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This dataset is an archive of the Simplified non-financial accounts dataset as of the 27th June of 2019, prior to the 2019 benchmark revisions. As it may happen that countries only cover results for a limited time period when first publishing the results of their benchmark revision, this dataset provides users with longer time series based on the methodology as used before the benchmark revision. In general, longer historical time series become available after a certain amount of time.

CountryInformation on item
MeasureCurrent prices
UnitAustralian Dollar, Millions
TransactionInformation on item
SNF: Simplified non-financial accountsSNF1: Generation of income accountSB1G: Value added; gross1 211 2721 323 7571 406 7891 440 0401 494 4171 515 6681 545 5321 644 5611 723 090..
SD1P: Compensation of employees; paid614 167669 801715 652739 661765 782788 124813 328833 249870 886..
SD2P: Taxes on production and imports; paid145 159152 722157 213170 957182 677182 734194 330201 377209 187..
SD3R: Subsidies; received16 73717 48618 94822 62224 51822 03722 26222 67922 705..
Hide subtree SB2G_B3G: Operating surplus and mixed income; gross558 622611 585645 541648 311674 589675 571676 941752 565791 389..
SB2G_B3G: Operating surplus and mixed income; grossSB3G: Mixed income; gross108 563116 429117 493118 093124 814141 523143 173155 360157 527..
SNF2: Distribution of income accountSD1R: Compensation of employees; received612 432667 058712 331735 752761 990784 119809 220828 440865 325..
SD2R: Taxes on production and imports; received145 159152 722157 213170 957182 677182 734194 330201 377209 187..
SD3P: Subsidies; paid16 73717 48618 94822 62224 51822 03722 26222 67922 705..
SD4R: Property income; received353 214406 010415 666393 345398 794408 815399 957406 541424 153..
SD5R: Current taxes on income; wealth; etc.; received192 832215 234234 096239 095248 785263 622270 854288 913320 178..
SD61R_D62R: Social contributions and benefits other than social transfers in kind; rec.108 330115 293122 940127 744136 022139 726141 647139 726140 733..
SD7R: Other current transfers; received129 794142 083144 988147 985155 511166 857171 722179 719184 596..
SD4P: Property income; paid402 028460 131457 949427 648436 832438 018435 801449 722477 658..
SD5P: Current taxes on income; wealth; etc.; paid192 060214 274233 117238 274247 967263 085270 438288 730319 277..
SD61P_D62P: Social contributions and benefits other than social transfers in kind; paid107 318114 382122 906128 130135 954139 459141 485140 027140 781..
SD7P: Other current transfers; paid129 132138 136144 523147 019154 901164 566168 866176 361181 148..
SB6N: Net national disposable income1 032 9331 130 6881 214 7431 245 1901 286 1761 302 4781 318 7091 403 9241 466 285..
SNF3: Use of disposable income accountSP3P: Final consumption expenditure965 2171 027 4271 087 1981 127 6531 177 8281 222 6011 277 5631 329 2891 390 758..
SB8N: Saving; net67 716103 261127 545117 537108 34879 87741 14674 63575 528..
SNF4: Capital accountSK1R: Consumption of fixed capital216 429226 953237 048250 626268 390286 924302 801310 831322 128..
SD9R: Capital transfers; received15 17413 56612 06410 2309 6608 9419 3909 9809 838..
SD9P: Capital transfers; paid15 45413 85312 44710 58810 0619 47110 08710 56010 688..
Hide subtree SP5P: Gross capital formation349 390375 507415 988428 565427 537426 561422 548424 371449 538..
SP5P: Gross capital formationSP51P: Gross fixed capital formation352 562369 114411 296427 996429 754425 485421 390422 428446 596..
SP52P: Change in inventories-3 1726 3934 692569-2 2171 0761 1581 9432 942..
SK2P: Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets4292594-44-12-27-141-160..
SB9: Net lending - net borrowing-65 531-45 614-51 804-60 856-51 153-60 280-79 273-39 345-54 240..
B1_GE: Gross domestic product (expenditure approach)1 301 2111 416 6221 499 4581 536 3071 598 5301 624 3921 662 3371 764 5121 847 675
(E1 938 750
EEstimated value
Data extracted on 02 Jul 2024 18:02 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat


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