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Reporting countryInformation on item
Type of FDI
CurrencyInformation on item
UnitAustralian Dollar, Millions
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
IndustryInformation on table
0595: AGRICULTURE AND FISHING1 357.01 078.0901.0797.0697.0740.0691.0657.0624.01 239.0..
Hide subtree 1495: MINING AND QUARRYING46 707.048 810.063 463.081 370.0105 939.0123 401.0142 519.0147 698.0176 724.0206 402.0..
1100: Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas; service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction, excluding surveying......................
Hide subtree 3995: MANUFACTURING
130 129.054 497.059 582.068 572.069 611.081 341.083 993.090 266.089 663.0..
1605: Food products......................
Hide subtree 2295: Total (1805 + 2205)......................
1805: Textiles and wearing apparel......................
2205: Wood,publishing and printing......................
Hide subtree 2595: Total (2300 + 2400 + 2500)......................
2300: Refined petroleum & other treatments......................
Hide subtree 2400: Chemical products......................
2423: Pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products......................
2500: Rubber and plastic products......................
Hide subtree 2995: Total (2805 + 2900)......................
2805: Metal products......................
2900: Mechanical products......................
Hide subtree 3295: Total (3000 + 3200)......................
3000: Office machinery and computers......................
3200: Radio,TV,communication equipments......................
3300: Medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks......................
Hide subtree 3595: Total (3400 + 3500)......................
3400: Motor vehicles......................
Hide subtree 3500: Other transport equipments......................
3530: Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft......................
4195: ELECTRICITY,GAS AND WATER9 070.07 860.08 488.08 192.09 292.07 581.09 060.09 750.09 217.011 630.0..
4500: CONSTRUCTION5 420.05 539.06 516.07 214.021 771.015 410.017 370.017 073.014 266.014 903.0..
Hide subtree 5095: TOTAL SERVICES..132 600.0144 081.0157 793.0165 647.0159 152.0173 252.0192 160.0198 912.0208 288.0..
Hide subtree 5295: TRADE AND REPAIRS41 452.045 773.048 433.052 322.030 126.031 867.037 617.046 269.051 918.054 913.0..
5000: Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles; retail sale of automotive fuel......................
5100: Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motor cycles......................
5200: Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motor cycles; repair of personal and household goods......................
5500: HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS3 214.02 004.01 322.01 032.04 951.05 082.05 390.05 859.06 415.06 210.0..
Hide subtree 6495: TRANSPORTS, STORAGE AND COMMUNICATION26 301.025 887.027 158.029 603.056 743.048 109.046 380.041 435.042 140.041 563.0..
Hide subtree 6395: Transport and storage......................
6000: Land transport......................
6100: Water transport......................
6110: Sea and coastal water transport......................
6200: Air transport......................
6300: Supporting and auxiliary transport activities; activities of travel agencies......................
Hide subtree 6400: Post and telecommunications......................
6410: Post and courier activities......................
6420: Telecommunications......................
Hide subtree 6895: FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION33 765.036 892.044 949.051 090.054 843.052 858.060 810.070 791.064 062.069 137.0..
Hide subtree 6500: Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding......................
6510: Monetary intermediation......................
Hide subtree 6520: Other financial intermediation......................
6524: Financial holding companies......................
6600: Insurance and pension funding......................
6700: Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation......................
Hide subtree 7395: REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES20 324.019 487.019 883.021 106.017 174.018 506.019 529.024 289.030 479.032 105.0..
7000: Real estate......................
7100: Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods......................
7200: Computer activities......................
7300: Research and development......................
Hide subtree 7400: Other business activities......................
Hide subtree 7410: Legal, accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy; market research and public opinion polling; business and management consulta......................
7415: Management holding companies......................
7440: Advertising......................
Hide subtree 9995: OTHER SERVICES2 597.02 556.02 336.02 640.01 811.02 730.03 525.03 518.03 899.04 361.0..
9200: Recreational, cultural and sporting activities........616.0
9996D: Unallocated75 580.012 097.013 085.014 765.024 979.020 077.016 950.021 221.016 091.017 501.0..
9997: SUB-TOTAL........396 897.0395 972.0441 183.0472 552.0506 100.0549 626.0..
9998: Private purchases and sales of real estate......................
9999: TOTAL 265 787.0338 113.0291 031.0329 713.0396 897.0395 972.0441 183.0472 552.0506 100.0549 626.0..
0100: PRIMARY SECTOR48 064.049 888.064 364.082 167.0106 636.0124 141.0143 210.0148 355.0177 348.0207 641.0..
CNon-publishable and confidential value
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 08:09 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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