This platform is switching off on July 3rd and we invite you to use the new OECD Data Explorer.

The legacy APIs can also be reached until July 3rd but data are not updated.

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MeasureCurrent prices
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Hide subtree N: Non-financial assets..................
N: Non-financial assetsHide subtree N1: Produced assets..................
N1: Produced assetsHide subtree N11: Fixed assets896 085.1939 749.1995 269.21 045 895.71 083 591.11 123 033.01 167 096.91 213 420.8..
N11: Fixed assetsHide subtree N111: Tangible fixed assets885 503.4928 623.3983 629.61 033 644.01 070 868.91 109 904.01 152 661.91 198 147.7..
N111: Tangible fixed assetsN1111: Dwellings323 009.6338 895.6358 870.9376 831.1390 063.4404 641.5421 608.0438 749.9..
Hide subtree N1112: Buildings other than dwellings428 386.4451 358.3481 264.1509 411.3530 687.0551 157.0571 961.7594 988.5..
N1112: Buildings other than dwellingsN11121: Non-residential buildings..................
N11122: Other structures..................
N1113: Machinery and equipment and weapon system132 932.5137 122.2142 209.6146 128.4148 818.9152 730.8157 678.4162 983.5..
N1114: Cultivated biological resources1 174.81 247.11 285.01 273.21 299.61 374.81 413.81 425.8..
Hide subtree N112: Intellectual property product10 581.711 125.911 639.512 251.712 722.213 128.914 435.015 273.1..
N112: Intellectual property productN1121: Mineral exploration and evaluation..................
N1122: Computer software and database..................
N1123: Entertainment, literary or artistic originals..................
N1129: Other Intellectual property product..................
N12: Inventories..................
N13: Valuables..................
Hide subtree N2: Non-produced non-financial assets..................
N2: Non-produced non-financial assetsHide subtree N21: Natural resources..................
N21: Natural resourcesN211: Land..................
N212: Mineral and energy reserves..................
N213_N214: Non-cultivated biological resources and Water resources..................
N22: Intangible non-produced assets..................
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 21:01 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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