114 501....
(U171 962
-864172 826-321
PSK5: Changes in entitlements due to other changes in volume (9)............................
PSLE_F63: Pension entitlements - closing balance sheet (incl. contingent pension entitlements) (10=1+ 5 to 9)2 422 2681 830 575..........591 693....2 428 3858 7362 419 6492 619
PSLE_F_NG: Memorandum item: Non-financial and financial assets held by schemes at the closing balance sheet date (11)1 848 083..........................
ULow reliability
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 19:21 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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