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UnitAzerbaijanian Manat
MeasureIncidenceIndicatorStageFuel Type
State budget transfer to Azerenerji to cover accumulated losses and debtsInformation on itemEnterprise IncomeConsumer Support EstimateUse of fossil fuels in electricity generationNatural gas72 000 0000234 676 976114 515 000107 046300 088 6400147 000 000164 640 000184 396 800
State budget transfers to Azeristilik to cover deficits due to providing services below costsInformation on item20 843 610022 614 7540033 000 00016 500 00032 999 99836 960 00041 395 200
State budget transfers to SOCAR to cover losses of AzerGasInformation on itemProducer Support EstimateExtraction or mining stagePetroleumCrude oil
376 551 136390 296 12817 487 76417 558 39017 558 390
Natural gas
586 648 896680 303 80834 012 23633 941 61233 941 612
Financial transfers from SOFAZ to energy projectsInformation on itemCapitalTransportation of fossil fuels (e.g., through pipelines)PetroleumCrude oil
Natural gas
1 822 800 0000000
State budget transfers to cover internally displaced persons utility expendituresInformation on itemDirect ConsumptionConsumer Support EstimateOther end uses of fossil fuelsElectricity-based support198 648 0160211 953 9680
229 058 112248 480 48016 219 74917 448 83418 666 810
State budget transfers to meet needs of farmers in diesel and engine lubricantsInformation on itemPetroleumGas/diesel oil excl. biofuels
State programme to support electricity consumption of households to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemicInformation on itemElectricity-based support
9 491 894
MMissing value; data cannot exist
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 15:17 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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